Book Review: In Search Of A Holy Land: A Muslim Memoir by Lauren Booth – Haleh Banani | M.A. Clinical Psychology

Book Review: In Search Of A Holy Land: A Muslim Memoir by Lauren Booth

by | Oct 25, 2021 | Holistic Health and Wellbeing | 8 comments

If you’re looking for adventure, insight, and enlightenment, you’ve got to read Lauren Booth’s new book “In Search of a holy land, a Muslim memoir.”

Lauren is a friend and colleague whom I respect and admire greatly, masha’Allah. I’ve had the pleasure of working with her on multiple occasions.

She is an amazing storyteller and the fact that she’s recorded this book in her own voice, makes me feel like I’m spending time with a dear friend as she shares her riveting story with me on my daily walks, her book is about her journey as a young girl, the daughter of an actor, a gregarious and unpredictable man who motivated her to become a fiercely independent woman and a journalist searching for the truth in current events and the ultimate truth.

Her perspective of coming into Islam will warm your heart and will fill you with deep optimism. Inshallah, each chapter will give you a deeper understanding of her strong and charismatic personality, and you will long to find out what happens next. Make sure you order your copy of “In Search of a holy land, a Muslim memoir.” by Lauren Booth to be inspired.


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  1. Samina Fiaz

    I’m currently reading it and am loving it!

  2. Munira Elhassan

    ما شاء الله تبارك الله

  3. Feroza Kamran

    JazakaAllah khair for sharing your review. Definitely I will read .

  4. Roda Omar

    I met sister Lauren personally allahuma barik amazing individual she made me improve myself in my deen more her book is highly recommended you would want to read it again

  5. Nadia Hawa

    Ooh how sweet that you did a review, I cannot wait to read this InshaAllah! I love listening to Lauren Booth, the audio must be amazing to hear her own story told her her! Very exciting!

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