The Art of Effective Advice | Being A Mirror With Ust. Fuseina Muhamad | Episode 13 – Haleh Banani | M.A. Clinical Psychology

The Art of Effective Advice | Being A Mirror With Ust. Fuseina Muhamad | Episode 13

by | Apr 29, 2021 | Holistic Health and Wellbeing | 53 comments

The Art of Effective Advice | Being A Mirror With Ust. Fuseina Muhamad | Episode 13 | 30 DAYS TO YOUR BEST CHARACTER | FREE EVENT | MINDFUL RAMADAN 2021
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  1. Sumbar Besok

    walaikum salam warah matullah wabarakatu

  2. Zubeida Ottley

    Wahleikum Salaam Wahrematullahi Wabrakatuh. Ramadan has been great Alhamdhulilah.

  3. Yasmine Dramat

    Love, love, love Ustadha Fuseina’s gentle approach Alhamdulillah

  4. Gousia Baqal

    Such an important topic

  5. Fatima Zb

    We are all not infallible

  6. Fatima Zb

    Sura Abasaad

  7. Fatima Zb

    Can we ask Sister Fuseina to talk about effective ways of spousal partner advice or advice in domestic situations

  8. Fatima Zb

    Great point with care!

  9. Saba Zafar

    Wao sister

  10. Juna Begum

    Jazakhallahu khairan to my beautiful sister samra uddin for introducing me to this beautiful group .

  11. Juna Begum

    Mashaallah amazing topic

  12. Amina El

    What about giving advice/ inviting people to islam? People that you know.. But you dont have enough knowledge of deen to do it. And you feel like you’re not suited for the job, but you are the only muslim person they know… Is that our responsibility?

    • Haleh Banani

      Amina El It’s better to introduce them to someone who is not only knowledgeable, but who is gentle, compassionate, emotionally intelligent and has wisdom.

      • Amina El

        Haleh Banani Thank you for replying She lives on an Island with no muslims, I used to live there but moved far away because I wanted to live in a place with more muslims May Allah bless you

  13. Amina El

    One day I came to the mosque and a lady I’d never seen came and told me that I could’t pray with my Hello kitty socks, I just said Thank you

  14. Amina El

    Salamo aleikom wr wb sisters

  15. Juna Begum

    Assalamuailaikum Sister

  16. Aminat Adebayo

    Jazakumlohu khayran ketiroh

  17. Kauthar Busari

    Jazakum Allahu khairan sisters

  18. Shemsia Hussen

    Especially we have to be careful with our youth.

  19. Kauthar Busari

    Inclusive and connection make it all about the other person

  20. Amirah Yusuf

    Yeah, we need to be more gentle and less judgemental. May Allah make it easy for us all.

  21. Khatera Hofioni

    Very informative and important topic! Jazakallah khair

    • Haleh Banani

      Khatera Hofioni Alhamdulillah!

  22. Helene Sylla

    Walekum Salam sister

  23. Haleh Banani

    It’s about being inclusive and accepting

  24. Jessica Abdulkareem

    Yes! I wish the masjid would do that! Come as you are!

    • Haleh Banani

      Jessica Abdulkareem I love that concept!

  25. Kauthar Busari

    Showing care, building a relationship with them makes the communication ease for both.

  26. Basma Salah

    Such a great and important topic.

  27. Asma Mushtaq

    Zisnsfz4zczxz ¥!£×¥×*

  28. Samra Uddin

    I was told off quite harshly one time in a masjid in the middle east for not covering my feet even though in my madhab I don’t need to. It put me off from going to a masjid for a whole year

    • Haleh Banani

      Samra Uddin I’m so sorry to hear that. Some people lack wisdom and gentleness. That’s really a shame that they prevented you from going to the masjid.

      We will face ignorant people, but we shouldn’t deprive ourselves from the blessing of going to the mosque.

      • Samra Uddin

        Haleh Banani that’s very true maashallah. At the time I was still young and because I am a revert, I felt intimidated by the local Arab ladies who were much older than me. Alhamdulillah I started going to the masjid again a year later with my dear friend sister Nadia Hawa in Dubai

        • Nadia Hawa

          Samra Uddin we had the best times together Alhamdulillah! Love you and miss you xxx. MashaAllah even though you were put off going to the masjid, you remained so strong!

  29. Kauthar Busari

    Always stay in your lane, what you are knowledgeable about is what you should communicate about.

  30. Rim Wegdan

    Salma Serag El Din

  31. Anne Nurdiani

    I often get scolded at masjid for every small thing because not their way. Even my small kids at dunday school being watched !

  32. Amina Bilal

    Shouldn’t we be giving advice only when asked for it?

  33. Naushaba Akhter

    First ask whether you are the right person in the situation

  34. Tahmina A Rahman

    “Purpose of giving advice is to help others”… love this

  35. Naushaba Akhter

    Purpose of giving advice is to help the other person.

  36. Maryam Apat

    Asalam Alaikum to all

  37. Naushaba Akhter

    Mis conception: giving advice is my duty.

  38. Naushaba Akhter

    Nasiha is advice …is a problematic translation. It actually means goodvthought, obedience, respect.

  39. Naushaba Akhter

    Walaikum assalam all sisters.

  40. Naushaba Akhter

    Assalamu alaikum all sisters

  41. Basma Salah

    Alsalamu Alykoum

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