Developing the Needed Perseverance to Attain Jannah With Dr. Rania Awaad | Episode 12 – Haleh Banani | M.A. Clinical Psychology

Developing the Needed Perseverance to Attain Jannah With Dr. Rania Awaad | Episode 12

by | Apr 28, 2021 | Holistic Health and Wellbeing | 49 comments

Developing the Needed Perseverance to Attain Jannah With Dr. Rania Awaad | Day 16 of Ramadan | Episode 12 | 30 DAYS TO YOUR BEST CHARACTER | FREE EVENT | MINDFUL RAMADAN 2021

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This Ramadan, you have the opportunity to turn everything around and be your absolute BEST insha’Allah and emulate the exceptional character of the Prophet (PBUH).
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  1. Soha Moaaz

    I had a small suggestion/request to ask about the background music or song. Is it possible that it is turned off ? as it was a little distracting for me to hear it in the background as you were doing the session. Thank you for all your efforts, I am benefiting so much from these daily recharging sessions. May Allah accept all your good deeds and grant you al firdaws al aala.

  2. Haslina Akbar

    May Allah bless you Sister Haleh Banani for organizing this impactful talk.

  3. Caroline Loveland

    The links aren’t working for the Mindful Ramadan 2021

  4. Fathima Sheik Mohideen

    Surah dhuha is a beautiful reminder for us when we feel down..There is so much hope on Allah SWT SubhanAllah

  5. Mariam Jama

    Jazaykallah kharain sister’s

  6. Fatima Puskar

    Yes ! “Abundance mentality.”

  7. Najat Al-shejni

    Alhamdulillah for everything always and jazakom kheir.

  8. Naushaba Akhter

    We all have tests in different stages of life. But test is also a gift because it s from Allah . Everything is a gift if we have that mindset …we will be at ease. Mashaallah

  9. Fatima Puskar

    “Tools for all life’s challenges ..”

  10. Farah Abu-hijab

    It’s really challenging to convince some one who is going through hardship to understand the promise, with hardship comes ease….

    • Basma Salah

      Agree lost my house to a fire and couldn’t convince myself at that time that there will be ease. We were practically homeless for 2 month.

      • Farah Abu-hijab

        Basma Salah what shifted your mindset?

        • Basma Salah

          Farah Abu-hijab I think for a long time I thought it was a punishment. Then I thought of it as a test which I failed at that time. Now I try to look at the blessing. We were able to repair the house with help of the muslim community, my 3 kids were saved. It could have gone much worse. I will be honest I still struggle at times. But I think its because I distanced myself from our deen for a while and now im taking baby steps to regain my closeness to Allah that I once had. At the sametime I was told I wont be able to have anymore children and I actually conceived my 4th blessing during that time. Sobsub7anAllah.

          • Farah Abu-hijab

            SubhanAllah JazakAllah khairun for sharing your journey with us. I pray that we all stay firm on the path of strong connection with Allah and understand deeply that Allah is always setting us up for success inshAllah

          • Basma Salah

            Farah Abu-hijab Ameen.

          • Caroline Loveland

            JazakAllahu Khayrun for sharing your story sister. May Allah protect you and your family Ameen

  11. Naushaba Akhter

    With one difficulty we have there is so much ease by the gracevif Allah. Alhamdulillah

  12. Naushaba Akhter

    The examples of others perseverance ignites you’ve strengthen the faith. Alhamdulillah

  13. Naushaba Akhter

    Examples of historical patient people referred in quran would help us to have patient perseverance .

  14. Fatima Puskar

    Absolutely beautiful ~

  15. Naushaba Akhter

    We have to take action, with our first step when calamities come with perseverance then allahv will give barakat

  16. Khatera Hofioni

    It’s so true; as a registered psychiatric nurse I found this difficult as well not being able to connect to religion and oneness of Allah with my patients

  17. Naushaba Akhter

    Soo after the word perseverance come in quran , the word pray also come.

  18. Rukhsar Sharif

    I was just listening to a lecture by Dr Rania

  19. Ija Hamzabegovic

    Mashallah I haven’t seen these two sisters together before. Love it!

  20. Aminat Adebayo

    Allahumo aameen thuma aameen

  21. Naushaba Akhter

    Allah knows what you do not know. Persevere with the beautiful persevere to Allah.

  22. Naushaba Akhter

    How do I beautifully pursevrre

  23. Naushaba Akhter

    Assalam u alaikum all sisters here

  24. Amina El

    How about perserverence in mental health issues when everyday is a struggle? I mean really struggle.. Life seems too long.. Been years in therapy and no one can help… No muslim therapist in my area/ country.. Can we contact dr. Rania if needed?

    • Caroline Loveland

      Allah is with you sister. As much as we struggle with our mental health and feel as though NO-ONE is there there for us Allah knows sis and He IS there. He’s right there with you closer to you than your jugular vein. Sister Idk what happened or what it is that you’re going though, I can say I suffer from mental health issues and each of us are on our own journey. When you can and are feeling comfortable sis just make dua. Make it whenever you like, but making it in Sujud is when we are most closest to Allah.
      All I can say sis is try and as I said I don’t know what you’re struggles are, but take the first step and He will take care of it all MashaAllah Alhumdulillah

  25. Anonymous

    ma sha’Allah ~ sister is quite accomplished! Alhamdulilah.

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