The Power Hospitality With Lauren Booth | 30 DAYS TO YOUR BEST CHARACTER | FREE EVENT | MINDFUL RAMADAN 2021 – Haleh Banani | M.A. Clinical Psychology

The Power Hospitality With Lauren Booth | 30 DAYS TO YOUR BEST CHARACTER | FREE EVENT | MINDFUL RAMADAN 2021

by | Apr 21, 2021 | Holistic Health and Wellbeing | 45 comments

Day 08 | The Power of Hospitality. Join Sister Haleh and Sister Lauren Booth | 30 DAYS TO YOUR BEST CHARACTER | FREE EVENT | MINDFUL RAMADAN 2021

Discover the power of the beautiful hospitality encouraged in our deen and how to truly love for the sake of Allah.

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  1. Gousia Baqal

    So much to learn, so inspirational

  2. Shabnum Saleem

    Such an amazing session. Love your energy sister Lauren Masha’Allah. Thank you sister Haleh Banani for bringing her on board. Love and prayers for both of you and your families

  3. Nidha Abbas


  4. Amrine Sadath

    jazaak Allah khairan

  5. Eman Omran

    You never leave a stone unturned dear Haleh, that extra effort can make such a difference in sooooo many people’s lives

    • Haleh Banani

      Eman Omran Thank you habibti! You’re so sweet!!! May Allah accept!

  6. Hatim Mohammed

    Assalamu Alaikum. Greetings from the Caribbean. Very good prog.

  7. Khawla Tabassum

    Please I am in desperate need of some Dua,

  8. Naushaba Akhter

    Slight harshness can push one to leave islam. Be cautious when doing the hospitality.

  9. Aishah Hassan

    It’s heartbreaking that people do leave Islam for lack of hospitality.

  10. Eman Omran

    A masjid is an extension of our hone! Beautiful!!!

  11. Eman Omran

    I remember this incident dear Haleh! It was fajr time. You took a pause and talked to her and she was so appreciative of your hospitality and took the shahada Mashallah!!!

    • Haleh Banani

      Alhamdulillah habibti! It was such a precious gift and I’m ever grateful. May Allah accept our effort.

  12. Aishah Hassan

    I was born Muslim, I’m a hijabi, and I’ve been asked if I’m Muslim by Muslims many times.

  13. Naushaba Akhter

    Take a moment just asking a question, reach out to another person, is a part of Muslim hospitality

  14. Farah Abu-hijab

    Oh Haleh Banani you have me crying in the Nordstrom rack aisles again

    • Haleh Banani

      Awww that’s so sweet! Sending you a virtual hug.

  15. Aishah Hassan

    SubhanAllah. Ma Shaa Allah!

  16. Basma Ahmed

    Masha Allah such beautiful insights

  17. Naushaba Akhter

    Moment to shine when guests enters.

  18. Basma Salah

    Ok I am crying subhan Allah,

    • Haleh Banani

      Awww alhamdulillah you’re enjoying it!

  19. Farah Abu-hijab

    MashAllah this is amazing and sooo real. JazakAllah khair

  20. Fozia Ali

    Subhanallah thats beautiful to hear

  21. Shiraaz Gamieldien

    Advice as a means of Social Solidarity and Peace

    RAMADAAN KHUTABAH 9 by Shiraaz Gamieldien

    In the Name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful

    Advice and Belief

    One of the moral values Islam has laid emphasis on is to advise people and never to cheat them.

    Living in a society, whether on a small scale like the family or the tribe, or in a bigger one, makes every member in need of those who have more experience in a certain field.

    They should avail their expertise to the mosque so that the mosque can be the hub for advising and educating our people.

    Why do we need Guidance?

    1. Our instincts are limited
    2. Our sensory power is limited
    3. Our experience is limited
    4. Our life-span is limited
    5. Our access to record knowledge is limited
    6.our interest are limited
    7. Our ability to make laws is limited

    There are those who might have experience in trade, others in politics, others in counseling, others in legal advise, financial advise and others in real estate and so on.

    One might have a good experience in one field but lacks in others, and thus, he needs the advice of others in the fields he is not well acquainted with, while he can give advice in the field he knows all about.

    Therefore they need to come together to form the group of expertise availing themselves at the mosque with an intended goal in serving our community.

    In Islam, a believer ought to give advice to all people and especially fellow believers.

    A believer has to be concerned with the affairs of all Muslims and he has to advise them. For Allah wants him to be a blessing to all people.

    Thus, if you have an experience in any field or an opinion that might help others or illuminate their way, you have to offer it to anyone who needs it without asking about his or her national or religious affiliations. Especially in the time of Ramadaan we need to advise those who needs our intervention.

    You should consider all people as God’s children and the ones Allah loves most are the ones who benefit His children the most.

    We need to make the mosque a hub for education in developing our neighborhood. Ramadaan is the month that school us on the social and environmental issues in our community. Therefore we need to belong to the committee of progress in our community.

    A Muslim is an international citizen who considers that it is his duty to give advice to the entire world.

