A Cancer In Your Marriage – Haleh Banani | M.A. Clinical Psychology

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  1. UM Gamini

    I. Say. You. Marred. Not. Pepole. Marred. Me. Madam. This. My. Last. Talk. Eat. Your. Like. Do. I. Have. No. Problem. She. Like. Me. She. Won’t. Come. Speak. Me. She. Not. Come. How. I. No. She. Love. Me. Madam. Don’t. Come. Ask. Me. Again. Ok

  2. UM Gamini

    Madam you. Won’t. Eat. You. Can. I. Have. No. Problem. Before. I. Tell. This. My. Job. This. I. Stop. After. My. Marred. Before. Marred. No. Stop. No. Problem. Your. Not. Think. Sea. Have. More. Fish.. But. I. Take. Only. Fish. Not. All. Fish. Your. Won’t. Eat. You. Can. No. Problem. I. Like. Your. Like. Eat. I. Like

  3. UM Gamini

    You. Not. Come. To. Speak. Me. This. All. Problem. Make. You

  4. UM Gamini

    Madam. My. Words. Is. Words

  5. Farjana Alam

    I wish I heard that before starting marriage then we would be a happy couple

  6. Farzana Laher

    make dua for us we so guilty of these bad traits

  7. Hossain D

    In this digital era, it’s frightening!
    The Devil will lead you to step by step slowly, and the spoiling might be anybody of any age, not only teens.
    To rehabilitate the generation, too many institutions that will be serving real God-consciousness are required before getting too delayed.

    Thanks, dear sister for this post. May Allah protect us, Ameen!

  8. Jarna Hall

    agree dear sister
    It can easily be slippery slopes.
    If want is not careful
    In gender interactions

  9. Nida Khan

    Assalam walaikum

  10. Atasha Umar

    Jazaayee Khair.

  11. Atasha Umar

    How true is that..!!!!

  12. Atasha Umar

    Can clearly hear you

  13. Md Kalam


  14. Edina Habul Zukic

    Assalamu alaykum minal Bosna wel Herseg

  15. Valerie Haley

    My main question or words are my marriage is cancer and my x is a narcissist

    • Sadia Khan

      My husband is also narcissistic

  16. Zohra Mirza

    sister halel we can’t hear you

  17. Zohra Mirza

    asalamu’alaikum beautiful sister

  18. Munirat Atahiru

    Asalamu alaykum warahmatullaah wabarakatuh sist

  19. Al Afiyah Nur

    السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته

    Listen from Mauritius .
    جزاك الله خيرا

  20. Abid Shaib

    Assalamo alikum Respected sister
    It is a humble request that put forward my Quran Academy ad to those new Muslims in your locality who want to learn Holy Quran. I am gonna be your indebted for this sincere help in arranging such students for me. Thanks a million. +92 345-9660057
    FDC MRF College PAC Kamra Attock

  21. Talib Ali


  22. Hayat Dachra

    Much love from Casablanca/Morocco

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