Add this ingredient to your life and your life will be so much sweeter! – Haleh Banani | M.A. Clinical Psychology

Add this ingredient to your life and your life will be so much sweeter!

by | Mar 26, 2021 | Holistic Health and Wellbeing | 16 comments

If you add this one ingredient into your life, it will be so much sweeter. Wondering what it is? Read on to find out.

All of us are going through many challenges in our professional and personal lives. Life can get demanding and difficult. This just adds to the pressure and stress that we experience daily, making our anxiety levels skyrocket. We are sometimes too focused on what is going wrong that we end up being in a constant state of worry.

So what’s the missing ingredient in our lives? How can we make our lives fulfilling and happy? When you add this secret ingredient to your life, your perspective will change. It will bring joy to your life as you’ve never known before.

And…that is adding a dash of humor.

If you add humor to your life, you will see a significant change in your outlook on every experience that comes your way. I understand that there are so many things that require us to be serious, but there are times when you should look at things with a sense of humor. If you’re able to crack a joke with your family members and laugh at yourself, you will begin enjoying the sweetness that you have been yearning for.

Stop Being Critical:

Most of the time, we’re too critical of ourselves, our spouses, or our children. When combined with too much seriousness, we will end up cracking under pressure and become miserable. However, humor can be the most powerful tool to relieve the stress that you are going through. It is an excellent coping mechanism. The objective here is to poke fun at yourself, not at those around you, because it may rub off wrongly when you try to make fun of your spouse or your children. However, laughing at yourself and not taking yourself too seriously can lighten up the atmosphere in your home and make everyone feel relaxed and content. When this happens, you will see a drastic change in the behavior of your family members. They will be willing to do things that please you. They will try to correct the wrongs.

Studies and research on cancer patients have shown that when they watch comedy shows on television, it affects the way their body functions. They have more white blood cells that are known to fight illnesses and diseases! Humor changes their mindset allowing them to have a more positive outlook towards life. Positivity and mental peace are critical in helping cancer patients fight their disease, and humor has the power to do all that and more!

When you laugh and have fun, your body releases dopamine. These are called feel-good hormones because they make you feel good! At the Mindful Hearts Academy, I help my clients look at life through a positive lens. I make them take a very mundane event and make it humorous. When you consciously try to find and add humor to your life, you will automatically seek what you are looking for. When you go looking for sadness, you will invariably find sadness, because your mind subconsciously searches for that which you spend your energy thinking about.

When you try to turn mundane things in your life into joy and laughter, the stress and tension that’s building in your mind will decrease. When you are stressed and tense, even a small word or action from others can trigger a disproportionate reaction from your end.

Have you seen how some people radiate good vibes, positivity, serenity, and peace wherever they go? These are people who know how to prioritize and seek joy in little things. We are naturally attracted and drawn towards such people. We want to be surrounded by them.

On the contrary, if you have someone who is constantly complaining or feeling down, we just try to avoid them because their negative energy drains us out as well. Therefore, don’t be this person. Be the person who spreads joy and good vibes.

Try to look at the bright things in life. Lightheartedness builds resilience. I teach my clients to build resilience at the Mindful Hearts Academy. You can be resilient and tough no matter how difficult your life gets or how many struggles you have to go through. It’s all in your mind. For example, when your perfectly baked cake faces a disaster, don’t let it spoil your mood. Let go and laugh it off because your bad mood will not fix the cake, right?

You have to stay strong in your struggle because we’re all struggling in one way or another. There is not a person that I know that is not struggling either in their marriage, with their kids financially, emotionally or psychologically. Everybody has their tests and trials, and it has to do with how you take this test and how you channel it. At the Mindful Hearts Academy, I teach you how to deal with your struggles, overcome them and not let them hit your rock bottom. I teach you step-by-step how to be more resilient, how to deal with loss, and how to deal with struggle. So not only will you not fall apart, but you will emerge from it even stronger than before.

Check our Mindful Hearts Academy section:

At the end of the day, what matters is how we lived our lives in a way that Allah likes. We cannot face this Dunya all by ourselves, so let’s lift each other and be a source of support and strength for each other. Let’s pass on the positivity and optimism to make it through life.

For further guidance, you can find some free courses and content on how to enhance your marriage. Also, you can download a free PDF from the website to benefit from it, Insha’Allah.


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  1. Dawlat Barwani

    That’s good advice! I hope I can make it up. Thanks

  2. Zubeida Ottley

    Assamu’Aleikum Wahrematullahi Wabrakatuh to all the sisters and brothers.

  3. Lavinia Manuell

    I struggle to register as it is not accepting my email to activate.

  4. Lavinia Manuell

    Salaam everyone please make Dua for me for guidance as I need Allah to show me what I need to do

  5. Mahnoor Khan

    Mashallah..we have a great teacher

  6. Nazia Suri

    Definitely would love some help

  7. Tahirah Muslimah

    Mashaa’Allah Beautiful community

  8. Mai Mostafa

    Well said 🤍🤍

  9. Mai Mostafa

    السلام عليكم Salam alikom 🤍

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