What Not To do When Someone Is Suicidal – Haleh Banani | M.A. Clinical Psychology

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  1. Maimuna Mahdi

    5) Don’t tell them to go ahead and do it!

  2. Maimuna Mahdi

    4) Don’t tell them that they are doing this for attention

  3. Maimuna Mahdi

    3) Don’t call them names

  4. Maimuna Mahdi

    2) Do not call them names

  5. Maimuna Mahdi

    1) Do not dismiss them

  6. Carla Lou-Anna

    Remove any items that can harm them

  7. Carla Lou-Anna

    Don’t leave them alone

  8. Carla Lou-Anna

    Give them the suicide hotline

  9. Carla Lou-Anna

    Reassure them that there is hope

  10. Carla Lou-Anna

    Repeat back what they are saying. Good listening.

  11. Carla Lou-Anna

    Best thing to do is to encourage them to talk about it

  12. Carla Lou-Anna

    Don’t say go ahead and do it!

  13. Carla Lou-Anna

    Don’t tell them to snap out of it. This is not helpful

  14. Carla Lou-Anna

    Don’t say they are doing this to get attention

  15. Carla Lou-Anna

    Don’t call them names

  16. Zaheeda Cassim

    Salaams Sisters. I would also like to add that we must be alert because many don’t tell you directly that they are suicidal. I lost a friend in primary school who took her own life. She told me indirectly that she’s saying goodbye and she wants to go to her mum.. Her mum had passed away. I was only 7 or 8 and she was a bit older. Adults must read between the lines and this I suppose we can do when we have some relationship with the person. Some people do play on emotions for self gain but I learnt from this valuable lesson that we must give each one the benefit of the doubt. Jazakallah Kheir for sharing your expertise, sister Haleh. Much love and Appreciation

  17. Crumedy Jeremiah

    Hello ms Haleh how are you feeling

  18. Arzuani Rahim

    5 Don’t for suicidal
    1) Don’t dismiss them
    2) No name calling
    3) Don’t label them attention seeker
    4) Dont ask them to snap out
    5. Don’t say go ahead kill ‘yourself’

  19. Shazia Khan

    Encourage them to talk. When there is support and a person around them they will survive. Empathy works. Not saying I know what you are going through I will do my best to understand. Be non judgmental! Try your best to not judge them. Repeat back what they are saying. Respond so they understand that they are being heard. Reassure them that they won’t feel like this always! Ask them if they have a plan. Seek professional help!

  20. Shazia Khan

    Do not dismiss them! They have a lot to be grateful for. 2) Don’t call any names ( silly) 3) don’t say you are doing it to get attention. You will only push them away. Don’t be dismissive. 5) Don’t tell them to snap out of it. They are unable to. It’s unhelpful. It will have a damaging effect. Never say “ Go ahead and do it! “. I want to call their bluff. Someone puts a post on social media and someone will say go ahead!

  21. Sabahat Ahmed

    5. Don’t tell them to “go kill yourself.”

  22. Sabahat Ahmed

    4. Don’t tell them to snap out of it.

  23. Sabahat Ahmed

    3. Don’t tell them it’s for attention. It is for a sort of attention. Maybe it’s mental health attention. Maybe it’s your time and affection. But don’t be damaging.

  24. Sabahat Ahmed

    2. Don’t name call.

  25. Sabahat Ahmed

    1. Don’t dismiss the one reaching out by lecturing them about gratefulness.

  26. Sabahat Ahmed

    Been there. It’s devastating.

  27. Fatima Haji

    Salamalikoum sister

  28. Melody L Krasz

    I have tried several times to die but my Lord would not let me die.

  29. Noshin Khan

    Ive heard and seen people online say – “u must have a weak faith, so go pray” thats also very common.

  30. A. R. Khan

    I was just listening to her everything whatever she was going through

  31. Nazia Javed

    – plan a crisis plan for what they will do next time they feel suicidal

  32. A. R. Khan

    But I’m trying my best to improve by myself learning many positive things

  33. A. R. Khan

    I’m having smiler thoughts since many years

  34. Nazia Javed

    – do not leave them alone. Talk to them to make sure they are getting the help

  35. Raeesah Sumun

    I have planned mine so many times but my GP and therapist came to my rescue and now I keep thanking Allah that I wake up everyday. Feeling suicidal is extremely hard feeling to overcome

    • Haleh Banani

      Raeesah Sumun MashaAllah that you have a crisis plan. So proud of you! Please join us on my mentorship program The Mindful Hearts Academy as my guest. We would love to support you!

  36. Nazia Javed

    – seek professional help. Direct them to help they need like suicide hotline

  37. Sultan Bello Mujaddadi

    aptly nice topic
    thanks you for this

  38. Nazia Javed

    – ask if they have a plan. If they do then consider situation is much more serious

  39. Nazia Javed

    – reassure them

  40. Nazia Javed

    – repeat what they are telling you. Make sure they know you are listening to them

  41. Mariam Magda

    As salam alaykum, may Allah reward you greatly for this valuable information.

    • Haleh Banani

      Mariam Magda Thank you! Ameen.

  42. Zaida Ayube

    Thanks for talking about this
    Mental Healthy is real.
    However many families can’t bring themselves to even have a conversation.

  43. Nazia Javed

    – don’t be judgemental

  44. Sadeeqa Qureshi

    Our life doesn’t belong to us, it belongs to Allah. Life is very short. Shaytaan constantly whispers in our ear, we must overpower his satanic whispering. May Allah bless those suffering with such thoughts with the strength to get through it.

  45. Nazia Javed

    – don’t pretend you know what they are going through

  46. Nazia Javed

    – talk it over with them

  47. A. R. Khan

    But Alhamdulillah

  48. A. R. Khan

    My husband always says to me

  49. Ruth Hassan

    So true

  50. Mary-Ann Salma Eshaji

    The 5 things not to do when someone is suicidal- 1)Don’t dismiss them, 2)Don’t call them names, 3)Don’t say they are looking for attention, 4)Don’t tell them to snap out of it, 5) Don’t say well go ahead & do it.

  51. Erum Ashar

    Don’t ask them to snap out of it

  52. Erum Ashar

    Not tell them they are seeking attention.

  53. Raeesah Sumun

    I am always suicidal and for me not to act on it I signed a non suicide contract with my GP and therapist. My abuser always pushes me to the edge. And so my 12 years of abuse gives me so much of pain that ending your life seems less painful

    • Haleh Banani

      Raeesah Sumun It’s very brave of you to share this. May Allah heal your heart. You may want to reevaluate your relationship if it’s making you feel so worthless- either learn to improve it or get out of the abusive relationship. My duas are with you

  54. Erum Ashar

    Take it very seriously

  55. Erum Ashar

    Do not dismiss their feelings

  56. Ranya EL-omrani

    Salamu alaikum Dr Hala, can We dm you ?

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