What to do when your spouse is annoying? – Haleh Banani | M.A. Clinical Psychology

What to do when your spouse is annoying?

by | May 23, 2022 | Holistic Health and Wellbeing | 44 comments

What to do when your spouse is annoying?


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  1. UM Gamini

    Madam. Don’t. Tell. Wrong. Talk.

  2. UM Gamini

    I. Don’t. Like. I. Out. This. Program. Madam..now.. Enough. Speak. Thanku

  3. UM Gamini

    Madam. Why. She. Have. Not. Time. .she. have. Not. Time. I. Don’t. Won’t. She. I. Don’t. Like. She. Wife. Don’t. Have. Speak. With. Husband.. I. Don’t. Like. She

  4. Maya Hadie

    Cleanliness. Have you ever watched that series called monk. I know that’s what people get annoyed about but we all have that button that annoys them.

  5. Fathima Sheik Mohideen

    MaashaAllah very helpful information…go to the root of problem and silve

  6. Fathima Sheik Mohideen

    There are annoying things, ofcoursebut we hv to see their good aspects also…nobody is perfect

  7. Safina Khan

    My husband splashes water all over the bathroom after wudu and never wipes after and it really bugs me and i told him but he doesn’t fix it

    • Zay Khan

      Safina Khan lol that’s normal in my mums house .

      • Maya Hadie

        I relate on that. same thing

  8. Safina Khan

    But where do you draw the line…..

  9. Mohammad Habib

    Assalam Alaikum Sister You are doing Amazing Job.May Allah Reward you

  10. Saima Abbasi

    Oh my God!!! Crazy driving 🫤

  11. Madlene Ivanov

    Assalamu alaikum, my beautiful sister

  12. Sameraa Bano

    Just ignore and move away, indulge in some activity.

  13. Nor Hanin Ayub

    Assalamualaikum…I’m Hanin from Malaysia

  14. Barbara Adélaide

    When he pulls the curtain in the bottom right corner as somebody from outside might catch a glimps of me

  15. Fathima Khan

    Assalmualaykum from South Africa

  16. Sumayya Ibrahim

    MashAllaaah this is really beneficial… itsreally good to have a peaceful marriage… and these is amazing reminder

  17. Hanin Fathima

    Assalamu Allaikum.. my husband gets annoyed with my lame jokes.. and his anger flared up after bottling up that he didn’t like it..

  18. Aisha Yusuf

    I feel like we keep coming back to the same arguments, or resentment, how to move forward with sincerity?

    • Saman Khalid

      Aisha Yusuf what helped me was to remind myself and my husband that we are “on the same team” if we think and find solutions with that perspective, we really do start working like a team instead of feeling like we are on opposing teams

  19. Anna Marie Donguines

    Assalam alaikum sister. I’m a filipina watching from Kuwait and I wanna say thank u for words of wisdom u are sharing with us..

  20. Zainabo Kamara

    As salamuailakum warahmatullahi wabarakatuhu

  21. Sumayya Ibrahim

    My annoying habits is telling him how to parent… over and over and over again

  22. Sumayya Ibrahim

    الله يرحم أبوكي ويسكنه الجنة

  23. Amina Halilu

    Watching live from Nigeria

  24. Emm Eaa

    I m from kashmir india. Asalamu alikum. Sister….

  25. Amina Halilu

    Assalamu Alaikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuhu

  26. Sumayya Ibrahim

    True sometimes we’re just hungry, overwhelmed, tired and lack of sleep causes us to be annoyed..

  27. Yasmin Naz

    Aslam o alaikum

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