Islam makes You Unique | Na’ima B Robert | Haleh Banani | Mindul Ramadan | – Haleh Banani | M.A. Clinical Psychology

Islam makes You Unique | Na’ima B Robert | Haleh Banani | Mindul Ramadan |

by | Apr 15, 2022 | Holistic Health and Wellbeing | 94 comments

Although the world may look at you, a practicing Muslim, as a ‘stranger’, know that your Deen and Allah are your biggest strengths.

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  1. Margaret Ann Rock

    I’ve blocked these posts time and time again yet they keep popping up, don’t want to see this I’ve no interest in it at all,and I find it rude if someone talks to me with their face covered I can’t hear that well so don’t know what they are talking about

  2. Mavis Goodhill

    Do you believe the Koran that to get to Paradise you are to kill an infidel and the men get 72 virgins???

  3. Maggie Brent

    If a girl or woman a slave

  4. Sue Matthews

    You don’t have to agree or believe in another’s religious beliefs, but at least acknowledge and respect one difference.

  5. Jeanette White

    Why do I keep getting these sort of posts on my feed. I am not the slightest bit interested in them. …….

  6. Helga Smolders

    It does not make you unique , it makes you invisible, if you are a woman.

  7. Jenny Bradbury

    It seems to me those who follow Islam fear each other more than they fear God ,it’s almost as if they are trying to prove to each other that they are a better more Islamic Muslim ,it’s almost like a show.God is personal to each individual Man and Woman ,you don’t need to prove to each other who you are ,wether you pray in your home or a religious building you will be heard by God .

  8. Carol Stone

    why am I seeing this on my news feed! No thank you.

  9. Susan Millwood

    If I was to venture into a mainly Muslim country, I would be expected to comply with the rules on dress and behaviour – which I would gladly do. This country has its own culture and rules, one being that women are equal to men and when in certain places your face needs to be uncovered. Personally, full length dresses and headscarves don’t bother me but I don’t think face coverings should be permitted in public places.

  10. Angie van Nuil

    The world is in the state its in because of religion an any religion that preachers hate for others finds the female believers in its mist un worthy enough to be allowed to be who they are instead of being subjected to stoning beheading an made to wear covering from head to toe is not a religion its a god damn cult run by men who are chauvinistic self absorbed swine ….if your your faith teaches hate time to get another faith …we so done with your Killing an bombing innocent folks we done with your demands …would love to see Christian folk demanding churches in the East can you imagine … why in the hell am I seeing this post

  11. Sonia Kennedy

    Ashamed of your face.?.

  12. Jane Moxon

    No thanks. Just another extreme cult.

    • Rhoda Palmer

      Jane Moxon agree with you

  13. Milly Ruby

    The face covering needs to be banned in the UK it is a choice to wear it.

  14. Ruth Lockhart

    Jesus Christ is the true Saviour of mankind and all who call on His Name shall be saved. He sets the captives free and opens the eyes of the blind. So, He also does not require women to cover themselves in horrible black garb, He offers freedom from oppression and a relationship with God the Father through Him.

    • Angela Iles

      Ruth Lockhart oh look the my religion is the right one not yours argument!! Well how’s this THERE’S FUCKING ZERO EVIDENCE FIR ANY OF THEM SO YOU CAN FUCK RIGHT OFF MY NEWS FEED WITH THIS DELUSIONAL FUCKING BULLSHIT

  15. Moya Martin

    When your in your own country dress how you like but when your in mine , dress how we like. There could be terrorist men under those black coverings.
    Are you that vain that you think your so wonderful that men won’t be able to control themselves if they see your face or hair? Or are your males so perverted that the animal instinct makes them uncontrollable?

    • Anne Stepney

      Moya Martin Terrorists & other criminals have already done this

  16. Isabel Owens

    Anyone can be confident behind a face covering.

  17. Farah Gilmour

    Islam is based on war, stoning women, no rights for women, giving the right for stealing from non-Muslims and even killing non-Muslims is praised in the Koran.

    • Lynn Aro Mitchell

      Farah Gilmour bullshit. The Muslims I have met are loving and kind

  18. Jannette Troman

    Ooh the people I love the most NOT hint of sarcasm

  19. Marie Jmueller

    Religion of hate your prophet was a nutjob..

