Finding True Contentment | Day 15 of Ramadan | Episode 11 – Haleh Banani | M.A. Clinical Psychology

Finding True Contentment | Day 15 of Ramadan | Episode 11

by | Apr 27, 2021 | Holistic Health and Wellbeing | 49 comments

Finding True Contentment | Day 15 of Ramadan | Episode 11 | 30 DAYS TO YOUR BEST CHARACTER | FREE EVENT | MINDFUL RAMADAN 2021
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This Ramadan, you have the opportunity to turn everything around and be your absolute BEST insha’Allah and emulate the exceptional character of the Prophet (PBUH).
To make a change, you need to take ACTION.
Don’t delay and take action today to transform your character in Ramadan!
Let’s transform our character together this Ramadan!
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  1. Fatima Puskar

    Yes ! Give / donate… especially during this month of Ramadan . Acquiring good habits

  2. Fatima Puskar

    Yes, I fact millions of people have wealth but are not full filled

  3. Fatima Puskar

    Some people mix complaining with hardships… we should not point fingers at those who complain but instead helping them through it

  4. Fatima Puskar

    Selam WaAlaykum sisters

  5. Badia Chegri

    ما شاء الله

  6. Nadia Hawa

    Samra Uddin all ok now?

  7. Samra Uddin

    I have seen many people in the village in Bangladesh who are more content than us even though they have nothing

  8. Fatima Ali

    Can you please provide some guidelines on feeling content and achieving peace of mind while searching for a spouse? There several parameters to look into I.e religiosity, character, education etc.

  9. Chamilla Thebus

    Ameen Thuma Ameen, may Allah Accept our duahs

  10. Lule Uka Dalipi

    Thank you Allah bless both of you

  11. Noor Moussawi

    Jzk for this lecture I need to relisten Allahu akbar what a beautiful lecture

  12. Afra Said Ahmed

    This Ramadan has been extremely hard due to having my kids home, and also not feeling great health wise. I haven’t been able to do the same type of Ibadaah and it’s felt really disheartening but this is really uplifting for mid month slump.

  13. Noor Moussawi

    Jzk yes feeling very down this Ramadan cuz not doing as much or as organized as last year. Plz keep me and my fam in your Du’a

  14. Rabia Mallick

    Everything depends on intention, sincerity don’t be consumed with that comparison- Haleh Banini.

  15. Ana María Elkhessassi

    Jazak Allah Khayr for talking about this! Not feeling physically well and feeling a bit down because I am. It where I would like to be

    • Fatim Kaba

      May Allah grant you shifa

  16. Astrid Tamim

    We can make our home beautiful but not show it on internet

  17. Rabia Mallick

    Yes! We are enough and have enough- Haleh banani, mashaAllah!

  18. Kauthar Busari

    Comparing and contrasting taking lot of energy from us

  19. Jessica Abdulkareem

    Each person in our lives presents a different opportunity to learn and grow!

  20. Nadia Hawa

    Wisdom in everything Alhamdulillah – beautiful

  21. Basma Salah

    I needed this episode!

  22. Lule Uka Dalipi

    Selma alejkum a kosovar sister in Sweden amazingly explained MashaAllah tebarak Allah

  23. Nadia Hawa

    So contentment gives us the feeling of satisfaction rather than chasing material things

  24. Nadia Hawa

    Ridaa is not faking it.

  25. Nadia Hawa

    That’s so true, discontent with ourselves is a real struggle

  26. Dhouha Barkaoui

    Very good message if you want to be free , free yourself from the love of material things in this life

  27. Nadia Hawa

    Practical steps: go through closets and garages – to give away rather than focusing on getting more

  28. Amina Hussain

    Can this hadith be shared in writing please?

  29. Nadia Hawa

    True wealth and poverty is not material Alhamdulillah

  30. Nadia Hawa

    Wealth and poverty is in the heart – love it

  31. Nadia Hawa

    Getting one ‘like’ from Allah – love that!

  32. Nadia Hawa

    Assalam Alaikum Sisters!

  33. Zamina Karim

    Assalaamu’Alaikum wa Rahmatullahi wa barakatuh

  34. Khatera Hofioni

    Assalamulaikum from Toronto, Canada

  35. Kauthar Busari

    Asalamunalaikum waramtullahi wabarakatu

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