5 signs you’re in a toxic relationship – Haleh Banani | M.A. Clinical Psychology

5 signs you’re in a toxic relationship

by | Jun 14, 2021 | Relationship & Marriage Advice | 44 comments

5 signs you’re in a toxic relationship

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  1. Tamee Hicheri

    My spouse does all of these things and we have started couples therapy. The hardest one is when he lacks the maturity to see the damage this behavior has on our relationship and our children. Or when he says I deserve the abuse or that I push him to this behavior… it’s very hurtful and you can’t take back what you say words do hurts just like physical abuse. Mental abuse is terrible and I feel he doesn’t want to take ownership because he is ashamed of his behavior…

  2. Manal Adel Megahed

    It’s very difficult to live in a toxic relationship when it comes to brothers and sisters or when it comes to a mother daughter relationship when the mother is siding the brother all the time and they are always against you or against your husbands it’s really a toxic kind of relationship which is very difficult to cut because when we live also in the same building and we are as well neighbour is not only can ship from the first kind of relationship , they are unfair, so it’s really terrible I can’t stand it anymore and I really unfortunately can’t take a positive step to release this burden

  3. Deeqo Casablanca

    I leave with that for 5yr Alhamdulilaah it was mad house I was like im going mad how come no one can see until I show the proof

  4. Zaida Ayube

    Thanks for sharing , thanks for talking about this.
    This is so helpful

  5. Joke Jacobs

    But what about the fact that muslim men have to protect us and therefor control us and oppose restrictions… is that also toxic?

  6. Safoora Hansrod

    السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
    This is so true

  7. Mariam Maryamti

    Not gonna let insensitive things brothers say about marriage get to me anymore, it ruined my week last week and i cried my eyes out in hopelessness. Just realise they arent in charge and i wont let them take ahold of my emotions. If they want to br broken and part of muslim women of the west shaming and finger pointing movement and not be able to value a good quality muslima when they see it, i wont make it my problem anymore and wont go on tangents anymore or stress or maje myself sad over it. Ill focus on ihsan.

  8. Saima Awan

    Lack of trust.

  9. Paradise Seeker

    Gaslighting is the most difficult one

  10. DrYasmeenzadi Chamanshaik

    their deep insecurities n they try to physically n emotinally n verbal abuse .

  11. Mahomed Salim

    Khadija Joosab Moti Waheeda Joosab Yacoob

  12. Maryem Akram

    How does it get fixed

  13. Aisha Ansari

    Insulting you and blaming you for everything.

  14. Khadijah Daniels

    Disrespect and not understanding their roles as a Man or Woman

  15. Wasiela Dollie

    Very important points what about the spouse that constantly blame and shame and accused the person ,,

  16. Zaynab Ahmatullah

    How can one save their marriage when the next one sees nothing wrong in his abusive behavior

  17. Zaynab Ahmatullah

    How can you leave a toxic relationship if you have no money and nowhere to go

  18. Soraya Khan

    SubhanAllah…this is all a power game. How would you then fix someone who does these things?

  19. Fanta Kaba

    Aameen.. JazakAllah Khair

  20. Sadia Jamil

    Need professional help

  21. Zohra Khan

    My problem is very controlling financially

  22. Majida Aslam

    Always putting you down

  23. Raeesah Sumun

    Being told that I am not good enough and getting the silent treatment

  24. Rodanya Hady

    Thanks God I have them all

  25. Mariam Magda

    As salam alaykum, thank you for talking about these things. They are extremely important and they can’t be tolerated. May Allah protect us.

  26. Sadia Jamil

    How Can i LEAVE toxic relationship

  27. Zohra Khan

    Assalam o Alaikum,

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