4 Steps To A New You in 2021! – Haleh Banani | M.A. Clinical Psychology

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  1. Nusrat Ahmed

    MashAllah very good reminder

  2. Sharifa Essop

    Shukraan for the empowerment n motivation

  3. Uzy Mughal

    Salaam sis. Your nail polish looks lovely. Is it the halal one? I don’t wear it as can’t have wudu with it. Can you advice me plz, jzk xx

  4. Amal Alsaber

    Masha’Allah, So beautiful, and Well said, may Allah grant you more knowledge and Baraka. JAK

  5. Asiah Mulkiaman

    Assalamualaikum from malaysia

  6. Rabia Khatun

    Your reminders are so beneficial and motivation

  7. Salma Ali

    Masha Allah sister very well explained by emphasizing the important tips which are helpful and feasible to achieve in one or the other way.
    Jazak allahu khairan katheeran.
    “Let’s end this 2020 with Alhamdulillah & begin 2021 with Bismillah”.

    • Haleh Banani

      Thank you for your sweet words. I appreciate it! Ameen!

      • Salma Ali

        Sister you are most welcome as you deserve appreciation.

  8. Husna Hoque

    JazakhAllah khairun sister! X

  9. Zubeida Ottley

    Wahleikum Salaam Wahrematullahi.

  10. Hibo Hussein

    Asc sis please call me I have a question jzk

  11. Fatima Zahraah Abduraouf

    Assalámu ‘Alaikum Warahmatullaahi Wabarakaatuhu Wamahfirratuhu – Its always such a pleasure to watch you and listen to the great advice Subhaan Allah – May Allah reward you well for all the effort Aameen

    • Haleh Banani

      Fatima Zahraah Abduraouf You’re so sweet! Thank you!

  12. Shazia Ali

    Jazak Allah for sharing… may Allah reward you the best for this kindness

  13. Mitra Ordibehesht

    I really admire your way of dressing

    • Haleh Banani

      Mitra Ordibehesht Thank you so much!

  14. Khadija KA

    Thank you & God bless you

  15. Seema Shahid

    Love what are talking, keep motivating people

  16. Mitra Ordibehesht

    Thank you so much sister for all you DO

    • Haleh Banani

      Mitra Ordibehesht My pleasure!

  17. Rawia Elmalik

    انوي اقرر ان اعمل ما اريد هدية المراجعة كن محدد ابداء عشرة في المية حاول مرة وراء مرة النقاط التي يجب تغيرها حاول ١٠ مرات علي الاقل

  18. Juairia Ferdausi

    MashAllah your dressing sense..very modestly you carry it..so nice lectures also MashAllah.. became fan of yours..may ALLAH shower his blessings upon you and your family..
    Jazakallah khairan

    • Haleh Banani

      Juairia Ferdausi Jazakillah Khair for your kindness! I appreciate it!

  19. Janice Maria

    Good idea for those who have not been planning it’s a good time to start! InshaAllah

  20. Somayah Thebus Barnes

    Assalamu-Alaykum all the way from Cape Town South Africa. I love your talks, Mashallah.

    • Haleh Banani

      Somayah Thebus Barnes Jazakillah Khair!

  21. Paula Desrochers-Yakout

    There is a book called 90 day cycle to new habita journal that can be very helpful with this.

  22. Khadija KA

    Samira Zouggari

  23. Khadija KA

    Zineb Jaidi

  24. Khadija KA

    Chaibia Krabou

  25. Janice Maria

    WaAlaikom asalam dear sister from the Lakeview area of Chicago

  26. Shazia Ali


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