Ramadan Message! https://halehbanani.com/ramadan2022 – Haleh Banani | M.A. Clinical Psychology

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  1. Abduljalil Salek

    Assalamualaikum warahmatullah hi wabarakatuhu

  2. Anusha Ali

    Ramzan Mubarak

  3. Wahida Ay

    Ramadan Kareem!!

  4. Farha Deeba

    Ramadan Mubarak everyone Jazakallahu khairan for ur efforts.. just wanted to know, if there are recordings available? Due to the different timezones, won’t be able to make it live..

  5. Nomi Nomi

    How are. You everyone

  6. Shabina Shaw Bacchus

    Assalamu Alaikum
    Ramadan Mubarak to you and your family .

  7. Imran Asif

    وعلیکم السلام

  8. Nadia Hawa

    It’s gonna be amazing In’shaa’Allah

  9. Zohra Khan

    Ramadan Mubarak to you too!!

  10. Zulpha Benjamin

    Ramadan Mubarak sister Haleh and family

  11. Salma Fatuma

    Ramadhan Mubarak sister

  12. Barb Muho

    Alejkum Selam. Sister

  13. Maya Hadie

    I’m not sure I’ll be able to attend as I was planning to be off social media!

    • Haleh Banani

      Maya Hadie You’ll miss out on this inspiring series. Only watch for an hour and sign off

  14. Nisa Cekic

    Ramadan Mubarak Haleh.. may Allah accept your duas and fast. May he make it easy on all of us . Ameen

  15. Natasha Soni

    Jzkl khayr for your effort. May Allah accept. We are so excited. Followed your program 2 Ramadans already alhamdulillah

    • Haleh Banani

      Natasha Soni MashaAllah that’s great to hear! Thank you for your on going support! We’re excited to share it.

  16. Belkacem Oricha

    كنصيحة ..
    • عند الوضوء كن شاباً وتوضأ بنشاط.
    • عند الصلاة كن عجوزاً وصلي بهدوء.
    • وعند الدعاء كن طفلاً لحوحاً يبكي ويترجى

    حافظو على الصلاة فهناك مكان أجمل من الدنيا بكثير
    اللهم اجعلنا من المحافظين عليها وجعلها احب الينا من الدنيا وما فيها :

    • Rico Rico

      Belkacem Oricha اللهم آمين

  17. Ambar Khan

    Assalamualaikum sister

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