‘Revive Your Ramadan’ (Ep. 23) with Haleh Banani – Haleh Banani | M.A. Clinical Psychology

‘Revive Your Ramadan’ (Ep. 23) with Haleh Banani

by | May 5, 2021 | Holistic Health and Wellbeing | 50 comments

Join us for Episode 23 of ‘Revive Your Ramadan’ with Haleh Banani today at 6:30pm, insha’Allah.

Haleh Banani has her Masters’s in Clinical Psychology and has been serving the Muslim community since 1998. She is the founder of 5 Pillars of Marriage, The Mindful Hearts Academy, and a premarital program with comedian Baba Ali called Laugh and Learn. She had her own TV show called ‘With Haleh.’ She is an international speaker with an ijaza in the recitation of the Quran from Egypt.

‘Revive Your Ramadan’ is brought to you by WATAN UK.

Watch live at 6:30pm BST today on my Facebook page. Catch-up will be available after the live stream.

Our Syrian brothers and sisters need our help. Provide an IDP village with clinic and sanitation: www.watan.org.uk/laurenbooth (link in bio!)

Hosted by Lauren Booth.


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  1. Yahya Isa

    What about Jerusalem

  2. Fatima Puskar

    Selam from Phoenix Arizona (from Bosnia and Herzegovina )

  3. Fatima Puskar

    May everyone’s efforts there in Syria be blessed by Allah SWT. Ameen.

  4. Fatima Puskar

    Astagfirrula Azeem ya Allah

  5. Gousia Baqal

    Loved the example of Nooh AS

  6. Gousia Baqal

    Confidence but no self esteem…so interesting and so true.

  7. Gousia Baqal

    We are full of flaws and these points are so important to work on , such a beautiful reminder

  8. Sumaya Abrahams

    SubhaanAllah both sisters have the most beautiful of Noor.
    May Allah swt keep your faces radiant with your pure intentions and your striving to keep your hearts pure Aameen

  9. Sanaa Khan

    Sometimes you don’t even know you are in competition with someone. It’s a silent competition..

  10. Syed Muhammad Ali Jafri

    Contact us for online Therapy in urdu,Punjabi,Hindi and english.
    The Eclectic counseling centre Islamabad. +923334215688

  11. Kauthar Busari

    May Allah reward you abundantly fi duniya wal khira

  12. Sanaa Khan

    Get rid of negativity- be optimistic. Hasbunullaho wa naimal wakeel- Allah is sufficient for me. This really helps me. I remind myself who is in control. Thank God it’s not me lol

  13. Nahida Begum

    Salam sisters, Mashallah great talk. Sister Haleh I have messaged you regarding some advice on a situation if you could help me I would really appreciate it jzk.

  14. Syed Muhammad Ali Jafri

    Contact us for online Therapy in urdu,Punjabi,Hindi and english.
    The Eclectic counseling centre Islamabad. 03334215688

  15. Basma Salah

    So nice of sr. Haleh

  16. Kauthar Busari

    Alhamdulillah.That so kind of you

  17. Ais Ba


  18. Syed Muhammad Ali Jafri

    Contact us for online Therapy in urdu,Punjabi,and english.
    The Eclectic counseling centre Islamabad. 03334215688

  19. Afsha Noori

    Remove jealousy (previous point) , removing any trace of arrogance (previous point)

  20. Afsha Noori

    Spend time with the poor. It removes arrogance, makes us grateful (one of the previous points)

  21. Sanaa Khan

    Hate has a “stench” . It destroys your heart

  22. Syeda Fariha H

    What waas the previous 2 points sister

    • Sanaa Khan

      Removing jealousy and crushing arrogance

  23. Sanaa Khan

    Stop comparing ourselves to others

  24. Seema Samie

    Absolutely correct

  25. Sanaa Khan

    My dad taught us not to look at people that have more than us but rather look at the people who have less and that will remind you to be more grateful

  26. Lena Um Komil

    MashaAllah may Allah swt reward both of you inshaAllah Ameen

  27. Sanaa Khan

    Love the rat analogy- clinging on to Allah’s hope is what gets me through the tough times… can’t imagine going through the tests that the Syrian refugees go through

  28. Khatera Hofioni

    What a great initiative! May Allah make it a success. Great analogy given by sr.Haleh

  29. Nora Ibrahim

    MashAllah tabarak Allah, great talk. I have my 11 and 10 yr old boys listening too, appreciate some of the points you made

  30. Syeda Fariha H

    MashaAllah thank you for this beautiful talk sisters

  31. Syeda Fariha H

    A truly wonderful session jazak Allah khair Ameen

  32. Hussain Ali

    Beautiful talking Masha allah

  33. Sanaa Khan

    Crushing arrogance. Attribute to Allah

  34. Seema Samie

    Beautiful talk Mashallah

  35. Sanaa Khan

    Removing jealousy- destroying good deeds. It consumes you

  36. Sanaa Khan

    Living with congruence( walking the talk

  37. Khatera Hofioni

    I love that “you cannot put bandage to internal bleeding”

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