Your mental and emotional well being as a parent – Haleh Banani | M.A. Clinical Psychology

Your mental and emotional well being as a parent

by | Dec 22, 2020 | Islamic Psychology and Spirituality, Parenting and Family | 72 comments

Your mental and emotional well being as a parent

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  1. Raana Haider

    Where can I find all these videos saved as I want hear them again and again . Please send me link or how to join . Mindful heart academy ?

  2. Mehreen Asif

    Love you ..y ou are an inspiration to me

  3. Iman AbouHadid

    I can’t wait to take it

  4. Momina Momen

    Who joins mindful hearts ????

  5. Qudrah Toyeen Sulaiman

    am one of them you know…but am trying to work on this…

  6. Chamilla Thebus

    Parents need to equip themselves

  7. Adita Barekzai

    Thank you for being a great inspiration and thank you for helping 1000s and 1000s

  8. Adita Barekzai

    Where do I go to do that

  9. Adita Barekzai

    How do I sign up for mindful academy

  10. Ayan Yusuf

    Mashallah thank you

  11. Khatijah Mahommed Mchunu

    Parenting is not easy I like this group a lot I have learnt a lot from sister Haleh may Allah continue blessing you with lots of knowledge

  12. Creana Saif

    Bless u dear sister Haleh

  13. Sajjad Mukta

    How I learn ,

  14. Sajjad Mukta

    I m one f those parents

  15. Umme Zayna

    Masha’Allah you looks very stylish sis

    • Haleh Banani

      Umme Zayna You’re so sweet! Thank you!

  16. Majida Aslam

    Jazak Allah khair sister I really needed to hear this.

  17. Zubeida Ottley

    Absolutely love it! You “A parent” can not escape. It’s so sooo true. The heart of a Mother will not allow but get closer to your children.

    • Haleh Banani

      Zubeida Ottley Alhamdulillah

  18. Zubeida Ottley

    Wahleikum Salaam Wahrematullahi. Nice to listen to another lecture. Alhamdhulilah. May your reward be abundance. AmeenThuma Ameen.

  19. Noor Moussawi

    Omg, this is such an important lecture, jzk

    • Haleh Banani

      Noor Moussawi Alhamdulillah!

  20. Shireen Azizi

    I like “flaky “ self-esteem,,, be honest with ourselves.

  21. Kasi Kasi

    Hajia Nazifa Bint Shiraz

  22. Ahmad Zia

    ماشاء الله، بارک الله و جزاک الله خیرا کثیرا و حفظک الله

  23. Jessica Abdulkareem

    Wow! SunhanAllah just what I needed to hear today

  24. Lamia Douadi

    Ma sha Allah Sister

  25. Nadia Hawa

    Please do join us on The Mindful Hearts! It will feel like sister Haleh is holding your hand and helping you along the way in every aspect of your life! The lessons and the sisterhood is just amazing mashaAllah!

    • Haleh Banani

      Nadia Hawa Alhamdulillah that you’ve felt supported! Thank you for your amazing testimony!

      • Nadia Hawa

        Haleh Banani it’s just the truth mashaAllah! I’m so grateful to be able to learn from you Alhamdulillah!

  26. Nadia Hawa

    I have gained so much inner self confidence since joining The Mindful Hearts and it helps me so much in so many aspects of my life Alhamdulillah!

        • Haleh Banani

          Nadia Hawa MashaAllah so proud of your incredible transformation! I’m so happy that the Mindful Hearts has helped you!

          • Nadia Hawa

            Haleh Banani working on it all the time and thanks to your amazing lessons mashaAllah! Xxx

          • Nadia Hawa

            Faria Sharmeen Ali Please join us! We will all welcome you with open arms! You will LOVE it!

          • Haleh Banani

            Nadia Hawa You guys truly are so sincere, loving and welcoming mashaAllah to all the sisters. Love the sisterhood!

          • Haleh Banani

            Nadia Hawa Alhamdulillah

  27. Noorul Iqbal

    How to sign up sister

    • Haleh Banani

      Nafisat Bukky Adebayo It really is, but it’s also the most rewarding!

      • Nafisat Bukky Adebayo

        Haleh Banani
        Masha Allah Ma’am
        Your daily live session has been a source of inspiration for me.

        May Almighty Allah reward you immensely for all you do

  28. Henrietta Brooks

    Is it the same for neuro diverse teenagers with Co morbid clinical depression and anxiety??

    • Haleh Banani

      wa alaikum assalam wa rahmatullah Fagmedah Fay Gihwala

  29. Shazia Ali


    • Haleh Banani

      Yes they are! Jazaki Allah Khair Tahira Asaf Ali

  30. Adila Hajaat

    Jazakallah khairan for ur advise in the midst of those dark days of pandemic! So much problems around! I appreciate your daily advice ! It daily reminders ! Daily vitamins of positivity

    • Haleh Banani

      Adila Hajaat wa iyyaki! I’m so glad that you’re benefitting and getting a dose of positivity!

  31. Marium Khan

    As’Salam o Alaikum Haleh,,What if you have to live Separate from your partner,,in the initial years of marriage…you just miss him all the time and takecare of your kid too

  32. Adila Hajaat


  33. Adila Hajaat

    Naailah Fazal

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You Can Fix Your Marriage Even If You Are The Only One Working To Save It


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