Life of Muhammad ﷺ | Define Your Legacy in Ramadan 2022 w/ Sh. Mohamed Elshinawy (Yaqeen) | Ep 01 – Haleh Banani | M.A. Clinical Psychology

Life of Muhammad ﷺ | Define Your Legacy in Ramadan 2022 w/ Sh. Mohamed Elshinawy (Yaqeen) | Ep 01

by | Apr 12, 2022 | Faith and Spirituality

Welcome to a Mindful Ramadan 2022 – leaving a legacy this year. Our goal is to inspire each of you to choose how you want to be remembered and ignite your passion for contribution, whether at home or on a global scale.

Our guest today is a graduate of English literature at Brooklyn College, New York City. He studied at the Islamic University of Medina and is a graduate and instructor of Islamic studies at Michigan University. He has translated major works for the international Islamic publishing house, the assembly of Muslim jurists of America, and Michigan university. He is a fellow scholar for Yaqeen Institute. I’m excited to have our guest Muhammad Ash Shinnawy where we will be discussing the legacy of the Prophet Mohammad (pbuh).

Michael Hart rated the Prophet Mohammad (pbuh) as the world’s most influential person citing that he was supremely successful on both religious and secular levels. George Bernard Shaw referred to him as the savior of humanity.

How did the prophet Muhammad (pbuh) change the world? What made him so revered and respected throughout the world and throughout time, even by non-Muslims.

Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) was successful on all levels – the religious and the secular, the spiritual and the psychological levels. He knew how to lead from the front but still be there for his people. He was brave and powerful but grounded with humility and gentleness. This is what made him stand out from the rest of mankind.

The Prophet (pbuh) said the heaviest thing on the scale is your character. How can we emulate them?

Many times, you have these competing values in your life and you don’t know how to hold onto one without getting rid of the other. What’s really amazing is that he (pbuh) was not unique and unparalleled in any one single character trait. He was the best in all of them. His honesty, integrity, humility, simplicity, compassion and mercy were exceptional.

Even while being the most respected leader, he was protective of the vulnerable sections of the society. He would open his heart out to welcome and forgive those who wronged him. He was the most tender and gentle person on earth. His valour and bravery for just causes were mindblowing. His generosity was a part of his bravery. He mastered the art of being interested in people, being receptive, listening, caring, sensitive and sympathetic towards others.

How did our Prophet (pbuh) use wisdom when he was correcting others?

Our Deen teaches us to try our level best to correct others, but this correction must be done so with humility and sincerity. The key here is “hikmah” or wisdom. Knowing what to say, when to say, and how to say is crucial while correcting others. If done harshly or in a judgemental manner, it will cause the other person to move further away from Islam. Our Prophet (pbuh) is the perfect example when it comes to correcting people’s mistakes.

There are generally three types of people who make mistakes:

  • The uninformed,
  • The uneducated, and
  • The stubborn.

With the uninformed, you just simply need to inform them about what is right and wrong because they have been ignorant about it. Don’t hold anything against them.

The uneducated or uninspired: These people just need some dose of inspiration and the right direction to guide them towards Allah. With some encouragement and positive words, they can be redirected to the straight path.

The third category of people are those who are arrogant and stubborn. We should not give up on them. Rather, with persistence and patience, we can definitely bring about a positive impact in their lives.

The key here is to understand that one size will not fit everyone. You need to assess the situation and see whom you are dealing with before correcting them. Our Prophet (pbuh) excelled in this area.

How can we emulate the prophet’s (pbuh) in his leadership?

Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) led by example. His actions were louder than his words. The second thing is not to have an ego, but rather, be selfless. This is only possible when we focus on Allah and not on fame or popularity. The appetite of the ego has to always be curbed. And that’s what makes a great leader. Next, you need to be assertive. You have to put your trust in Allah and move forward.

How do you want to be remembered? What is the legacy that you want to leave behind ?

The only thing that I would love is to be admired by my children. That’s my legacy. People can admire from a distance, because people imagine you to be greater than you are as a public figure. But for your children who see you around the clock inside, outside in your formal clothes and non formal clothes will know the real you, and that is very profound.

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