
Understanding Adult ADHD: Signs You Shouldn’t Ignore

by | Sep 8, 2018 | ADHD / ADD, Mental Health Awareness

Life has become so hectic and fast-paced these days that sometimes we feel like we are spinning our wheels. For the person with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, ADHD, this can become even more difficult because you may forget more stuff than usual because of stress and anxiety as you try to get everything done in your day. Sometimes there are so many expectations that your symptoms of ADHD can worsen. Here are some signs to look for if you think you may have

ADHD: Hyperactivity

For people with ADHD, sometimes remaining still, and physically calm can be a challenge. It’s sometimes more difficult to be calm and collected when you get stressed. The problem often is that when your mind is racing, your body wants to follow along. Kids with ADHD will actually run around aimlessly. Adults with ADHD won’t run around, but will still fidget with their feet, legs or hands. Trouble Concentrating, a Hallmark of ADHD Did you ever find yourself suddenly snap back to attention when someone calls your names and then you realize that you missed the entire conversation? You might not notice when you’re distracted during conversations, which can get you in trouble in relationships or during meeting, which can get you in trouble at work. It’s important to admit that this happens, so that you can start jotting down notes, to keep your focus and concentration.

Trouble Concentrating, a Hallmark of ADHD

Did you ever find yourself suddenly snap back to attention when someone calls your names and then you realize that you missed the entire conversation? You might not notice when you’re distracted during conversations, which can get you in trouble in relationships or during meeting, which can get you in trouble at work. It’s important to admit that this happens, so that you can start jotting down notes, to keep your focus and concentration.

Lack of Organization Being able to remember where you put stuff, or when to pay bills is really important. A lot of times with ADHD, its hard to think about these little details and so you might often lose things that are needed, like car keys, or glasses, etc. Sometimes you just forget to take off your work ID and see it in the mirror, still attached to you and you just take it off there and put in on the sink. The following morning you can’t find your ID and can’t remember if you left it at work or at least brought it home, and being late, you don’t have time to look for it! Being organized enough to be able to at least put things in the same safe spot everyday will be really helpful.

Lack of Organization

Being able to remember where you put stuff, or when to pay bills is really important. A lot of times with ADHD, its hard to think about these little details and so you might often lose things that are needed, like car keys, or glasses, etc. Sometimes you just forget to take off your work ID and see it in the mirror, still attached to you and you just take it off there and put in on the sink. The following morning you can’t find your ID and can’t remember if you left it at work or at least brought it home, and being late, you don’t have time to look for it! Being organized enough to be able to at least put things in the same safe spot everyday will be really helpful.


Always falling behind on tasks, delaying other tasks until later, missing deadlines or being late all the time could be a sign that you have ADHD. People with ADHD tend to believe that they have more time than they actually do. ADHD sufferers also feel like they can always take care of stuff later or tomorrow. How does the saying go? Don’t Put Off Until Tomorrow, what you can do today…because you’ll forget! J   What a lot of parents teach their kids is the same thing when it comes to following instructions about housework. I hear a lot of parents saying “just do it when I tell you to do it…” When it comes to putting things on your priority list or on your calendar, do it right away, so you don’t forget.


Do you feel like you could use a bigger dose of patience? Folks with ADHD tend to blurt out the answer before the question is asked thinking that they already know, or they have trouble waiting their turn in line or they are interrupting others during convo’s that don’t involve them at all. These may be signs that you have some ADHD tendencies and should check with a professional. If you notice any of these signs in yourself or in others, don’t just run for the hills. You HAVE to look for a bunch of other signs before drawing a conclusion. I’d even recommend talking to someone about how all those signs are affecting your daily life. If you feel like the signs are clear, and they are interfering with your ability to go to work or school, then it may be helpful to discuss it with a professional. Psychiatry.Live has providers who can help walk you through the signs and symptoms and then even talk about treatment options. We can help you figure out if you want to go conventional or holistic in your treatment as well.   Contact us right away.

By Tahir Khwaja MD

Dr. Khwaja is a triple board-certified psychiatrist with training in Nutrition and Ayurvedic Medicine. His specialties include general, child and adolescent, geriatric, integrative and holistic Psychiatry. His unique approach allows him to provide traditional psychiatric treatment alongside natural, medication-free treatment tailored to the unique needs of each person. Dr. Khwaja’s expertise is in treating mood disorders, anxiety disorders, ADHD, eating disorders, psychosis, substance abuse and chronic mental illness. He focuses on addressing the underlying cause helping maintain long-term mental health with the least amount of medication.

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