Ask Sr. Hanaa Gamaal | Part 2 | Day 14 of Ramadan | Episode 10 – Haleh Banani | M.A. Clinical Psychology

Ask Sr. Hanaa Gamaal | Part 2 | Day 14 of Ramadan | Episode 10

by | Apr 26, 2021 | Holistic Health and Wellbeing | 52 comments

Ask Sr. Hanaa Gamaal | Part 2 | Day 14 of Ramadan | Episode 10 | 30 DAYS TO YOUR BEST CHARACTER | FREE EVENT | MINDFUL RAMADAN 2021

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This has been a challenging year. A lot of people have suffered.
There has been a lot of loss in health, wealth, and life.
We need to face our challenges with our best selves and with exemplary character.
To help us all to have the right mindset and the best character to succeed…
I’m hosting a new Mindful Ramadan 2021 starting 1st day of Ramadan…
You’re invited to join me and a powerhouse of female speakers on Mindful Ramadan: Character Counts for Free to learn to have the character that will help you thrive…


You know, when you’re at your best mentally, emotionally, and spiritually you’re better able to face challenges.
This Ramadan, you have the opportunity to turn everything around and be your absolute BEST insha’Allah and emulate the exceptional character of the Prophet (PBUH).
To make a change, you need to take ACTION.
Don’t delay and take action today to transform your character in Ramadan!

Let’s transform our character together this Ramadan!

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  1. Fozia Soobedar

    SubhaanAllah…. JazaakAllah Khayr…. This is so moving

  2. Ana María Elkhessassi

    I didn’t fast two years ago because I had a newborn. I did feed people. Should I make up those days now if I didn’t know at that time?

  3. Kauthar Busari

    Waliykumsalam warahmatullahi wabarakatu

  4. Samra Uddin

    Where can we find info on the classes?

  5. Chamilla Thebus

    May Allah reward you sister, very beneficial Alhamdulilah

  6. Zamina Karim

    Great Qn Masha’Allah A

  7. Amina El

    How can we rach this sister if we have questions?

  8. Seema Samie

    May Allah reward you for your effort

  9. Basma Salah

    Part 3 please

  10. Farah Abu-hijab

    I have diabetes and it’s really hard for me to control my sugars. I have tried to fast for two days but on the third day my sugars were low because of my using to much insulin. If so take time to really control my eating, exercise , control stress etc I would be able to fast .

  11. Havva Ergene

    Sister Haleh please see my question, it will be beneficial for lots of Muslims

  12. Amina Fatima

    repeated question

  13. Amina Fatima

    We are dealing with so many mental health issues. What is the difference between backbiting and reaching out to friends if you have difficult spouse or inlaws . Someone I know was having difficultly with spouse and in laws and didn’t open up about it with anyone because of the fear of backbiting. They ended up being little anxious or depressed. What do you say about this.

  14. Havva Ergene

    In Islamic divorce, what can wife get other than mihr?

  15. Amina El

    Did she say we can give zakat to the miskin (those who have, but not enough)? Important for me to know as this is family

  16. Premila Hossain

    I have a question 2 days before I sent my zakat back home to help widow is it countable?

  17. Gulsoom Aslam

    Great Q&A. Really beneficial Mashallah.
    Look forward to next week

  18. Amina El

    So I can give my zakat to the «miskin» family, they have fridge

  19. Feroza Kamran

    Can we give zakat to someone who is looking for loan and willing to give it back .we don’t have extra money to give him for loan.

  20. Amina El

    Tjue have a fridge, but not water in the «house»

  21. Maya Hadie

    But sometimes family doesn’t show it out of dignity

  22. Amina El

    Zakat is given to poor, but how «poor» is poor? How to define poor? Have family members in an another country, they dont have a job etc and doesn’t earn money if family doesn’t give. They have a phone etc. does that mean that zakat isn’t ok to pay to them?

  23. Ayan Yusuf

    Mashallah thank you for shearing this information Alxmdulilah

  24. Khatera Hofioni

    Can my husband give his zakat to his brother who is getting married and is in need?

  25. Quazi Rezwana Khwaza

    yes you do look beautiful — it’s the noor , the knowledge we are benifiting from

  26. Kauthar Busari

    You are beautiful in and out with your smile make you look young

  27. Farah Abu-hijab

    MashAllah she is so cutest Aunti , I love hearing from her.

  28. Marium Muhammad

    Is home mortgage taken as a loan for zakat payment or not ?

  29. Gulsoom Aslam

    Mashallah. She has such Noor in her face. Beautiful lady.

  30. Maria Akkad

    Mashallah sister nour ala nour

  31. Khatera Hofioni

    Yes lots of noor Ma ShaAllah

  32. Seema Samie

    Mashallah lots of duas

  33. Ayan Yusuf

    Mashallah ASC Ramadan Mubarak

  34. Premila Hossain

    I have 4 kids Alhamdullilah , I know it’s difficult most of the time

  35. Amina El

    Can we pray in the car if we are driving and dont reach home before the salah time runs out? I heard we can not because standing in prayer is obligatory. Is praying sitting better in general than letting the salah time run out and you’re in town or on train, bus etc…

  36. Gulsoom Aslam

    Beautiful to know. ALHAMDULLAH

  37. Fareshtajaan Yus

    May Allah bless you both for this informative session Ameen

  38. Khatera Hofioni

    Wow my heart is at easy knowing this; as a mother of 5

  39. Kauthar Busari

    Subhanallah Masha Allah,

  40. Maria Akkad

    Jazakum Allah khayran

  41. Farah Abu-hijab

    SubhanAllah this is bringing me to tears. Ya Allah the mercy and love from Allah he is always setting us up for success

  42. Shukri Sugule

    Mash Allah jazkallahu kher

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