      • Lynn Aro Mitchell

        Marie Jmueller very cruel comment. Jesus wasn’t a Christian, he was a jew

        • Marie Jmueller


          • Lynn Aro Mitchell

            Marie Jmueller Jesus was a jew. No I’m not a Christian and nether are you. If you were you wouldn’t judge others

          • Frieda Harper

            Lynn Aro Mitchell where in the bible does it say Jesus was a Jew? Now keep in mind the bible has been changed many times and was written by a Freemason

          • Lynn Aro Mitchell

            Marie Jmueller who are to make such judgements evil lady

          • Anne Stepney

            Marie Jmueller So you think it’s right for a 5th century “religion “” to oppress Women arrange marriages for them ,Murder them if they don’t obey ,Stone them for having affair or in Indonesia they are flogged ,FGM ,& many other oppressions ??

  20. Joan Speight

    Covered from head to toe what makes you unique

  21. Ruth Stanier

    Remove this advert from my facebook

  22. Alexandria Hart

    Wow people are being twats on this post.

  23. Joanna Partington

    Religion causes problems in this world, but live and let live whatever makes you happy

      • Dana Perrin

        Joanna Partington sharia courts offend me, which I thought were forbidden?! Paying for their mosques offends me, covered faces offends me in a 21st century, dictating to us offends me, and 78 per cent if true of Muslim men not working and living off benefits, and arranged marriages offends me!!

        • Joanna Partington

          I don’t like all that either, but it’s their choice

          • Joanna Partington

            Paedophiles in the Catholic Church offends me

          • Joanna Partington

            Like I said religion has a lot to answer for

  24. Ann Jones

    Every person born is unique

  25. Carol Warnett

    How does Islam make you unique? Most women are covering their hair and or their faces. A lot of the men wear long white garments, all look alike very unique.

  26. Veronica Lee

    Are you not confident enough strong enough to show your gace. Face the world.

    • Alison Mcdonald

      Veronica Lee …was you any less confident when you was wearing the mask..

        • Alison Mcdonald

          Lorraine Turner Skinner …very confident especially when I know what I’m wearing it for …its mostly other people that have an…or make an issue of it…

          • Susan Reynolds

            Alison Mcdonald should not be allowed in this day and age , it’s medieval.

          • Alison Mcdonald

            Susan Reynolds …so is choice …should that not be allowed either…

          • Susan Reynolds

            Alison Mcdonald no , not in this country

          • Alison Mcdonald

            Susan Reynolds …what …you saying people can’t have a choice in this country…if ..when you go abroad do you have a choice…

          • Susan Reynolds

            Alison Mcdonald no you don’t, live by the rules of the country, it’s only this country where foreigners please themselves.

          • Alison Mcdonald

            Susan Reynolds …seriously…unless your going abroad for say religious reasons…anything else goes and you know it…and I’m not being funny but many homegrown ..born and raised don’t follow rules …so exactly what are you whinging about…if people want to cover or uncover what exactly does that have to do with you …

          • Susan Reynolds

            Alison Mcdonald why do they need to cover the face in a Christian country, isn’t that why they come here for a bit of freedom.

          • Alison Mcdonald

            Susan Reynolds …Huh…maybe many had to flee …and even if that’s not the case freedom doesn’t mean uncovering …they still have their faith no matter where they go …and rightly so …

          • Susan Reynolds

            Alison Mcdonald the faith doesn’t tell them to cover the face, the husband does !

          • Alison Mcdonald

            Susan Reynolds …and you tell them to uncover what’s the difference…basically from one oppressor to another…and I know many many women who cover for their faith and not for man…and if they are covering for their faith sorry you have no chance of changing that…unless you become like France then that would not be very Christian of you would it now…each to their own…

          • Angie van Nuil

            Alison Mcdonald was you …….the actual term is were you don’t slaughter a language

  27. Roni Allen

    Woww talking pillar box

  28. Diane Williams

    She needs to show her face when talking.

  29. Linda Bryant Armstrong

    Sorry but I need to see who is talking to me , so no thank you .

    • Andrea Fretwell

      Linda Bryant Armstrong so agree

      • Collins Chris

        Linda Bryant Armstrong All religions are based on fear

        • Alison Mcdonald

          Linda Bryant Armstrong …bless I guess you spoke to no one during the Covid saga …faces covered and all …bless ya..

          • Eve Booth

            Alison Mcdonald thisis different to this .

          • Eve Booth

            Alison Mcdonald is different to this .

