7 Signs Of a Failing Marriage – Haleh Banani | M.A. Clinical Psychology

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  1. Engu Engu

    Please l need your help l am out of my house because of my marriage and it’s affecting my children Please contact my husband for me and help us his email is [email protected] please talk to my husband he may listen to you

  2. Fayza Kedir

    Deep explanation

  3. Olofin Zainab

    Waleykum salam warahmotullah wabarakatuh.

  4. Robina Azam

    How I take appointment sister

  5. Maria Nur

    The problem is that sometimes this programs is very expensive and we can’t afford to pay this.

  6. Amina Mustapha

    Masha Allah. You nailed it sister. May Allah increase you in knowledge. Ameen

  7. Rolina Dina

    Assalamualaikum sister
    May Allah give you Jannatul Ferdouse. I can see you always try your best to help people.

  8. Creana Saif

    Bless you dear sister for all your efforts

  9. Salma Ali

    Assalam alaikum wrwb sister Haleh. Masha Allah! Excellent explanation by covering all imp points & facts

  10. Iman Morgan

    MashaAllah, thank you for this message

  11. Shajjr E Jannat

    My husband is controlling I have no opinion, anything I say he says no
    He tells me what to do when I just want to just tell him something . He’s so hardwork

  12. Amy Paudel

    i see a problen with a few cultures like my husbands having kids too quick alot of men come tell me they not ready but i am pushed by my family my wife to have kid quick

  13. Crumedy Jeremiah

    Hello beautiful woman haleh how are you doing I just woke up this morning thank god willing I’m alive one day when I might be getting myself for some breakfast and lunch.

  14. Natkay Wardag

    Most of the time women are being abused and I feel most women won’t even speak out or ask for help unless they’re pushed to the very edge.

    • Amy Paudel

      Natkay Wardag true a big edge

  15. Tasneem Williams

    This is just what I needed to hear. Shukran so much sister.

  16. Ayesha Salim Akbar

    Naila you can not control others you can remind them but the children of today see what and how we practice. Softly subtly and slowly.

  17. Khawla Tabassum

    I am having a tough time with my marital relation after having our beautiful daughter.

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