This common parenting method could be ruining your children – Haleh Banani | M.A. Clinical Psychology

This common parenting method could be ruining your children

by | Dec 21, 2021 | Holistic Health and Wellbeing | 36 comments

This common parenting method could be ruining your children

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  1. Suemyya Gangat

    Working on your self-esteem helps create a closer relationship with your family.

  2. Amane Hayicho

    MashaAllah tabarakaAllah jkk sister

  3. Aslam Nizami

    Obligations to parent to train children to Islam will groom children loyal to parent and humanity

  4. Aslam Nizami

    Enna Deena Endallah hel Islam (certainly Allah approved and liked Deena Islam a religion to followers of Allah) Quran

  5. Aslam Nizami

    Ya Ayo halazeena amanotakullaha Haqa tokatahee wala tamotona Ellah wa Antum muslamoon (oh musliums afraid of Allah the utmost and never die but a Muslim) Quran

  6. Aslam Nizami

    Kad Afalaha mentazakka ( A human got salvation of Allah in this universe and on day of judgement who cleaned heart and endeavours to save himself from Ablees acts a stanch enemy of human) Quran

  7. Somattie Ibrahim

    Thank you for your wonderful advice ,

  8. سامية شامي

    Mash Allah.your devices are very helpfulThanks for the explanation

  9. Sakina Ahmed

    Jazakallah khair sister haleh. I wait for ur messages and quotes daily. May allah reward u immensely . Pls keep it going

  10. Salma Ali

    Masha Allah sister Haleh beautifully explained the actual fact how many parents go through this. We were also kids to our parents & we were not like this generation kids are. They are different and need to be raised as per current life style and education to balance deen and duniya. I have also learnt a lot through my own experience of raising my own kids and being an educator how to deal with various kinds of scenarios the students deal with. I get to learn through my own experiences too. Alhamdulillah
    Your advices are always very helpful and you set an ideal image for us to understand and value it.
    Jazak Allahu khair.

    • Haleh Banani

      Salma Ali Thank you for your sweet comment! I appreciate it. I’m glad you’re inspired!

      • Salma Ali

        Alhamdulillah certainly and always share with other who is in need

  11. Ilhaan Faarax F

    MashaAllah I love your hijab so beautiful on you and your advice just what I needed it

  12. Alam Saud

    Very good sister

  13. Sherene Patel

    Assalaamu alaykum my sister. What advice would you give on this matter. Children who have lost their mom and are being kept away from the other women that was in their lives since birth. It is believed that she is a bad influence although she only has the children’s best interest at heart. What mechanism can be used to ease their loss. JazakAllah khairan.

  14. Said Uddin

    I m Bangladesh welcome to congratulations congratulations

  15. Halima Nina

    You are right sister

  16. Majida Aslam

    Jazak Allah khair sister for amazing session

  17. Zahra Shah

    Hussnain Shah Anila Shah

  18. Patricia Akua Kwentsiwah

    Oh Haleh this is an on time message. Even at my age I’m struggling from Authoritarian style parenting. Please pray for me

    • Haleh Banani

      Patricia Akua Kwentsiwah Alhamdulillah

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