On Ground Reporting With Sr. Lauren Booth – Haleh Banani | M.A. Clinical Psychology

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  1. Bilkies Essay

    Tragedy indeed but lesson for us in Imaan …unwavering ..jzk Sr. Lauren

  2. Bilkies Essay

    Allah grant the rescuers strength mentally and physically to continue the rescue efforts…and the people sabr to go on

  3. Farida Haque

    Walaikum salam.Our thoughts and prayers for ALL.

  4. Djibo Moussa

    qu’Allah les faire sa miséricorde allahouma amine soum amine y’a Rahman

  5. Fairouz May

    May Allah bring ease Ameen

  6. Abdualgabar Eisa

    May Allah grant to them him better than losing yrbalameen

  7. Alisha Ghafari

    Hasbun allah wa nimal wakil

  8. Alia Ayyub

    Jazakumullahu khair for talking about Syria too.
    Our hearts are completely broken for all our brothers and sisters in Türkiye and Syria. May Allah heal them and bless them with the best. Ameen

  9. Fathma Sacoor

    Allah make it easy for the people of Turkey very very sad

  10. Shazia Shah

    One ummah is in Syria

  11. Shazia Shah

    Thank you for posting this and being sensitive to sharing this information

  12. Fatma Karakullukçuoğlu Sevgi

    I just coming back from Turkiye 3 weeks ago my hart is broken it’s so hard watching may Allah help them all

  13. Eman Ali

    استفقادة الله رحمة ، هذا مثل سوري

  14. Shariffa Miller

    As salaamu alaikum.
    Nabi (sallallahu ‘alayhi wa sallam) said:

    ‘The believers in their mutual mercy, love and compassion are like a single body, when one limb is in pain the rest of the body joins in insomnia, fever and restlessness’

    (Sahih Bukhari, Hadith: 6011
    Let’s make duah daily for our brothers and sisters and donate please

  15. Md Nawab


  16. UM Gamini

    I. Don’t. Won’t. Any. Help. I. Won’t. I. Go. My. Life. Only

  17. UM Gamini

    I’m. Happy. Any. Time. I’m. Unhappy. Come. This. Program. But. She. Tell. Thing. I. Come. Angry

  18. UM Gamini

    Madam. This. People. Not. Give. To. Me. Now. More. Then. Eight. Month. Speak. My. Wife. Why. For. This

  19. UM Gamini

    I. Say it. Many. Time. I. Like. You’re. All. Thing. But. I. Don’t. No. You’re. Make. I. Like. But. She. Don’t. Ask.. I. Don’t. Like. She. Program. She. Do. It. She. Won’t. Way.

  20. UM Gamini

    Good morning. I. Have. No. Problem. I. Like. Out. But. I. Don’t. Like. This. Wedding. Comity.. I. Try. Out. This. You. Like. One. Take. No. Problem

  21. Celina Jaz

    Salam sistwr

  22. Fathima Sheik Mohideen

    SubhanAllah these people who lost every thing but very rich in Eemaan are Our Role models

  23. Fathima Sheik Mohideen

    SubhanAllah, powerful Eemaan,ya Allah love to be with them ,pure hearts ..Ya Allah bless them immensely

  24. Fahema Khatun

    May Allah SubahaTawala gives them strength and acceptance there deeds Ameen

  25. Nadia Rabin

    Waalaikum salaam warahmatullahi wabarakatuhu

  26. Nadia Rabin

    May Allah grant ease,comfort and strength to all those affected Ameen.

  27. Wahida Ay

    May Allah help them and guide us through these tests.

  28. Nourin Jabin

    May Allah help and protect them from all the hard times

  29. Shazia Mustafa Salim

    Walay kum salaam sisters
    May Allah bless you all

  30. Question Album

    Yeh Allah please bless and protect them from all the hard times

  31. Helene De La Roche

    May Allah help and protect all of them.

  32. Saba Parekh

    So me how I don’t see the link

  33. Zamzam Seif


  34. Saba Parekh

    For Sr. Lauren’s charity

  35. Saba Parekh

    Can someone plz share the link

  36. Yasmine Dramat

    Jazakallahu ghairan sister Lauren for sharing your experience in Turkey. May Allah continue to bless you, your family and all the people affected by this tragedy, Ameen.

  37. Rooksana Basha

    Our thoughts and duas

  38. Halima Avon Peeroo

    May Allah makes it easy for them. Ameen

  39. Numera Kazmi

    May Allah help them, give them strength and accept their deeds (Ameen).

  40. Bake Bar


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