How to stop emotional bleeding – Haleh Banani | M.A. Clinical Psychology

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  1. Sabrina Uddin

    Haleh Banana, it was an honor to run into you at EPIC musjid. I was the girl that thanked you for all you’ve done while you and your husband was walking in front of the mosque. I’m now stair struck . Blessings

  2. Md Ahamodul

    mi sister assalamoalikum

  3. Abul Khaer

    মাশাআল্লাহ আলহামদুলিল্লাহ

  4. Rachid Aid

    Allah yahafdak

  5. Mizanur Rahman

    Assalamu Alaykum,,,,
    00966556634174 imo number call me

  6. Hadiza Muhammad Saba

    Asalaam Aleikum Waramatullaah Wabarakatuhu Sister Haleh Banani

  7. Nita Haque

    As salamualikum wrwb everyone

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