Feel like you’re always talking but your spouse isn’t listening? Hint: It might not be what you think! #HalehBanani #marriagegoals #marriageadvice #RelationshipAdvice #RelationshipGoals #CoupleGoals… – Haleh Banani | M.A. Clinical Psychology

Feel like you’re always talking but your spouse isn’t listening? Hint: It might not be what you think! #HalehBanani #marriagegoals #marriageadvice #RelationshipAdvice #RelationshipGoals #CoupleGoals…

by | Jun 2, 2023 | Holistic Health and Wellbeing | 10 comments

Feel like you’re always talking but your spouse isn’t listening? Hint: It might not be what you think!

#HalehBanani #marriagegoals #marriageadvice #RelationshipAdvice #RelationshipGoals #CoupleGoals
#RelationshipTalk #LoveLanguage


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  1. Salma Ali

    Masha Allah very well stated how do we have to spend quality time to get the same in return

  2. Raana Haider

    How to contact or speak to you ?@haleh banani

  3. Patricia Duvet

    Why is the effort always expected from the woman? Maybe she is complaining because there is a valid reason.

    • Haleh Banani

      Patricia Duvet the advice is for both men and women. The message says spouse and not wife Only the example of the client was of a sister which does not mean that the advice is for sisters only. Jazakillah khairan

  4. Mirachor Payman

    Perfectly said! In my opinion communications between married couples is really important to understand each other and how they feel in our culture communication means urging, blaming..ect

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