5 steps to control your anger when parenting – Haleh Banani | M.A. Clinical Psychology

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  1. Bee Alia

    Jazaak Allah khairan beautiful lady. Was really in need of your advice to calm down

  2. Lerato Kekana

    Jazakallah khairin sister

  3. Nurul Huda

    You have to be responsible to your emotions

  4. Nurul Huda

    Be more mindful

  5. Nurul Huda

    Self mastering ourselves

  6. Shireen Ely

    Jazakallah ghairun

  7. Ruqiya Noor

    Jazaka Allah Kheri sister

  8. Zubeida Ottley

    Pandemic has surely taken its toll and just no joy, no contentment of the Heart & Mind.

  9. Samara Sarwat

    Thank you so much. Stay blessed.

  10. Amna Hafeell Hamz

    Alhamdulillah to come across this today.
    Right advice in a perfect time.Jazakallah.

  11. Aqeelah Billingslea-carroll

    Great info for any anxiety, anger, frustration, overwhelming emotions. MashaAllah

  12. Creana Saif

    Love your advice which includes our Islamic values first and foremost

  13. Reshma Begum

    JazakAllah khairun

  14. Nele Siplane

    First was to keep shaytan away

  15. Farah Al-Homsi

    Beautiful advice Mash Allah x

  16. Nazrin Rihan

    Jezakallah, much needed advice at the moment

  17. Anjum Bashir

    Ishrat Bashir Afsin Faisal Saima Hanif Sana Ahmed Kaludi

  18. Munni Khan

    Where are you get your all the scarf

  19. Siddiqa Shuborna

    I just wanted to know if I can listen this in front of my teenage children ? Is it okay for them to know these stuff now ? Pls don’t get annoyed with me! I just wanted to make sure.. thanks

    • Haleh Banani

      Siddiqa Shuborna Sure you can share it with them.

  20. Aich Tee

    How not take affect of other people’s emotions ? Who are always aggressive

  21. Dana Alb

    I have some friends who are single moms. Any additional suggestion for them? Barak Allahu Fiki

  22. Kalbi Shemsidin

    How can we book an appointment with you?

  23. Shahnaz Bano

    Jazak’Allah Khayer sister.

  24. Haleh Banani

    Step 5: Give yourself a timeout

  25. Haleh Banani

    Step 4. Start saying athkar with mindfulness

  26. Zarina Abrahams

    Jazakkalaah..seems like I’m always tuning In at the right time

  27. Haleh Banani

    Step 3. Say calming things to yourself

  28. Haleh Banani

    Step 2. Deep Breathing Step

  29. Alina Sibtain

    Super talk JzkAllah much needed of time

  30. Haleh Banani

    Step 1.Say, “أعوذ بالله من الشيطان الرجيم”

  31. Najat Al-shejni

    “Don’t get angry” I needed to hear this. Thank you Haleh. What was the first point. I missed it.

    • Haleh Banani

      Najat Al-shejni Alhamdulillah! I’m glad it was beneficial!

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