Don’t take out your frustration on your spouse! There is no excuse for bad behavior or violence! – Haleh Banani | M.A. Clinical Psychology

Don’t take out your frustration on your spouse! There is no excuse for bad behavior or violence!

by | Oct 26, 2020 | Relationship & Marriage Advice | 77 comments

Don’t take out your frustration on your spouse! There is no excuse for bad behavior or violence!
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  1. Anonymous

    Thanks for your advice. Everything you are saying makes a lot of sense. I have shared your message to Make the World a Better Place MWBP, so that you can help and inspire the members on that Page.

  2. Dounia Lahroud

    My mom had ALS too, Allah yerhamha. May Allah be with you it’s a difficult disease.

  3. Tania Ina

    Duas for you both may Allah give u both strength Ameen.

  4. Hanan Gharib Elzeiny

    May Allah grant your mom complete shifaa Ameen

  5. Fanta Kaba

    Walakuim Salam waramatuillah wabarakatuh.. BarakaAllah feekum

  6. Fanta Kaba

    Subhana Allah

  7. Fanta Kaba

    Much needed reminders sister,may Allah make us mindful. JazakAllah Khair, aameen

  8. Fatima Bibi

    May Allah grant ease for your mum

  9. SJ Tafheem

    May Allah SWT ease your matters Dear Sister Haleh.Beautiful advice !

  10. Maryam Zia

    How to keep ur cool. When u hv totally lost it?

  11. Maryam Zia

    Dua fir ur mom. May he gets well

  12. Munira Khan

    Masha Allah ameen beautiful words

  13. Nushrat Tina

    JAK sister. It’s a much needed topic for me at this time. May Allah grant peace in your heart as well and give shifa to your mom.

  14. Farah NKamran

    Assalam alikum
    The link says the page doesn’t exist!

  15. Masriena Masri

    اَلسَلامُ عَلَيْكُم وَرَحْمَةُ اَللهِ وَبَرَكاتهُ

  16. Shaista Rehan

    Lots of prayers for your mother

  17. Shabana Hasan

    Masha ALLAH..your words are of so much wisdom..may Allah increase you in goodness..Aameen

    • Haleh Banani

      Shabana Hasan Thank you!

  18. Farzana Yousuf

    Praying for your mother. Love and respect!

  19. Fadumo Sulaiman

    May Allaah ease your pain and make you strong to be patient.

  20. Majida Aslam

    Jazak Allah khair sister really beneficial.

  21. Imen Trabelsi

    Machaa’Allah you are so inspiring

  22. Nadia Hawa

    I love your choice of words, when things ’seemingly’ fall apart – it is just so clear- we plan and Allah plans and Allah is the best of planners – it’s all for our best regardless of what the outcome is

    • Haleh Banani

      Nadia Hawa The words we use truly has an impact on us.

      • Nadia Hawa

        Absolutely! Completely agree!

  23. Nadia Hawa

    Amazing advice we can apply to all of our relationships, I absolutely love this!

  24. Janice Maria

    Dua’as for you and your family! I couldn’t watch the video because the screen kept moving in and I tend get dizzy

  25. Nadia Hawa

    Absolute gems mashaAllah jazakillah khair beautiful reminders as always xxx

    • Haleh Banani

      Nadia Hawa Wa iyyaki!

  26. Aisha Patel

    May.ur mum get shifaa an allahtalla mk it easy for all

  27. Sarah Radwan

    Perfect reminder at the perfect time!
    May Allah grant your mother a full shifa.

  28. Zaheda Jugoo

    Great advice. May Allah bless you and reward you.

  29. Aisha Abulkassim

    Wa salaam alaikum, May Almighty Allah grant your mother Shifa and speedy recovery.

  30. Majida Aslam

    May Allah bless you and your family with strength and mercy ameen

  31. Saba Nazir

    Love and respect from Pakistan

  32. Mona Abou-Sayed

    We love you Haleh and are here for you habebty

    • Haleh Banani

      Mona Abou-Sayed Love you sweetie! Thank you

  33. Madlene Ivanov

    Assalamu alaykum, dear sister Jazak Allah Khair for your priceless advice!

  34. Laila Dibas

    Mashallah, May Allah bless you both and May He reward you for your patience

  35. Qurrat Jafri

    Assalam Alaikum. Great advice! Sister May Allah give you Sabr and strength to face this situation. Aameen!

  36. Mariam Maryamti

    Wallah acquired faith is priceless

  37. Rehan Khån

    Walikom salm

  38. Rehan Khån

    Im realy very sad when ever i lisson about france presedent.

  39. Rehan Khån

    Call to each ine Islam

  40. Rehan Khån

    Please Improu Islam

  41. Rehan Khån

    Please be with erdogan Lion.
    Me too

  42. Achernar Sirius

    amazing as usual. thx a gazillion

  43. Rehan Khån

    I hittytty those who call islam by bad world

  44. Rehan Khån

    May Allah skip france from this world

  45. Rehan Khån

    اسلام زندہ ناد

  46. Rehan Khån

    اسلام ع

  47. Faiza Amjad

    Very true

  48. Sadia Aslam

    Subhan Allah without his protection we are nothing.

  49. Bintou Islam Fofana

    May Allah grant us the better understanding Ameen

  50. Adriana Cosa

    Wow subhanAllah

  51. Adriana Cosa

    Alhamdulillah thank you for this message, Im so sorry to hear about your traveling plans but ma shaa Allah you have such a great way to deal with it.

    • Haleh Banani

      Adriana Cosa I’m content with Allah’s plan Alhamdulillah.

  52. Bintou Islam Fofana

    Alhamdulilah daughters always said to mommy you always smiling and it makes us happy to see you smile Mash’Allah

  53. Lindie Wheeler Gibbs

    You have such a gift Haleh! Thank you for sharing/giving to us the tools and skills to be better versions of ourselves!

    • Haleh Banani

      Lindie Wheeler Gibbs Thank you sweetie! It’s a pleasure always

  54. Umm Ayesha

    ‎السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته habeebatee

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