Q&A With Dr. Hanaa Gamal Mufti at ISGH | Mindful Ramdan 2021 – Haleh Banani | M.A. Clinical Psychology

Q&A With Dr. Hanaa Gamal Mufti at ISGH | Mindful Ramdan 2021

by | May 3, 2021 | Holistic Health and Wellbeing | 48 comments

Q&A With Dr. Hanaa Gamal Mufti at ISGH | Mindful Ramdan 2021


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  1. Nona Vidaja

    Where can share to send money please send me link or so I can send it money .

  2. Nona Vidaja

    Thank you so much !! May Allah blessed us!!

  3. Nona Vidaja

    I want to learn to recite Quaran lin Arabic .

  4. Nona Vidaja

    Amen I love you sister

  5. Nona Vidaja

    Thank you I like to listen you sister Hanan

  6. Hqirat Qirat

    How can we follow Dr Hanaa

  7. Sumbar Besok

    marhaban ya ramadhan
    beatiful sister

  8. Melinda Vega

    Question: I am a woman who is in menopause. I’ve been told I no longer “have” to cover with hijab. Is that true?

  9. Asma Mushtaq

    Yes we heard that answer

  10. Melinda Vega

    She can’t see yoy

  11. Sowda Sharif

    ManshaAllah jazakaAllah kheyr sis!

  12. Adila Hajaat

    Jazakallah khairan sisters ! I also would love more sessions like this

  13. Farah Fahad

    Ameen yaa Rabulalaameen

  14. Samar Siddiqui

    Yes, you’re giving us hope. Love you Sisters, may Allah reward you!

  15. Nabila Shadab Mulla

    Its such a blessing to have sis halah n dr.. what beautiful people with beautiful knowledge.. may Allah guide us with such knowledge

  16. Anonymous

    May Allah swt bless you always Dr Hanaa

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