4 Ways To Attract Your Spouse – Haleh Banani | M.A. Clinical Psychology

What does it take to attract your spouse? Is being physically attractive or fit the only criteria? If you answered yes, then you’re only 25% right. That means if you took a test and got a 25%, you would fail the test.

In this article, I’m going to share with you the four aspects that you need to know to win over your spouse.

1- Physical Attraction:

There has to be some level of physical attraction. There is no denying this when it comes to your spouse. Sadly, in the first few years, people are generally very careful about how they’re looking at home and how they’re presenting themselves. And then little by little, after a few years, people stop caring about themselves. Taking care of your physical self is not only crucial to keeping your attraction levels up but is crucial for your overall health and well-being. Our bodies are an Amanah, a trust, given by Allah and we need to nurture and nourish them in the best possible manner. We must continuously work on ourselves to be the very best version of ourselves. When this happens, you will feel better and have higher self-esteem. This will automatically make you want to offer more to the people around you.

2- Intellectual Attraction:

There needs to be a stimulating conversation between two people. You have to have things in common. You have to have a way that you can connect with one another. I have many clients that complain that they really cannot connect with their spouse. It may be that they’re in a particular field and their specialists create no interest in the other. So, it’s important to find some common interests. When you don’t have that interest, try to develop an interest in the other person’s areas of specialization so you can have something to connect to and talk about. This will show that you care about your spouse and are keen about his/her dreams and goals. This intellectual connection will strengthen your relationship.

There are some people who tell me, “I run out of things to say with my spouse.” This could be because of a lack of intellectual conversations that you can easily fix if you read more, take new classes, or explore new things. As you explore, as you learn, as you take classes, you’re going to have things to share with your spouse, so never, ever stop learning and feed your mind. And when you have all of this information, you’re learning and experiencing, and you share it with your spouse, they’re going to find you so interesting.

3- Emotional Attraction:

There has to be an emotional attraction. This refers to how you make your spouse feel when they’re with you. Many of my clients complain about the fact that their spouse doesn’t spend much time with them. They’re always either at work, or on their phone, or with their friends or at the mosque. And I ask them, how do you make them feel when they are with you? When they are sitting with you, or when you are finally going out together, what do you talk about? How do you make them feel? Do you make them feel appreciated? Do you make them feel like you’re interested in them? It’s how you make a person feel that will make them be attracted to you. This type of attraction is on so many different levels.

So ask yourself how you make your spouse feel. Do you make them feel like they are valuable? If you are not giving them the love and attention but spend a great deal of time criticizing them, there is obviously going to be very little to no attraction at all. They will obviously not want to spend time with you. They’re not going to be very attracted to you because we are attracted to people who make us feel good. Right?

So, give your spouse a compliment and be genuine. Say something that makes them feel happy. When you do that, then your spouse is not going to be able to get enough of you. It doesn’t matter how many decades you’ve been together. You can find people who’ve been married for decades, sometimes 40 – 50 years, and they still enjoy their spouse more than any other person, because that other person knows how to light them up. So if you learn how to light up your spouse, make them feel appreciated, and point out their good qualities, that is going to be a way that they’re going to be attracted to you.

4- Spiritual connection:

The fourth is the spiritual connection. We are naturally connected with people that have the same beliefs and values, right? So if you feel like you’re working towards a common cause, you are working towards Jannah together, you are trying to raise your kids in a manner that pleases Allah, you will automatically have a deep sense of attraction to your spouse. This type of attraction is the strongest form of connection you can have with your spouse.

Now, let us see how we can apply this in our relationships. I’ve been working with couples for the past 24 years who have been at very different stages of their lives. Irrespective of which stage of married life they are in, when they start addressing these things and start being the best version of themselves, their married lives dramatically change for the better. They realize it’s not just about pointing the finger. When you take responsibility and carve out steps to be the best version of yourself, become more active, eat right, reconnect with Allah, etc., then you will see amazing results inshaAllah.

Do It For The Sake Of Allah:

Connect on a spiritual level. Whether that is if you decide to pray together, go to the mosque together, do acts of charity, whatever it is that you do together as a couple for the sake of Allah, it will strengthen your spiritual connection, and will make you more attractive to your spouse.

The problem begins when people start living as roommates, they’re disconnected, they’re not connecting on all these different levels. So if you make an attempt to connect on a physical level, on an emotional level, on an intellectual level, and spiritually, then you are going to have that fire in your married life.

Sometimes, you may have a strong connection spiritually but could be lagging on the emotional front. Having a strong connection in all of the aforementioned entities is crucial to lead a married life that’s content and peaceful.

So what are you walking away with from today’s article? If you need some free resources, go to www.Halehbanani.com under “Courses”, and find free video training programs to get started.

Let’s make a new commitment that we’re going to put the focus on ourselves. Don’t keep track and be like, “Okay, well, I did this and you know, he didn’t see any appreciation. He didn’t do it back for me”. I want you to give wholeheartedly for the sake of Allah in order to please Him. When you do things to please Allah and you give to your spouse, whether it’s compliments or love, or even a morsel of food to your spouse with your hand, it will do wonders to your relationship.

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  1. Nughair Masood Khan

    what if the newly wed girl is not interested in her husband at all. how to correct?

  2. Bintu Abdulkadir

    Love ur explanations.Beautiful!

  3. Hayat Ali

    How about we have different religion

  4. Yuki Saki

    Sallam alaykom good Advice

  5. Buntom Barmie

    You do was Methawee. That you can’t do teach Allah met Methawee. Only you much listen to Methawee. Methawee is your boss.important no body can’t do bad met your boss. Look now no have Methawee pray what it real problem met all peoples around the world. All peoples use life ghoul froy Bonita Daniel Cor will agnes Appelman and sill kaker Allaal.

