How To Make A Boring Marriage Fun Again – Haleh Banani | M.A. Clinical Psychology

How To Make A Boring Marriage Fun Again

by | Dec 13, 2021 | Holistic Health and Wellbeing | 60 comments

Bring back the love in your marriage by doing the things you did when you first met.

Look your BEST
Give compliments
Have fun together
Do new activities
Share your feelings

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  1. Amina Inuwa

    My 29 years marriage is empty, I dont have anything to offer

  2. Amina Inuwa

    Is like you are. Talking about my 29years marriage

  3. Zary Qayoumi Mukhtarzada

    What about when you and your spouse have two different personality type? Even though you don’t enjoy doing something, do you still have to role play?

  4. Aisha Zakari

    Yes of course

  5. Zubeida Ottley

    Assamu’Aleikum Wahrematullahi Wabrakatuh Sister Helah. This topic has hit right on the head of nail. Right now, out of blue am going through exactly what you are talking about the marriage. It’s great listening to this topic. Jazak’Allah Kheir.

  6. Sarah Zaman

    It’s nice for both of you to talk . Amin

  7. Zahra Jama

  8. Layla Rayaan

    What if my husband did something bad and I can’t trust him

  9. Layla Rayaan

    What if my husband watched porn and I have a hard time trusting him

  10. Naima Hassan

    May Allah support you with this beautiful intention to safe marriages

  11. Naima Hassan

    Bless you both

  12. Naima Hassan

    Allahummabaarik my sis! It’s beautiful to see a beautiful Islamic marriage. My Allah bless your home and family. My heart lights up

  13. Faiza Ali


  14. Faiza Ali

    mashallah beautiful Couple

  15. Barb Muho

    Mashallah Elhamdu lilah

  16. Alije Ademi

    Suksese te

  17. HajaHajar Mamnoaa

    Masha’Allh might Allah bless you sister

  18. Souad Gourma

    Yes please I like to hear more of you and jazakum Allahu khairan

  19. Rahima Ahmed

    It’s good to see from both perspective

  20. Arzina Buddoo

    Mashaallah to the both of you for having a good understanding between the two of you may Allah bless you

  21. Nehaya Safi

    ماشاء الله امين يارب جزاكم الله خيرا

  22. Nora Ayubi

    Oh wow Loved seeing you and your husband chat with us! May Allah bless you both in dunya and akhirah always! Such a pleasant, honest, refreshing talk mashaAllah. Please bring him too sister Haleh 🙂

    • Haleh Banani

      Nora Ayubi Thank you so much for your sweet message! InshaAllah we’re planning to do more videos together inshaAllah.

  23. Katerina Valkova

    Yes, you make it as a whole experience you guys! One sleeve with another!

  24. Roshan Jappie

    I am literally filing for divorce after 29yrs

    • Haleh Banani

      Roshan Jappie I’m so sorry to hear that. May Allah ease your heart

  25. Erum A Faisal

    Yes difficult relatives who can actually affect the marriage?

  26. Anne Charmaine Myburgh

    And I have to ask him everytime he doesn’t know how to start a conversation

  27. Anne Charmaine Myburgh

    I so much want me and my hubby to do dance classes togetha

    • Shar Higgins

      Do it yourself and then teach him if he won’t go with you Find out his favourite music to dance to

  28. Noble Bisola

    Wa Iyakum Jaza
    Yeah I do

  29. Marlenah Alimat

    Together more awesome..2 different perspectives..woman & man…

  30. Fathima Saajidh

    Love u guys for Allah’s sake..

    • Haleh Banani

      Fathima Saajidh That’s so sweet! May the One you love us for His sake love you!

  31. Fathima Saajidh

    Nice to see both of u together Masha Allah. allahumma barik laha

  32. Raushan Al

    Do you do personal marriage counseling

  33. Ghazal Almuradi

    Yes it’s wonderful to see you both , what a lovely couple. May Allah protect you and increase you in love and happiness

  34. Sara Farheen

    MashaAllah LA quwata illah billah

  35. Sara Farheen

    Ammara Sumayya

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