What if you could measure your sincerity? What if there was a way to measure our level of sincerity the way our blood pressure is measured? A way to find out if we’re actually doing things with ihs… – Haleh Banani | M.A. Clinical Psychology

What if you could measure your sincerity? What if there was a way to measure our level of sincerity the way our blood pressure is measured? A way to find out if we’re actually doing things with ihs…

by | Apr 11, 2022 | Holistic Health and Wellbeing | 4 comments

What if you could measure your sincerity? What if there was a way to measure our level of sincerity the way our blood pressure is measured?

A way to find out if we’re actually doing things with ihsan (sincerity) or just going through the motions.

Well, even though we don’t have an apparatus to attach to our hearts to check the level of sincerity, there is a litmus test that is guaranteed to reveal a lot of truths about the way we live our lives.

Join the LIVESTREAM today to find out what that litmus test is to check for your sincerity.

Our guest today is our dear friend Ustadh Mohamed Baajour, who is the Director of Tarbiya at EPIC Masjid in Dallas, Texas. He is loved by everyone in the EPIC community masha’Allah and has revived the hearts of thousands masha’Allah.

He will share with you the important steps to building your own community.

Join me LIVE today at 12:30 pm central for a powerful discussion on Leaving a Legacy Through Building a Community



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