Resilience is key! From the initial fear to adapting to new challenges, it's about getting back up, not just being knocked down. #Resilience #trustAllah #MindsetMatters #Palestine
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Appreciate what you have without guilt, but be mindful and empathetic. Our response to life’s challenges is a test of faith. Let’s shift our focus from trivial complaints to heartfelt gratitude and un…
Appreciate what you have without guilt, but be mindful and empathetic. Our response to life's challenges is a test of faith. Let's shift our focus from trivial complaints to heartfelt gratitude and understanding for all. #Gratitude #Empathy #FaithJourney #HalehBanani...
In life’s trials, remember: it’s natural to feel heartache and tears may flow, but our hearts remain content in Allah’s Qadr. His wisdom, Al-Hakim, guides us. Though we may not see the full picture, e…
In life's trials, remember: it's natural to feel heartache and tears may flow, but our hearts remain content in Allah's Qadr. His wisdom, Al-Hakim, guides us. Though we may not see the full picture, every struggle has a hidden good. Let's turn to Him in these moments....
Amidst the crisis in , finding balance is key. The challenge is not to lose ourselves to hopelessness or ignorance. Stay connected, informed, and let’s channel our collective grief into constructive s…
Amidst the crisis in , finding balance is key. The challenge is not to lose ourselves to hopelessness or ignorance. Stay connected, informed, and let's channel our collective grief into constructive steps forward. #Palestine #Unity #StrengthInAction #Solidarity...
The Prophet ﷺ faced immense trials yet never lost hope. teaching us that for believers, all outcomes are good. Victory lies in steadfastness and trust in Allah’s plan. Let’s remain unwavering in o…
The Prophet ﷺ faced immense trials yet never lost hope. teaching us that for believers, all outcomes are good. Victory lies in steadfastness and trust in Allah's plan. Let’s remain unwavering in our faith and resolve. #Resilience #Tawakkul
Going Live at 1 pm CST today for Emotional Healing Circle to discuss hope and trust in Allah.
Going Live at 1 pm CST today for Emotional Healing Circle to discuss hope and trust in Allah.