How to teach iman to your children. – Haleh Banani | M.A. Clinical Psychology

How to teach iman to your children.

by | May 25, 2021 | Faith and Spirituality, Parenting and Family | 43 comments

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  1. Seema Shaikh

    أمين ثم أمين ياربّ العالمين‎

  2. Seema Shaikh

    we need love in our community

  3. Anam Kh

    Ayesha Khoso

  4. Fariha Haque

    Thank you… May Allah bless you and through you we learn to be mindfull Muslims…

  5. Abir Ardati

    Bahia Abo Alkotaa Ramadan

  6. Samar Siddiqui


  7. Samar Siddiqui


  8. Mona Abdullah

    Salam. Can I get ur number to call you please. Jzk

  9. Wala Abas


  10. Mehar Serang

    Can we have the info please

  11. Mehar Serang

    Jazaki Allahu kheir

  12. Mehar Serang

    Walekum Assalamu wa Rehamatullahi wa Barakatahu sisters Alhumdulillah

  13. Fanta Kaba

    Allahuma aameen Ya Rabb

  14. Trina Aziz

    Wow so true my kids are older now but good for them to pass it on to their kids

  15. Nadia Hawa

    Samra Uddin

  16. Amina Qureshi

    Jazakillah u khair un katheera

  17. Soumaya Ch

    May Allah Bless you!!

  18. Shahnaz Bano

    I forwarded it to my daughter,

  19. Nargis Rani


  20. Shahnaz Bano

    Jazak’Allah Khair sister , stay blessed and healthy.

  21. Asheeqah Solomons

    Aslm Haleh, I wish you were here in SA….

  22. Soumaya Ch

    Oussama Chennouf

  23. Zenara Arshad

    May Allah give us strong Iman and taqwa

  24. Ziena Aladdin

    Exactly, may Allah grant us strength and clarity

  25. Menna Awad

    very well said

  26. Redhainnur Idrus

    اَلسَّلاَ مُ عَلَيْكُمْ وَرَحْمَةُ اللهِ وَبَرَكَا تُهُ

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