We all have regrets from the past whether from hasty decisions, mistakes or from fear of taking action. Wouldn’t it be amazing if we could get to go back and make decisions based on what we know now?… – Haleh Banani | M.A. Clinical Psychology

We all have regrets from the past whether from hasty decisions, mistakes or from fear of taking action. Wouldn’t it be amazing if we could get to go back and make decisions based on what we know now?…

by | Apr 3, 2022 | Holistic Health and Wellbeing | 3 comments

We all have regrets from the past whether from hasty decisions, mistakes or from fear of taking action.

Wouldn’t it be amazing if we could get to go back and make decisions based on what we know now?

How liberating would it be not to make those tragic mistakes and navigate our life in a way to avoid certain calamities?

We would feel like we got a 2nd chance to live a better life!

We have the choice to change our akhira right now by becoming akhira-focused, by being ignited with passion for contribution – we can avoid the regret and remorse in the akhira.

Let’s think of this as our 2nd chance.

Join A Mindful Ramadan 2022 Leaving a Legacy.

Be inspired by some of the most exemplary individuals in Dawa, business, community service and so much more.

If you want to avoid making mistakes…

If you want to avoid having remorse and regrets in the akhira…

If you want to choose your legacy…

Then be a part of A Mindful Ramadan 2022: Leaving a Legacy!

First day of the program is Monday, April 4th at 12:30 pm central.

If you’re working or it’s the middle of the night for you, when you sign up you will get the replay of each episode.

Get motivated to choose how you want to be remembered.

Sign up: https://halehbanani.com/ramadan2022


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  1. Abduljalil Salek

    Assalamualaikum warahmatullah hi wabarakatuhu Ramadan Mubarak

  2. Jan Ullah

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