          • Alison Mcdonald

            Eve Booth …two pictures …two covers exactly what is your point …are you seriously telling me that you communicate through hair and neck…ain’t that just a bit small minded of you to think that because one is fully covered you can’t communicate with ..but the other you can…what a sad world we live in…

          • Eve Booth

            Alison Mcdonald yeah it is about as sad as those that hissed at my friends daughter as she passed a group of them because she’d a short skirt n top on .and thats in her own country .and seriously no it’s not the same are you blind ? anything could be behind that black blanket .to much appeasing in this country folk are fed up of it .

          • Alison Mcdonald

            Eve Booth …I’m not disputing ignorance …but I am when many Muslims are born here and chose to wear it …and you still have a problem …I can guarantee this that if it was any other faith you would not have an issue with it …people are only mouthy when it’s Muslims are you not bored of that yet ….shame on you about our country this that…now that ignorant…

          • Eve Booth

            Alison Mcdonald other cultures here aren’t always demanding this or that ,,,oh and then proclaim they are ‘British ‘ when it suits ,,,it’s a joke and we are the dupes .try wearing your western clothes in Bangladesh or Afghanistan or any Islamic ruled country even not covering your hair at the very least even in this country they expect that when you venture into their places Of worship ,oh can women go in those places ? if any thing it’s these people who demand and expect us to accept all they throw at us that are ignorant to our culture ,,what’s left of it .oh n I couldn’t make out your last sentence .

          • Alison Mcdonald

            Eve Booth …first of all if youre British…you’re British end of ..

            Ain’t that funny …people talk about do as the Romans do but moan if you can’t be different else where and from what I can see if people hate muslims so much why would you want to go to those countries in the first place…easily solved just don’t go …

            And who forces who…if people do go to places of worship it out of respect …nothing to do with being forced as you have a choice not to go isn’t it

            And the last bit …you mentioned about your friends daughter in her own country…as wrong as people were to have hissed would you have even mentioned it if the people who hissed wasn’t muslim…I truly truly doubt it…

          • Eve Booth

            Alison Mcdonald who else but a Muslim would dress like a dementor ?And what other culture in the uk feels that women should be covered ? I wouldn’t go to one of those countries because Ive no reason to ,nothing there interests me ,their way of life ,their oppression of females and intolerances of all things not allowed by Islam ,and as for moving there not a chance I wouldn’t be able to invite my gay friends to visit .but and this is a big but if I ever did id live life to their ways .not demanding special treatment or foods etc ,id have too .

          • Alison Mcdonald

            Eve Booth ..then stop whinging then and move on …you won’t be missed…bless ya

          • Eve Booth

            Alison Mcdonald seems the whinger is you ,you little woke liblab left dangerous fool .

          • Alison Mcdonald

            Eve Booth …oh WOW…I must use that line when I’ve not nothing else to say…thanx bab…

          • Eve Booth

            Alison Mcdonald you are welcome .

          • Eve Booth

            Alison Mcdonald you .doing a diy lobotomy.

          • Alison Mcdonald

            Eve Booth …il give ya that one as I do like a bit of DIY …now please do one and enjoy your day …Tara abit…

          • Alison Mcdonald

            Jane Roberts …here we go…as your comment is a bit of a yawn I won’t keep you…think before you write as I too have an opinion and a right which you don’t seem to like …can you see where I’m going with this …and sheep and wear masks do you even know what you are on about …next

          • Alison Mcdonald

            Jane Roberts …I am British so how can I be angry …go and have a tea or something ..anything…

          • Alison Mcdonald

            Jane Roberts …funny coming from someone who hates …

            I am living free and very happy …

            And preaching…I think your getting a little bit desperate now …in other words you have no argument you jumped on the band wagon and have clearly fell off …now on that note il bid you goodnight …

          • Jane Roberts

            Alison Mcdonald No darling not desperate just speaking the truth .And no hate either just pity .

  30. Lisa Jane Burnett

    May l ask. How does wearing a full face mask make you unique ? In any modern society the first point of contact and greeting is the face.
    I like to look at and know to whom l am conversing with !!
    I think it’s very rude not to adopt the customs and culture and obviously the laws of the land l visit.
    On my travels, where ever l am. It’s always been the case. I will always respect the laws and culture of that land. Personally l will never visit an Islamic country as l feel having to cover my face just because the male of culture say’s so. I’m afraid is not for me.

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