Are you married to a narcissist? Here is what you can do about it. – Haleh Banani | M.A. Clinical Psychology

Are you married to a narcissist? Here is what you can do about it.

by | Sep 20, 2021 | Relationship & Marriage Advice, VIOLENCE AND ABUSE | 114 comments

Are you married to a narcissist? Here is what you can do about it. No sound until 3:10 Please forward. Start Saving Your Marriage Today, Download the free PDF: <>

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  1. Redouan Boukhari Filali

    Do you fight with ur husband…..How do you deal with it Mrs…..Pls….let us know

  2. Halima Hoosein

    Yes that’s what i went through with my cheating husband

  3. Fateha Begum

    Yes, all these characteristics are in my husband, I didn’t even know.
    Blames me for everything wrong actions he does, even cheating and now saying its was of me.
    Does not me to go to my parents house or any family.
    Always uses me and also shows really nice outside with his friends and family.
    It’s so hard to cope now. I just don’t understand, I just want to get out of this marriage. Always puts me down

  4. Mirna Itani

    Love this it’s so true

  5. Farzana Kausar

    Its very difficult when there are children involved

  6. Farzana Kausar

    Yes my husband has characteristics of narcissism and is making my life very miserable.

  7. Jing Armin

    Narcissist are evil people and they are everywhere..
    Sometimes in our Family circle, friends, work and church. They are everywhere..

  8. Ruksan Ara

    Living with someone like that can drain you down all the way. It’s not easy, everyday you will have go through a fear on what to say how to be, which is not healthy at all. Even though I thought I was very strong and thought I can deal with it, that person needs my care but after few years it was impossible to living with someone like that under the same roof. Alhumdulillah for that decision and take action on it.

  9. Humera Arshad

    You got it dot on!

  10. Maryam Adam

    Raised by narcissist and married to narcissist for 22yrs

  11. Ifath Sultan

    My husband plays mainuplator and victim at the same time.

  12. Umm Ayoub Ayoub

    Nor El Houda Kehila listen to this.

  13. Asra Syed

    Yes I do feel my husband have some of this characteristics.

  14. Noreen Khan

    I suffered for a long time through domestic volice he broke my arm when I was pregnant…he made me suffered and controlled.

  15. Amina Afrah

    I am married to one

  16. Farah Farah

    Can they recover ?

  17. Mekia Ali

    Yes, I figured that out too late.

  18. Leah Friesen

    My ex-husband was a narcissist

  19. Ansa Rukin Din

    Subhan Allah been through this and Alhamdulillah to be out of it.

  20. Fatima Tariq

    How can i build strong self respect inthat situation

  21. Fatima Tariq

    So is my case ARKhan

  22. Faiza Amjad

    Yes going through

  23. Faiza Amjad

    Very beneficial Jzkl

  24. Rukhsana Rishi

    He was ,thanks he is no more in my life.

  25. Rasha Abutalib

    They won’t let you live in peace they will hurt you

  26. Rasha Abutalib

    No once they feel you are aware and trusting yourself they will run away

  27. Tamee Hicheri

    Yes gas lighting omg yes isolated

    • Mercy Katawola

      That is stone walling, it’s part of emotional abuse, affection abandonment

  28. Anna Ameenah Nungu

    I believe I m in a narcissistic realationship n m struggling to cum out of it cos bek then I had hope he wud change n years went by bt nothing changed I tried leaving n came bek many tyms …I left once again this tym my support system is low cos of the many tyms I went bek after leaving…I personally feel people DNT have the knowledge of these types of disorders n end up making us feel like suspects that’s wat makes us feel weak n low hence we get stuck we end up believing that we belong in that situation n it will never change….right now I m living with my kids n it is just the first month people like my husband can n will even use the kids as a weapon to put me down…I fear for my life n kids as they’re unpredictable bt more I fear for my sanity…I believe in myself now n hoping n praying all goes well

  29. Barea Fawaz

    Either there way or the highway with everything

  30. Jameelah Chandra Craft

    I believe I’ve been in a narcissistic abusive relationship for the past 2 years

  31. Farwa Farid

    Oo all n all my ex

    • Mercy Katawola

      It doesn’t get better.