    We advise with positive news so that we can have a positive mind set. Islam emphasis the importance that people develop their minds and always seeking advice to better themselves.

    We encourage exercising with expert coaches and eating healthy. Ramadaan is the month that advocate healthy lifestyle.

    We want each member to speak and vent their emotions without being judged.

    The Messenger (p.) says in this respect: “The most pious of you is the one who gives the most sincere advice to all Muslims”.

    In another saying, the Prophet (p.) equates between being a believer and giving advice. He says: “Religion is advice”. If you do not advise others, then you are not a believer even if you pray and fast.

    When asked to whom, he said “To Allah” -meaning that you would be doing what Allah has asked you to do- “the Quran, the Messenger, and to the Muslim leaders and public”.

    In another saying, the Messenger talks about the quality of the advice saying: “Let each of you advise the community as he advises himself”: One should advise his brother in his presence and absence.

    He also urges believers to advise God’s Children saying that there is no better thing to meet Him with.

    Advise on a list of possible solutions to the problems we are facing. This will help us to feel empowered or more in control to uncertain time.

    Cheating is a mean act

    But what happens, if you do not offer your advice when asked. Traditions tell us that you would be denied your “opinion” (ability of making sound judgment).

    This ability is given to us as a trust to offer advice when people need it, if you do not use it to serve this goal, you will be denied it, just as Allah would deny you His Blessings.

    “The most evil of you is he who cheats people”.

    There is also a kind of cheating that has to do with dealing and trade. In this respect, it is considered mixing two different qualities of the same commodity so as to sell them at the price of the better one, to be unlawful, for a Muslim should not sell anything before explaining all its defects.

    The Messenger (p.) told us in several sayings that no one is allowed to sell anything before making sure that the buyer knows all about it.

    He used to go to the markets to check. And he once found a man selling some food. He plunged his hand deep down in the bag and found that the food in the bottom layer was wet. He said: “What you are doing is treason and cheat for Muslims.

    In another saying, he said: Who cheats Muslims is not one of them”, and he would not be put with the Muslims on the Day of Judgment.

    We should understand this issue quite well, because we suffer from a lot of deception in our community, both on the private and public levels, and even when we are asked to give an advice.

    When someone comes to you asking for your advice, you should know that he has put all his future and interests in your hands, especially when he comes to you asking about a girl to marry, a school to put his children in or a business to start.

    Here, you ought to forget about if this action serves you, or how could it suit you, and give your advice as if it were your interests at stake.

    This is what preserves the society and establishes peace in it. And this is what makes people know where they stand and where they are going.

    Cheating has become a prevalent phenomenon in our society in all fields of life. For example, there are a lot of people who import items which are no longer valid and sell them to the people, and these might even include food or medicine, thus endangering the lives of those who consume them. Others might add water to oil or petrol and sell them as a pure and safe product.

    You have to know that what you gain is what Allah has given you and not a result of your own cleverness. There is a story I have told you about before. It is the story of a man who became rich as a result of selling his milk after adding water to it. Once all his cows were killed by a flood. He was crying when his pious son saw him. The son remarked: This is the water you used to put in the milk. It has turned into a flood that swept away your cows.

    Thus, you have to be honest in offering advice to others, because this will raise your rank on the Day of Judgment, the day when nothing would be of any good to you except your piety and good deeds. This month is a reflection on moving forward to doing good acts.

    Let us turn our mosque in the nucleus of developing our people in all facets of Life by educating, coaching, training and most of all that we all know each other to take our people to become self sufficient and reliant.

    We all need people in our lives who raise our standards, remind us our essential purpose, and challenge us to become the best version of ourselves.

    Live a life of purpose and routine in reaching your goals ,a brilliant mind and caring soul.

    The 9th of the month of Ramadan

    O Allah, on this day, grant me a share from Your mercy which is wide, guide me towards Your shining proofs, lead me to Your all encompassing pleasure, by Your love, O the Hope of the desirous.

  22. Nadia Hawa

    I love hearing these experiences! I have experienced similar and it is amazing the impact it has on a person.

  23. Nadia Hawa

    Walaikum Salam!

  24. Farzana Islam

    Assalamualaikum sisters

  25. Haleh Banani

    Please share with your friends and family. It’s a heartwarming and transformative!

  26. Nadia Hawa

    Sister Lauren Booth’s book sounds amazing!!!

  27. Fozia Ali

    Assalamu Allaykum my sisters in Islam. I pray that everyone is in good health inshallah

    • Nadia Hawa

      Walaikum Salam! Alhamdulillah!

  28. Nadia Hawa

    Pray Ramadan is going well for you all inshaAllah!

  29. Nadia Hawa

    Walaikum salam! I’m well thank you!

  30. Aishah Hassan

    Asalamu alaikum, Nadia. How are you?

  31. Nadia Hawa

    Who else is excited?

  32. Nadia Hawa

    Welcome sisters

  33. Nadia Hawa

    I’m so excited about this

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