I’m honored to have Mrs. @hala.halabi.7 , Director @ ICNA Relief Relief Relief who has been an exemplary force in our community empowering women to break free from abusive relationships, build life skills, and find a home when they have nowhere to go.
Join and get inspired to give back to your community. What would you like me to ask Hala Halabi?
Doing this one thing will make you healthier, wealthier and happier
Is there one thing that can make us happy, wealthy and healthy? What if I told you that this one thing can bring about amazing changes in every aspect of your life, whether it is at work, or in your relationship or how you feel about yourself. It is…optimism. When you...
Sorry but i dont know why people who dont have good money are not having excess to good health. As you mentioned that she couldnt buy organic juice. How is your health not a priority. It always is
MashAllaha unbelievable
Masha Allah… Truly inspiring
Maa shaa Allah
How I wish a foundation like this is in Nigeria
The massanger of Allah says:
خیر کم خیر کم اللہ و انا خیر کم لاہلی
The best among you is who is best for his wife and I am best of you to my wife
Jazakallah Khair
True sister its a bitter truth we hear & see a lot of them suffering. May Allah make way & ease their pain. Aameen
Rafat Fakih
God bless you both great ladies
ماشالله ماشالله
Salam alaykom my sister
Ayat Sharaf Hajar Helen Dekker
May Allah peace and blessing be upon you my dear sister
Mashallah true topic
اسلام عيكم ورحمة الله وبركاته my Dear sister janham
Yes! Maa Shaa Allah Tabarakallah
Can they help online?
Great question
I want to attend
Is it online
Yes it’s a great opportunity for teens to help out MashaALLAH – they can be encouraged to volunteer/ do community service as part of CAS for IBDP programs, for college applications. If we can just get our teens there under any pretext they will then reap the real rewards within.
You two look alike so much
May Allah reward your all efforts and grant you happiness and good health to carry on such wonderful work.
السلام عليكم ورحمةالله وبركاته
MashaALLAH such heart warming and inspiring stories, may ALLAH reward you sister. We can never underestimate the multitude of ways we can help others through donations, zakat, volunteering. Such a beautiful effort MashaALLAH.
Suzan Barakat Thank you so much habibti! She’s doing an amazing job mashaAllah!
Can you send the link here
Mashallah sisters , wish u more success. May Allah reward u
it is so amazing what we are capable of when given love and support, a healthy place to grow.
Asalam alykum sisters, very good session and inspiring one.
Assalamu Alaikum
From Bangladesh
May Allah bless you immensely for bringing hope to women’s lives.
Transitional housing MashaAllah helped her transition
MashaAllah sister Hala!
Welcome mam
Jasmine Jane
Parveen Ali
Assalaamu’alaykum from Oregon
Asalam alykum warahmatullah wabarakatuh
Assalamu Alaikkum v v
Assalamalaikum wr wbr
Asalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuhu mam