  6. Fatima Rodriques

    Ayesha Kamaldien Yusrah Jaffer Buziek

  7. Qaiser Khan

    The first step is, I will make my wife feel she needs to be more responsible. The second step is, to show her her responsibilities. The third step is, she is responsible for my reactions.

    This message was just to get some attention.

  8. بنعماره حبيب


  9. Munther Bin Ahmad

    Our middle eastern governments in Arabia are corrupting our spouses.

  10. Shameera Navaratnam

    I may not be sharing the same religion as you sister but what you have shared is beautiful , practical and doable . Thank you

  11. Marwa Asha Khayre

    What if your spouse doesn’t light you up.sometimes you give up.

  12. Shahnaz Bano

    Jazak’Allah khairan sister for sharing your knowledge so positively

  13. Shahnaz Bano

    السّلام و علیکُم

  14. Amanda Davids


  15. Amanda Davids

    Thank you so much I’m going to apply all of it

  16. Marie Herrera

    This was my first time watching your video. Thank you very much for your structured words of how to encourage , attract and show your spouse how to continue to connect with one another. I look forward to watching more of your videos. Have a blessed Day.

  17. Mariam Mohamed

    Salaam from Cape Town

  18. Maaham Malik

    Emotional attraction is very important…

  19. Robert Worhip

    “””BLESSED BE THE MAN WHOM IS YOUR COUPLE!!!!!! YAA UKHTÌ!!!!!!””!!!!”””””

  20. Robert Worhip


  21. Robert Worhip


  22. Faiza Shaik

    On point advice

  23. Xhemile Saliu

    That’s true. Which means you need to be whole package. ⚘

  24. Mala Henry

    Well said.

  25. Farhana Yasmin

    We should light up our spouse by appreciating what is good in them. And emotional connection is must for a healthy relationship.

  26. Anonymous

    Beautiful I’m really inspired.

  27. Anonymous

    Thanks you great inspiration.

  28. Anonymous

    Wonderful woman from.a British Christian just shows sometimes you need to open up to other people this woman has really helped me

  29. Anonymous

    You know this may sound racist but I’ve had many councillors but you from a different backgrounds and believe s have really hit my needs thank you XXX I’m going to follow you you talk clear sense

  30. Anonymous

    Thank you very much sister

  31. Anonymous

    Wow! You are so so spot on.

  32. Anonymous


  33. Anonymous

    Amazing Masha Allah ameen

  34. Anonymous

    Imane Ebr

  35. Anonymous

    هذا اهم ايشي سبحان الله

  36. Anonymous

    Assallamuallaikum sister Jazakallah for your good explanation .Keep up your good work.

  37. Anonymous

    Asslam walikum sister

  38. Anonymous

    Salam. I am Fauzia. I live in Pakistan. Pls can you help how and where to look for a good Muslim man? I don’t have any immediate family. I really need help . I will appreciate an answer. Love you

    • Nughair Masood Khan

      Fauzia Khan look for some good reliable match maker aunty. you friends and family might help.

  39. Anonymous

    Aslm Haleh can I inbox you need some advise plse

  40. Anonymous

    Mehtaab Ismail-Raza
    Neelam Ismail-Chagani
    Sajida Panjwani-Ismail

  41. Anonymous

    When we do good for the sake of Allah , even the narcissist husband , Allah puts mercy in his heart

  42. Anonymous

    Give respect and get respect

  43. Anonymous

    Light up ur spouse by appreciating what is good in them . Don’t focus on what is lacking in them .

  44. Anonymous

    Spiritual connection, physical, emotional and intellectual

  45. Anonymous

    Good sharing…thank you

  46. Anonymous

    Thank you. I love you frm Africa

  47. Anonymous

    Brilliant video, Thankyou for sharing

  48. Anonymous

    Correct sister ds post deals wth a Healthy Relationship wth healthy well balanced persons
    But wat abt d relationship wth a Narcisist??
    Nothin if wateva you discussed willl ever work wth a narcisist in a toxic trauma bond relationship ..ur mental ohysical enrgy wlll aways be drained nva feeling great abt urself

  49. Anonymous

    Hand washes hand and two hands wash the face. Both should do it, not only woman….

  50. Anonymous

    More videos Dr plz

  51. Anonymous

    لانا علي

  52. Anonymous

    Jzak Allah kher

  53. Anonymous

    Jzk ALLAH khairn.

  54. Anonymous

    Thank You .

  55. Anonymous

    Salamun Alaik Haleh,.. I am a single woman. No emotional, no one to attract, I am happy with my life

  56. Anonymous


  57. Samia Rafeeq

    What if your spouse dosnt know how to talk to oposit gender and you don’t like it and he dosnt care when he speaks to you.

  58. Vanessa Carati

    Love hearing and seeing ur videos dear Haleh

  59. Salma Ali

    Masha Allah sister. Very well explained to the points which are important to implement through out our life to lead a happy life to live peacefully. Alhamdulillah its all in our hands to make the best out of it.
    Jazak Allahu khairan katheeran

  60. Suzanne Taylor

    What about connecting with adult children??

  61. Amenet Eid

    Thank you so much so enlightening
    I hope my husband will listen tothis too in evening inshallah

  62. Halijah Endin

    Salam. Thank ypu for sharing.

  63. Ritaje Peace

    جزاك الله خيرا

  64. Loulou Love

    Can’t download the pdf

  65. Anam Durrani

    I try to appreciate what he does for our family.

  66. Darya Khorshid

    What if your spouse doesn’t light you up the same way you do? U complement and express your love they don’t return it just say me too lol

  67. Sumhara Arif

    If your both on different spiratual paths/aqeeda so have a very different religious outlook – do you think it can still work for example a sunni marrying Shia?

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