  32. Bineta Fall

    Wow everything you said is on point!

  33. Bineta Fall

    Yep totally

  34. Al Muharib

    Why do they think they will get away with it? Sister you can’t live normal with a narcissist. They mess with you and try to their minds. No human should stay with a man like that. Most narcissistic relationship are abusive.

    • Anne Nurdiani

      Al Muharib logically they know it but some might stay for kids or financial reason as everyone have a different level of personal strength.

      • Al Muharib

        Anne Nurdiani I know this- women don’t use logical when they stay. It’s trauma bonding. I know I know very well.

        • Anne Nurdiani

          Al Muharib another example my friend married a convert, divorce then the court put the kids with the father because the mom financially not capable then the father turn to be not muslim anymore so the kids raised as a non nuslim.. if she stay she might safe the kids from becoming a non muslim brcause she will raise and watch them

          • Al Muharib

            Anne Nurdiani I don’t think you’re with a narcissist at all. If you feel well and mentally emotionally well, you won’t be with a narcissist. I was talking from experience so don’t tell me I don’t know. You do what you want. But you aren’t with a narcissist!

  35. Al Muharib

    Neglect you don’t acknowledge you ignoring

  36. Al Muharib

    Gaslight manipulated stonewalling cheating

  37. Seema Samie

    Please check no sound

  38. Dina Hero

    Sister there is no sound.

  39. Wasiela Dollie

    Assalamu Alaikum so true they blame and shame others.

  40. Gamila Toni

    I was briefly married to a narcissist. No matter now soft spoken and patient with him, he would always find ways to reflect thing on me.

  41. Lena Hansraj

    Why no sound sister

  42. Sihat M

    *religious even

  43. Saima Cheema

    Can’t hear

  44. Tasneem G Khan

    Start from minute 310….

  45. Hauwa Baba Idris

    Sister Haleh isn’t reading comments, there’s no sound

  46. Saima Rizwan

    Can’t hear you

  47. Shari Cherri

    You need start from the beginning.

  48. Shari Cherri

    Assalaamu’alaikum sister. I can’t hear anything. There’s no sound.

  49. Noorah Riyadh

    Sandra Draskovic

  50. Rasha Abutalib

    Marrying to a narcissist is like marrying a devil noway it will work out

  51. A. R. Khan

    I feel so weak

  52. Nadia Noor

    I have many problems from my husband but no solution because I have 3 kids

  53. A. R. Khan

    I have no one then my children

  54. A. R. Khan

    Being so unhealthy I’m not able to control my anger as my children behave very smiler

  55. Mariam Maryamti

    Them staying will only be detrimental

  56. A. R. Khan

    He did

  57. Melody L Krasz

    I believe this.
    I’ve seen it first hand.

  58. Amira Mirou

    How do u know if someone is a narcisset?

  59. Sayied Amena Bibi

    They want respect but won’t give it

  60. Sayied Amena Bibi

    My husband was telling me im narcissistic so I realized he was gaslighting I just let him do whatever he wants now I literally have come to realize how much of a narcissist he is was smart and sneaky about it …

  61. A. R. Khan

    Somehow I’m not able to leave him its been 25 years

  62. A. R. Khan

    He made me mad

  63. Fatima Shahid

    Got rid of him but unfortunately his will always remain the father of my son

  64. Faranaz Mia

    How do you leave

  65. A. R. Khan

    My husband

  66. Henrietta Brooks

    What’s the difference between narcism and autism?

  67. Mohammed Gouse

    Gaslighting manipulation

  68. Sumaiya Gardee

    Now there’s sound thanks

  69. Sarah McGirr

    Can hear you now

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