Pleasing Allah: The Way to Righteous Acts
A reminder to keep our actions aligned with pleasing Allah and staying true to our values, ethics, and integrity. May Allah guide us to achieve our goals in a honorable and pure manner.
#HalehBanani #islamicreminders #StayFocused #PleaseAllah #IntentionsPure #HonorablePath #Integrity #WorkEthics #GoodDeeds #InshaAllah
Ameen ya Allah
Ameen Ya Rabb
In Shaa Allah
So true🩷
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Thanks of all
Are you doing very well
Je vous aime fillah
Salam ma soeur
J’aimerai bien parler l’anglais.
Merci beaucoup
JazakAllahu khairan. Although this advice is applicable to all situations, it is an even more important reminder to parents who use aggressive and sometimes violent means to “make their children pious”, and then use “good intention” to justify the harm.
Allahu Al-Musta’aan.
thank you