How to win a fight with your spouse – Haleh Banani | M.A. Clinical Psychology

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  1. Natasha Mahmud

    I can understand you may take it otherwise because fill it up. I dont know.

  2. Natasha Mahmud

    It is more like ‘ok when to get married when your father is in hospital with corona’.I experienced it as not sinchronised with my emotions. I did not take you as a serious person after that.

  3. Natasha Mahmud

    I was preoccupied with negative thinking about male attention. I was passive agressive already and was too vulnerable at that moment to think straight. Then when it came up with marry pasport..I just took you as an idiot trying to ask every girl he sees asking to marry or bla bla..but I saw you as a true friend. I did not even feel the need to take you seriously as a potential partner.

  4. Bintou Islam Fofana

    Masha Allah I can’t stop watching your videos sisters may Allah reward for what you’re doing Alhamdulilah I have been married for 11 years October 25 will make us 12 years in sha Allah my marriage have been going well since I got married to my husband but we still need people like you for reminder and I share your videos with friends I sent one of your video to my husband yesterday when he came home after work he asked me why did I sent him the video he said is he doing something wrong to me that he doesn’t realize it I said no habibi I just love the sister videos he said okay mash Allah

  5. Jihan Haji

    Very good advice thank you Haleh .

  6. Has San

    Ameen Ameen Ameen

  7. Faaiza Shakil

    im 6 months pregnant and having marriage difficulties. theyve been ongoing since february but building and getting worse. the environment i was in didnt help as i wqs told to get out of the house and im not welcome by my mother not for any reason as I confronted my feelings and even asked if i did anything to upset but stayed quiet, my dad brother all were there like a family meeting really her concerns were space and i completely get that we were already looking to move out but my mum is quite ocd with cleanliness and my son who is nearly 2 is just being a toddler and she can get very upset over it. ive never been in an environment where pe9ple are open to expressing feelungs they shut them off forget move on. im the opposite in the sense im quite open about feelings or id like to feel comfortable to be able to do so. also a family member tripped me up whilst pregnant apologised alhamdulilah but im still apprehensive. we went abroad to a different place for about 7 weeks. thought issues might be calmer better. now back in the same environment that I was told to get out of. and ive tried to let go and forgive but it doesnt mean im comfortable. covid restrictions havent given us any favours in this also since we were lockdowned and coulsnt move anywhere. my husband and I are constantly having issues. it seems to me to stem from a lack of empathy overall. he is very goal orientated. anf i understand why he may be that way. we are currently doing your 5 pillars of marriage course. InShaAllah it helps. I would love to do one to one with you just in hopes of improving myself regardless of wherher others change because i know im accountabke to Allah at the end of the day. Maybe one day when I can afford it. I know i have flaws. May Allah reward you for doing your best to help peoples marriages. ameen

  8. Nuzha Ishak

    I guess when the underlying issue is too grave thats when things go over and beyond repair !

    • Ayesha Khwaja

      It does need to be dealt with. First within yourself. Accept reality. Then it will begin to resolve itself. Hopefully.

  9. Dounia Jamai

    What if the underlying issue is not fixable?

  10. Fatima Hendricks Pretorius

    Very good advice Maa Sha Allah
    we can’t have fights coz he doesn’t talk much lol so I learned also to be quiet and accept

  11. Ismail Akoonjee

    Found this video very motivational.most arguments are trivial. Will try to be on the same side of the team. Not opponents.

    • Haleh Banani

      Ismail Akoonjee Alhamdulillah I’m happy to hear that. It’s so critical to feel like you’re a team.

      • Ismail Akoonjee

        Haleh Banani Thanks. I live in South Africa. I follow you on fb.

  12. Aliyah Umar

    Masya Allah tabaraakaAllah.. Somethings that we can change our mindset to see spouse as

  13. Balkeesh Hassan

    Assalaamualaikum my dear Sister

  14. Zara Khan

    Control emotions

  15. Zara Khan

    When we discuss other people issues always ended up in argument

  16. Maryam Lora

    Last time I had an argument was a week before starting the 5 pillars of marriage. Alhamdulillah since than we don’t fight. We communicate in a proper manner. Alhamdulillah

    • Haleh Banani

      Maryam Lora MashaAllah that’s amazing! I’m so happy to hear that 5 Pillars of Marriage helped your marriage. That makes me so happy! Thanks for sharing.

  17. Maryam Lora

    Wa Alikom Salam WB sister! I was not live, but Alhamdulillah I’m being able to take full advantage of your lecture.

  18. Ruheida Hassain

    My spouse was a wonderful man. He was not happy with me. I was not a good wifè. he has passed away now and i will be punished. What do i do

    • Haleh Banani

      Ruheida Hassain I’m sorry about your loss. It takes a lot of courage to admit that mashaAllah. I suggest making tauba (repent) and try to be kind to his family members. You can also do sadaqa jareya (on going charity) for your spouse. May Allah ease your heart

    • Nslaimoa Ajh

      Ruheida Hassain it took a lot of courage to admit that! Hugs and du’a for your healing.

  19. Janice Maria

    Asalamu alaikom beautiful sister

  20. Soraya Wise

    Ameen ya robbal Aalameen

    • Khalil Barho

      Mahmoud Jaseem وعليكم السلام ماذا تفعل هنا ،

  21. Fouad Elmubaid

    The best thing to do is talk through the problem.

  22. Seema Samie

    Increase tolerance

  23. Naeela Cassim Cajee

    It definitely doesn’t take two to resolve conflict. We must learn to take 100 % responsibility.

    • Haleh Banani

      Naeela Cassim Cajee That’s right!

  24. Ahmed Mashaal

    Some conflict is good and necessary….

  25. A. Rz

    Nice advice.
    However why fight , discussing out the problem the best way.

    • Haleh Banani

      A. Rz I don’t agree with fighting at all- it’s a way to peak the interest of the viewer.

  26. Tahirah Muslimah

    That’s some hardcore great workout, love it

  27. Aneesa Nazir

    I go all quiet but it doesn’t work either he just keep spewing words after words for hours on end I’ll leave the house to sit outside and he’ll follow me to keep arguing he’s totally irrational

  28. Shereen Alankar

    We just agree to disagree when there isn’t a suitable compromise

  29. Shereen Alankar

    I can’t win an argument in the mirror lol let alone with hubster

  30. Tahirah Muslimah

    As-Salam Alaykum dearest Haleh so lovely to see you

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