It was an extra special eid this year because my son Amir gave the eid khutba at MAS (Muslim American Association) mashaAllah tabarakAllah. We were humbled and grateful for this beautiful honor mash… – Haleh Banani | M.A. Clinical Psychology

It was an extra special eid this year because my son Amir gave the eid khutba at MAS (Muslim American Association) mashaAllah tabarakAllah. We were humbled and grateful for this beautiful honor mash…

by | Apr 24, 2023 | Holistic Health and Wellbeing | 45 comments

It was an extra special eid this year because my son Amir gave the eid khutba at MAS (Muslim American Association) mashaAllah tabarakAllah.

We were humbled and grateful for this beautiful honor mashaAllah.

Thank you MAS for being youth-centric and encouraging youth leadership. Please support this amazing organization by donating generously. We all need to chip in to save our youth. Any amount will help!

After a month of worshiping Allah and doing our best spiritually something dangerous happens to almost all of us.

Watch the khutba by my all time favorite speaker to find out what it is and how to avoid it.


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  1. Farhat Mirza

    MashaAllah tabarakAllah.

  2. بليغ حمزه ابوجليل

    أشهد أن لا إله إلا الله وحده لا شريك له وأشهد أن سيدنا محمد صل الله عليه وسلم عبده ورسوله

  3. Romana Ahmed

    MashAllah Haleh! How wonderful for you to witness your children lead such beauty! Mama crown mA. May they always be your comfort, pride and joy, and beautiful sadaqa jariyah from this life to the next. May Allah swt keep them in health and in His mercy and protection always Ameen

    • Haleh Banani

      Romana Ahmed Thank you for your beautiful comment and dua! It’s a blessing from Allah mashaAllah tabarakAllah.

  4. Shabs Arshed

    MashaAllah. May Allah swt keep you and your family in His Protection and Mercy and Blessings always. Ameen ⚘

  5. Hilmiya Almawali

    Mashallah Tabarak Allah so so proud of you and him too! because of your upbringing and the goodness you’re spreading !
    Allah SWT is rewarding you with this special gift through your child so blessed
    Give congratulations to the whole family

    • Haleh Banani

      Hilmiya Almawali Jazakillah khair for such a sweet comment. Alhamdulillah for Allah’s blessings. May Allah keep him strong on the straight path.

  6. Afshan Khan

    May Allah protect him

  7. Hanna Elorr

    Mashallah tabarka Allah good feelings to see your children seceding

  8. Fazila Hamid

    May Allah bless our youth And guide them to the strate path of emaan ameen

  9. Saima Sohail

    It’s such a beautiful example of raising children for the sake of Allah in His way.

  10. Sumaiya Mohammed

    MashAllah may Allah swt bless everyone a child/son like him and encouraging parents like you Aameen..

    • Haleh Banani

      Sumaiya Mohammed Jazakillah khair. Ameen.

  11. Yakubu Duhu Auta Sa'ad

    Ma sha Allah! This is indeed a fulfilling Eid Celebration for your family. May Allah reward Amir with His Rahma and bless him with more knowledge in his leadership role. Ameen!

    • Haleh Banani

      Yakubu Duhu Auta Sa’ad Ameen ya rab. JazakAllah khair.

  12. Firdaus Maalim

    MashaAllah TabaarakAllah Alhamdulillah. Allaahumma Barek lahuum
    What a beautiful proud moment for both parents Mabruk elf elf Mabruk
    May Allah keep on guiding him and all of our offspring onto His righteous path Aameen

    • Haleh Banani

      Firdaus Maalim Alhamdulillah It was a grateful moment. Ameen ya rab.

  13. Rishda Hendricks-Crombie

    Masha Allah, TabakAllah. One proud moment for his Parents. May Allah swt guide him ,and may he go from strength to strength in shaa Allah Amin.

  14. Rozina Dean

    Masha Allah

  15. Najwa Mohamed-Luddy

    Maasha’Allah Tabaarak’Allah may Almighty Allah accept and continue to guide and protect our future generations Insha’Allah Ameen from your sister in Cape Town South Africa with love

    • Haleh Banani

      Najwa Mohamed-Luddy Ameen ya rab! Sending love to my sisters in South Africa

      • Najwa Mohamed-Luddy

        Haleh Banani Jazaakumullah Khairan with love

  16. Rugaya Gabriels

    Maa Sha Allah Tabarakallah may Allah Swt accept from him grant you as his parents Aafiyah in every aspect of life make him among the ones who is accepted to be appointed a place in the best of Aakhira In Sha Allah Ameen

    • Haleh Banani

      Rugaya Gabriels Jazakillah khair. Ameen ya rab!

  17. Omer Mustafa Faiz

    May Allah s.w.t with his infinite kindness offer you many blessings that come from the prayers of your parents who loved you so much. May your children make you proud as you made your parents very proud ! Thank you for you and your loving son contribution to our community! Thanks dear Haleh Banani for sharing your wisdom and skills always helping us to give the best of us to our families and the people around us spreading your words of knowledge.May Allah s.w.t reward you tremendously!

    • Sofia Fareed

      Omer Mustafa Faiz Masha’Allah

      • Haleh Banani

        Omer Mustafa Faiz You’re welcome. JazakAllah khair for your dua.

  18. Angel Haid

    Masha Allah tabarallah!!!

  19. Laiba Shafiq

    ماشاءاللہ ۔تبارک اللّٰہ

  20. Iman Ahmed-Wadiwala

    May all your children be sadqa jaariah for you, ameen

    • Haleh Banani

      Iman Ahmed-Wadiwala Thank you! Ameen.

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