Finding Personal Peace With Ust. Fuseina Mohamed | 30 DAYS TO YOUR BEST CHARACTER | FREE EVENT | MINDFUL RAMADAN 2021 – Haleh Banani | M.A. Clinical Psychology

Finding Personal Peace With Ust. Fuseina Mohamed | 30 DAYS TO YOUR BEST CHARACTER | FREE EVENT | MINDFUL RAMADAN 2021

by | Apr 22, 2021 | Holistic Health and Wellbeing | 58 comments

Finding Personal Peace With Ust. Fuseina Mohamed | 30 DAYS TO YOUR BEST CHARACTER | FREE EVENT | MINDFUL RAMADAN 2021

Episode 08 | Finding Personal Peace | 30 DAYS TO YOUR BEST CHARACTER | FREE EVENT | MINDFUL RAMADAN 2021

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This has been a challenging year. A lot of people have suffered.
There has been a lot of loss in health, wealth, and life.
We need to face our challenges with our best selves and with exemplary character.
To help us all to have the right mindset and the best character to succeed…
I’m hosting a new Mindful Ramadan 2021 starting 1st day of Ramadan…
You’re invited to join me and a powerhouse of female speakers on Mindful Ramadan: Character Counts for Free to learn to have the character that will help you thrive…


You know, when you’re at your best mentally, emotionally, and spiritually you’re better able to face challenges.
This Ramadan, you have the opportunity to turn everything around and be your absolute BEST insha’Allah and emulate the exceptional character of the Prophet (PBUH).
To make a change, you need to take ACTION.
Don’t delay and take action today to transform your character in Ramadan!

Let’s transform our character together this Ramadan!


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  1. Nayla Said

    Fatma Saeed Najlita Popolita Hafsa Said Sapphire Stone Tofy Tofy

  2. Emili Cukaj

    Loved this live session

  3. Farah Abu-hijab

    Peaceful vibes Good deed for the day.

    • Haleh Banani

      Farah Abu-hijab MashaAllah

  4. Farah Abu-hijab

    Allahu Akbar JazakAllahu khairn for your words of wisdom and your leading by example with beautiful character.

    • Haleh Banani

      Farah Abu-hijab Alhamdulillah you’ve benefitted.

  5. Fatima Zb

    Thank you, yes share with people who respect it

  6. Farah Abu-hijab

    I find recently tawekul brings me so much peace SubhanAllah even just saying Allah brings me peace.

  7. Soraya Khan

    This is totally relevant and wonderfully contextualised my dear sisters

    • Haleh Banani

      Soraya Khan Alhamdulillah

  8. Khawla Tabassum

    Love you soo much sister Fuseina, last Ramadan you helped me come out from a very dark place.

  9. Janice Maria

    Asalam… We cannot watch this because sister Helah her screen is jumping and it’s giving me a migraine

    • Haleh Banani

      We are doing our best to fixit.. but it is live

      • Haleh Banani

        so we willupload the replay fixed insha’Allah

        • Haleh Banani

          Sorry About the Flickering, we are trying to fix it… The replay will be fixed insha’Allah

          • Nadia Hawa

            Haleh Banani jazakillah khair sister Haleh!

          • Janice Maria

            Haleh Banani I understand

          • Janice Maria

            Haleh Banani Jazaki Allah khair

  10. Naushaba Akhter

    Or move from the place even if it is my son.

  11. Naushaba Akhter

    I try to remain silent. My elder son makes silly jokes , and I find that that is also lsweet lie, but I could not take that…and try to remain silent or change the topic.

  12. Houida Chakir

    Look for positive people not negative ones

  13. Houida Chakir

    Surroundings is key too

  14. Naushaba Akhter

    What triggers for negative behaviors, when I find my triggers and then do something to diffuse thst triggers. Alhamdulillah

    • Nadia Hawa

      Naushaba Akhter what do you do to diffuse them?

  15. Ateeba Waheed

    So triggered when hungry

  16. Andrea Maliskova Hilal

    Assalam alaikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuhu dear Sisters

  17. Basma Salah

    Sister you are the kind of person I would love to have coffee with. So positive MashAllah

  18. Houida Chakir

    What a beautiful picture

  19. Umm Ibrahim Saadia

    Assalam alaikum, I just joined. What’s the topic today?

    • Nadia Hawa

      Umm Ibrahim Saadia walaokum Salam sister. The topic today is “Being Peaceful”

  20. Naushaba Akhter

    Accept apology not keep grudges

  21. Sonia Behzad

    Sometimes you don’t get apology after being hurt.

  22. Khatera Hofioni

    “Benefit of doubt” love this

    • Haleh Banani

      Khatera Hofioni Great!

  23. Zamina Karim

    Spread salaam it brings peace

  24. Nadia Hawa

    Walaikum Salam sisters!

  25. Nadia Hawa

    A contract!

  26. Nadia Hawa

    That’s so beautiful mashaAllah! Mindfulness when greeting!

  27. Amaal Mohamed

    وعليكم السلام

  28. Naushaba Akhter

    Walaikum assalam wa rahmatullahe wa barakatuhu

  29. Zamina Karim

    Always a pleasure to see Sr Fuseina

  30. Sonia Behzad

    Asalam Alaykuim

  31. Khatera Hofioni

    Assalamulaikum dear sisters! Watching from Toronto, Canada

  32. Zamina Karim

    Assalaamu’Alaikum wa Rahmatullahi wabarakaatuh

  33. Amina Uddin

    Wa alaykum assalaam

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