Stop The Cycle of Emotional Breakdown | Episode 19 – Haleh Banani | M.A. Clinical Psychology

Stop The Cycle of Emotional Breakdown | Episode 19

by | May 7, 2021 | Holistic Health and Wellbeing | 25 comments

Stop The Cycle of Emotional Breakdown | Episode 19

How To Be Humble Without Being A Doormat | With Ust. Fuseina Muhamad | Episode 18 | 30 DAYS TO YOUR BEST CHARACTER | FREE EVENT | MINDFUL RAMADAN 2021

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  1. UBint Alia

    Asalam aleykum warahumatulai wabarakatu MashaAllah. Thank you so much my sister may almighty Allah grant shifa in this world and hereafter Ameen thuma Ameen I really like your conversation

  2. Madina Yusupova

    I’ve heard that being said to me

  3. Kishwar Ali Qureshi

    You know what? I just happened to come across this video when I was very upset. A security guard to a neighborhood always gives my son and I a really hard time . He is supposed to let us through because my son is in the system, but he always acts like he can’t find it and speaks very rudely with us

  4. Ihsan Jibril

    However what I noticed is that with dhikr and Quran, emotional control becomes easier.

  5. Sana Khan

    # replay

  6. Manal Rima

    Love it jazaki Allahou kheiroun

  7. Maryam Lora

    Wa Alison Salam

  8. Khadreena QK

    MashaAllah tabarakAllah beautiful. Ramadhan Mubarak to you all and JazakumuAllah kheyran for this amazing lecture. #replay

  9. Caroline Loveland

    Most times I feel it’s an attack and so I just take everything to heart and the value I have for myself goes down eventually I just go numb

  10. Pakheeza Ali

    Wa/alaikum Asalam alya

  11. Pakheeza Ali

    Just described myself subhanallah

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