Why is Ramadan an AMAZING Time To Repair Your Marriage? – Haleh Banani | M.A. Clinical Psychology

Why is Ramadan an AMAZING Time To Repair Your Marriage?

by | May 8, 2022 | Faith and Spirituality, Love and Intimacy, Relationship & Marriage Advice

Ramadan is the ideal time to work on your marriage. Some people associate Ramadan with spirituality alone, not realizing that having a peaceful state of mind is crucial for engaging in ibadah-related actIvities.

Recall the last time you had a fight with your spouse or were really upset with each other. What effect does that have on your state of mind? How affected are you emotionally? Any misunderstanding or argument can keep your mind preoccupied for days until you have resolved each other’s differences. Imagine going into Ramadan with arugula r or fights. How focused would you be in your ibadah? Not much, right?

Therefore, if you want your Ramadan to be the best, you must first set your house in order and make sure you are at peace with each other. Ramadan is the ideal time to raise your relationship because Satan is chained. His interference and whispering are cut out. This is the time to cleanse your heart and purify your intentions. 

I’ve seen people associate Ramadan with asceticism, so much so that they totally cut themselves off from their spouse, kids, and loved ones. This is not the way of our Prophet (PBUH). In fact, he (pbuh) strived hard and included his family members in ibadah, hoping they would get the same reward too! 

Reward in front of you! 

A lot of times, we go looking for rewards from different places without realizing the huge treasure chest of rewards that are lying right before our eyes.

During Ramadan, we set up goals to read the Quran or pray extra nafil rakahs , but you must also make the intention to improve your marriage for Allah’s sake. When you consciously choose to put in some effort, you will see your hearts soften towards each other. 

Check out my Ramadan Relationship Repair, a program that gives you step-by-step guidance to improve your marriage. 

Invest 10 minutes

How many of you are ready to invest 10 minutes a day to make your marriage better? You don’t have to bring about drastic changes in your marriage. Just put in 10 minutes a day for your marriage and you’ll see a huge improvement in your life. Spend time talking to each other rather than living like roommates.

Have fun with each other. Crack jokes and be the source of humor in your spouse’s life because the world outside is very depressing and stressful for all of us. You should be the source of happiness, joy and peace in your spouse’s life.  

Use this Ramadan to connect with your spouse and bring out the best in them. If you’re indulging in lots of ibadah but being rude and disrespectful to your spouse, you’re going to be losing a lot of rewards. 

Our worship should be demonstrated in our character – in the way we deal with 

our spouse and the way we talk to them, in being pleasant, loving and welcoming towards them. There is no point in focusing on your deen while neglecting the spouse Allah blessed you with. 

You may have been hurt, frustrated, and disappointed with each other. This Ramadan, change those ill feelings you have for each other. Make the effort to improve your relationship and you will see Allah open up doors from places unknown. Allah will soften your hearts and palace love and mercy towards each other. 

Let us strive to be a source of comfort and peace for our spouses so they yearn to be in our presence inshaAllah. Let us be the source of comfort and love they search for. Ameen

By Staff Writer

Staff writers for halehbanani.com

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