Shift from scarcity to abundance. Embrace Allah’s role as Ar-Raziq and transform your outlook on life’s provisions. #HalehBanani #AllahsAbundance #RediscoveringFaith #ArRaziq #IslamicMindset #Abunda… – Haleh Banani | M.A. Clinical Psychology

Shift from scarcity to abundance. Embrace Allah’s role as Ar-Raziq and transform your outlook on life’s provisions. #HalehBanani #AllahsAbundance #RediscoveringFaith #ArRaziq #IslamicMindset #Abunda…

by | Sep 25, 2023 | Holistic Health and Wellbeing | 11 comments

Shift from scarcity to abundance. Embrace Allah’s role as Ar-Raziq and transform your outlook on life’s provisions.

#HalehBanani #AllahsAbundance #RediscoveringFaith #ArRaziq #IslamicMindset #AbundanceMentality #TrustInAllah #IslamicTeachings #QuranAndHadith #StrengtheningFaith #MindfulMuslim


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  1. Maryam Ab

    Masha Allah

  2. Rashida Sultana

    Subhan Allah. Allah hu Akbar.

  3. Salma Ali

    Indeed Allah is Raaziq & there is no doubt about it. Alhamdulillah HE grants us abundantly & we should be content with it without any worries. Just build the trust in HIM Very essential reminder
    Jazak Allahu khair

  4. M Khan

    I’ M Female Tutor offering for Kids & Females.
    A passionate teacher who teaches the Quran to the students who want to learn Quran online with Tajweed.
    Insha’Allah, I will teach you the letters, words, and verses of the Quran, step by step in a simple and easy way. I will focus on Quran pronunciation and recitation with Tajweed methods.
    I will offering the courses:
    1. Reading of Quran.
    2. Recitation of Quran.
    3. Tajweed Basic Grammar
    4. Farz Alum
    5. Teaching of SALAT & DUA
    Contact me on Whatsapp for further details.
    Whatsapp link +923156719237

  5. Hiba Nina

    So true Allah is the provider. I dislike when people do that(putting people down, trash talking, rude, mean) we should always wish the best for everyone. We don’t know everything that someone is going through so we should always be kind 🙂

  6. Hana Abdi

    Subhanallah. Yes Allahs rizq is abundant! He gives us day and night. Jazaki Allahu khairan for the reminder

  7. Pân Dâ

    It came up on time wallah, thank you so much oustadah Haleh 🙂

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