Are you feeling drained, exhausted and down all the time? – Haleh Banani | M.A. Clinical Psychology

Are you feeling drained, exhausted and down all the time?

by | Feb 24, 2021 | Islamic Psychology and Spirituality | 25 comments

Have you been constantly feeling drained, exhausted, sluggish, and just feeling tired all the time? You might wonder why am sleepy all the time and might want to blame the pandemic or having to deal with kids staying at home all the time or the never-ending chores. But what if I told you that the cause of tiredness could actually be due to the type of food you’re consuming? 

Food and its effects:

The food that you consume has a huge impact on your energy levels. It has a direct impact on how you’re feeling inside. It affects your mood and the way your brain functions. Wondering how? Read on. 

Be aware:

Being aware and thoughtful about what you put in your mouth can be a complete game-changer. If, for example, you are consuming foods that are gluten-rich, you will feel a certain level of fatigue and sleepiness. This can lead to brain fog and prevent you from feeling activated and energetic. Foods that have high amounts of sugar can directly impact your gut health by decreasing your immunity tolerance and making you more susceptible to viruses and bad bacteria. Increased sugar intake will also have a direct effect on your mood. 

I have a free Facebook group, “Get healthy with Haleh” that’s open for everyone to join. We have nutritionists and experts who help you plan your diets with tips and advice to follow on a daily basis. Last week, we discussed elimination diets in the group, where you cut out on a certain type of food to see if it has a positive or negative effect on your overall well-being and health.

Unexplained aches and pains:

Many people suffer from unexplained aches and pains, coupled with anxiety and feeling exhausted all the time, but have no idea what could be causing this in the first place. The food you consume could be the main reason for this! And, you know what? You don’t have to suffer like this forever. Understanding the effect of foods on your body can change the way you live and thrive. 

I used to constantly suffer from lethargy and inflammation, and later on realized that my body is lactose intolerant so cutting out on milk, cheese, and other dairy products turned out to be a game-changer. I felt so much more energetic and healthy. 

Sweet tooth:

Cutting down on sugar is the hardest thing for most people. We have consumed sugar directly or indirectly forever, so we find it literally impossible to cut down on sugars and sweeteners. However, you have plenty of healthy and tasty substitutes, which you wouldn’t have found a few decades ago. Try searching for these substitutes include them in your diet and see the significant changes it brings to your life. 

Join the “Get healthy with Haleh” Facebook page where you’ll get advice, tips, and scientifically-backed strategies to help you live a healthy and meaningful life. Our health is an Amanah from Allah and we must make sure we take care of it. Therefore, arming yourself with the right knowledge is the first step to understanding the rights and wrongs in our diet. This Facebook page will help you with all this and more. 

During the pandemic, many people have been resorting to eating junk food gaining weight, and letting themselves go. The real objective of creating this group during this time is to be a source of support and encouragement for the sisters during a very difficult time. Let us resolve to live a healthy and energetic lifestyle, in a manner that pleases Allah inshaAllah. 

You need not bring about drastic changes all at once. Working on one single aspect and mastering it before taking the next step will bring about consistent results. The key is to take small steps that are consistent rather than trying too many things all at once and getting exhausted even before you can see the results. 

For further guidance, you can find some free courses and content on how to enhance your marriage. Also, you can download a free PDF from the website to benefit from it, Insha’Allah.


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  1. Shihab Mohamed

    علاج الشعور بالامور دي

  2. Igshaan Abrahams

    Shukr sis I’m from cape Cape town

  3. Afifa Rashidzada

    MashaAllah sister you always look happy and beautiful. Your outfits are Always beautiful MashaAllah

  4. Zohra Khan

    Jazakallah khairun kaseera for the information I feel like that exhausted, sleepy, I like it.

  5. Zamina Karim


  6. Soraya Khan

    Assalaamu alaykum wr wb all

  7. Aminat Adebayo

    Wa alykum salaam waramotulahi wabarakahtul everyone

  8. Aminat Adebayo

    Asalaam alykum waramotulahi wabarakahtul sis Haleh and everyone

  9. Sikander Sonia

    Aslamoalaikum hope that you are doing well and safe

  10. Suzan Barakat

    Please join our beautiful, healthy community sisters!

    • Haleh Banani

      Suzan Barakat thanks habibti! Glad you were able to tune in

      • Suzan Barakat

        Haleh Banani me too sweetie!

  11. Mai Mostafa


  12. Suzan Barakat

    Please join our healthy community:

  13. Shahnaz Bano

    اَلسَلامُ وَعَلَيْكُم وَرَحْمَةُ اَللهِ وَبَرَكاتُهُ

  14. Amanda Davids

    Asalamleykum wa barakatehu sis

  15. Um Amal

    Assalamu alaykum

  16. Narema Ali

    Assalam walaykum warahmatullahi wabarakatu

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