How to get your children to listen | Haleh Banani | – Haleh Banani | M.A. Clinical Psychology

How to get your children to listen | Haleh Banani |

by | Mar 27, 2022 | Holistic Health and Wellbeing | 42 comments

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  1. UM Gamini

    I. Have. No. Problem. This. All. Problem. Make. You. Your. Bring. Me. Wrong. Way
    Now. Is. Not. Come. Back

  2. UM Gamini

    This. Not. Problem. I. Don’t. Care. Money. Money. Is. Pepper. Today. I. Have. Tomorrow. You. Have. This. Like. Bird. Every. Time. Flying

  3. UM Gamini

    I. Not. Marred. She. Your. Tell. She. Marred. Man. Not. Me

  4. UM Gamini

    This. My. Account. Number. Only. On..nomber. I. Have

  5. Taha Mohamed

    Salaam alaikum sister. I’m with my kids like a friend not like a mother I do if he did good I give him money if he did bad. I took the money back. This is the right if this is decision is bad please tell me bad decision. Please tell me

  6. Joana Darc de Souza

    Eu tem que obedecer ele porque ele é o meu esposo

  7. Suad Malas

    Jazaky allah kayran

  8. Wiwiek Prabowo

    In my opinion, child nurturing is more about managing our selves (our nafs).
    May Allah widen our knowledge/ ‘ilm and give us hidayah on nurturing His amanah (our children). Aameen

  9. Soraya Issufo Bingala

    Mansha Allah tabarakaallah that’s awesome and i really need it that advised. Really appreciate. May Allah Almighty rewards you and your family. Jazakallah khairan so much.

  10. Jihad Muhammad

    Alhumduillah thank you sister I really need this help may Allah bless you and your family and give you all paradise Ameen

  11. Ayesha Khan

    Very informative Jazakallah. And mostly the men got those lonnng faces wish it was never like that

  12. Abduraghmaan Rahman

    Consiquince … I had a stroke in 2018. Names I can’t remember. How can I help.

  13. Mujeedat Bisola

    Masha Allah 4 dis wonderful advise,Thanks

  14. Ha Adow

    Masha Allah thank you sister

  15. Jannah Mangaba

    Assalamu alaykum sister. Maa shaa Allah . Jazakillahu khairan wa Baarakallahu feeki.

  16. Khola Asim

    How much we have to deposit

  17. Shahnaz Kausar

    MashaAllah very nice jazakaallah khair

  18. Lone Tahira

    Asalamualikum.looking forward to hear more and more from you.

  19. Lone Tahira

    Thanks a lot.Much needed

  20. Gouledov A Ahmed

    Habon Umu Boukhari
    Rahmasan Muhamed Deheeye
    Abdimajiid AS M

    • Rahmasan Muhamed Deheeye

      Gouledov Sh Ali Ahmed magadsani inbti wa macluumad aan u baahnahy

  21. Norisha Ali

    Assalam oAlikum sister I also would like to know how and what I should talk to my kids and grandkids please let us know jaazak allah hu khairsis

  22. سمية محمود

    ما شاء الله
    جزاك الله خيرا كثيرا
    Follow you from Egypt and I love it
    May Allah bless you

  23. Sabrina Vibert

    Allahuma aameen. Jazak Allah for this gracious advice.

  24. Humeza Shahzad

    May Allah heal each of us from the inside out to manifest our blessings!

    • Haleh Banani

      Humeza Shahzad Ameen

  25. Aisha Ghauri

    Mashallah very solid advice!! May Allah increase your knowledge more and more!

    • Haleh Banani

      Aisha Ghauri Ameen dear sister 🤍

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