
Two Secrets to Better Relationships

by | Dec 1, 2021 | Holistic Health and Wellbeing, Self-Improvement | 34 comments

Two Secrets to Better Relationships

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By Haleh Banani, M.A.

Haleh Banani holds a Master's degree in Clinical Psychology. A faith-based counselor, life coach, and mental health professional who has served the community since 1998 by saving hundreds of marriages and helping thousands of people around the world overcome their challenges and become the most amazing version of themselves.

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  1. Sesinyana Ngobeni

    Thanks Haleh, I always believed people are always trying to annoying me then I react hard

  2. Mariam Tareen

    SubhanAllah sister Haleh, going through a tough time and these 4 minutes have given me so much peace of mind and strength . May Allah bless you and shower you with his best blessings.

  3. Buhari Hafeez

    Help me, I need a wife. A Life partner. Inshallah. I know I will get one from you. Thanks

  4. Mohamed Wurie Bah

    You are very correct in all that you are saying especially when it happens that we fail to realize that we are not perfect and expect others to be perfect

  5. Keby Adam

    Will like to meet you

  6. Lorraine Sammut Vargas

    Hello Haleh, thank you for your wonderful post. I have always strived for this level of peace and love when I am interacting with people in every area of my life but at times the pain of my childhood abuse gets overwhelming and I get taken down to a low level of sadness and hopelessness. This makes it so difficult to want to be with others.
    It is difficult to not take things personally or have certain expectations because I do not want to allow myself to be taken advantage of ever again. Thank you for listening

  7. Said Uddin

    I love you islam

  8. Said Uddin

    Mashallah mashallah mashallah mashallah Alhamdulillah Alhamdulillah Alhamdulillah Alhamdulillah Alhamdulillah

  9. Zaib Un Nisa

    Ma sha Allah, so beautiful things, I parsnaly aplay this technique alhamdulilah I feel so positive and happiness in side and out side, jazak Allah kheir sister

  10. Anum Mahmood

    So trye thanku

  11. Engy A. Tantawy

    I want to ask you a question out of the video context. Where do you get your veils? Mashallah I like all of them! Haleh Banani

  12. Sharifar Alabry

    Ma shaa Allah, love you for Allah’s sake.

  13. Mariyah Yaqoob

    بارك الله لك my dear Haleh

  14. Sam Mas

    True thinking positive is best way.

  15. Mariam Maryamti

    Mashallah, im learning about husnul dhaan and not taking things personally, i never made a connection between the two! Love the outfit and colors. Barakallahu feeky.

    • Said Uddin

      Mariam Maryamti mashallah mashallah mashallah mashallah mashallah mashallah mashallah mashallah mashallah mashallah Alhamdulillah Alhamdulillah Alhamdulillah Alhamdulillah MASHALLAH mashallah welcome to Bangladesh

  16. Zineb Zimran

    Alaa Aboul-Ella exactly what you said!

  17. Caroline Iserhoff

    Salam wakaum sister my English is not that good

  18. Ilhaan Faarax F

    I love your hijab sis, so beautiful on you . You are my favorite sister to go to for my relationship. Even my husband listens your videos with me. Jazaakillaah kheyr, may Allah reward you greatly for the good work you are doing for the ummah

  19. Samiya Khalid

    But it’s so hard to not take things personally

    • Anat Keidar

      Why don’t you tell that to Muslim men?
      Bla bla bla…

      • Anat Keidar

        How about lowering the power of Muslim men over their spouses, daughters and female congregation?
        Is this a self-preserving sermon to avoid banishment, punishment, abuse and honor killing?
        Who the hell certified you to dispense advice? Are you a licensed therapist?

  20. Habib Saad

    Assalamu alaikum wa rahmatullahi wa batakatuhu my sister

  21. Shopeyin Rukayat

    Jazaki llahu khairan ma for this admonishing.

    • AH Bhatti

      Wa Alaikumsalam

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