Heal emotional and spiritual wounds with this powerful psychological tool! – Haleh Banani | M.A. Clinical Psychology

Heal emotional and spiritual wounds with this powerful psychological tool!

by | Nov 6, 2020 | Islamic Psychology and Spirituality | 74 comments

Heal emotional and spiritual wounds with this powerful psychological tool!


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  1. Kaukab Akbar

    Alhamdolillah the real practice of Islam

  2. Fatma Karakaya

    so grateful to listen to you

  3. Aissatou Bah

    Are you in the USA

  4. Nini Soe

    Vitamin AG! Advanced Gratitude

  5. Amal Kawas

    Gazak allah kol kheir

  6. Munira Khan

    Salaams hope u wel may allah gves u good heth wealth n happiness ameen summa ameen very wel said

  7. Viry Garcia

    What a beautiful video!! SubhanAllah it made me realize to be thankful for what I have… jazak allahu khair sis Haleh Banani May Allah reward you immensely

  8. Syeda Huma Naveed

    Allah swt wants us to be grateful.

  9. Kemi Balogun

    May Allah reward you for your work! Ameen

  10. Lubna Zaidi

    JazakAllah khyrun sister
    What is the website called that you were mentioning towards the end of sisterhood to sign up..
    Sorry I couldn’t understand the name .
    Thank you

  11. Noor Moussawi

    Muchhhhhhh needed video

  12. Noor Moussawi

    Alhamdulilah for you sister. Honestly!

  13. Noor Moussawi

    Your words sister are like a lifesaver in this sea of tears. May Allah bless you

  14. Noor Moussawi

    Alhamdulilah kama Huwa ahluh الحمد لله كما هو اهله May Allah make us of the advanced grateful ppl

  15. Noor Moussawi

    You are a God send

  16. Noor Moussawi

    May God bless you for you such useful and respectful and amazing advise.

  17. Noor Moussawi

    Missing your beautiful face sister so much you have no idea. Plz keep me in your beautiful Du’a

  18. Umi Salmah

    Aqlili Azizi miker ke ni

  19. Lina Kad

    Nada Dewdrop

  20. Lina Kad

    Manar Asham
    Salam Dark
    Danah Bakir
    Manar Bakir

  21. Hanan Zibian

    May god bless your wisdom words dear

  22. Fouziya Sk

    Pls dua for my family n myself

  23. DrYasmeenzadi Chamanshaik

    how do you forgive a spouse who has cheated..it feels how could he or she do it in a marriage.

  24. Mehar Fatimah

    Assalmualicum WRWB.
    Very true, be happy what you we have Allahumdulliallah

  25. Chand Sultana

    Is there a way can I contact you?

  26. Binte Hawaa

    Please check your inbox sister Haleh

  27. Seema Samie

    Jzk so much … sooo beneficial

  28. Fairouz Albertus

    Alhamdulillah I’ve made the change in mindset a few years ago nd nits been working wonders I trust in Allah’s plan for me, good nd bad. It’s been a wonderful transformation with great results alhamdulillah

    • Haleh Banani

      Fairouz Albertus Excellent mashaAllah

  29. Nazia Fathima

    This is true . Each word she says is true

  30. Yilmaz Dursun

    Selamun Aleykum dear sister

  31. Janice Maria

    I have said this for over 46 years always be grateful and develop the attitude of gratitude and I’ll be 67 in a matter of days this is the truth and you are the most blessed beautiful psychologist I have ever had the pleasure to know

    • Haleh Banani

      Janice Maria mashaAllah for your wisdom! May Allah bless you & an early happy birthday to you! Thank you for your sweet words. I really appreciate it! I’m a faith-based counselor

  32. Janice Maria

    Salaam dear sister

  33. Muhammad Soomro

    ARE you psychotic psychotrat

  34. Elize Mahomed

    Alhumdullilah.. So so true.i keep my faith nd is gratefull. shukr Allah

  35. Lina Hussein

    I’ve been practising the gratitude mindset for a while now and this is the first time l hear of the term advanced gratitude; Vitamin G

    Advanced gratitude is when an individual can deeply reflect on an event in their life and name the learning or development that was beneficial to them.

    Empowering Haleh

    • Haleh Banani

      لينا حسين Alhamdulillah that you benefitted from the lesson!

  36. Saba Zanib

    Plz pray for me I am going through so much hardships

    • Haleh Banani

      Saba Zanib May Allah ease your heart.

      • Somalia Somalia

        Haleh Banani
        Amin Ya allah

  37. Kishwar Sheikh

    Ur beautiful sister haleh and so is your inner self. I am so grateful to be learning from you. Alhumdulillah and yes just recently I have realised that if I did not have the tests I have today I never would have seen my own mistakes and wrongdoings. This is all happening for my own tarbiyah. My Rab is doing this hor my benefit so now I do not breakdown as much as before i am optimistic and have reliance in Allah.

    • Haleh Banani

      Kishwar Sheikh Thank you so much! Alhamdulillah you realize this. It’s empowering!

  38. Barea Fawaz

    Wa alikum assalam sister Hala

  39. Fathima Zahan

    So true and so empowering

  40. Lamyaa Aly

    Sarah Ahmed ElRawy

    • Haleh Banani

      Lindie Wheeler Gibbs Thank you sweetie!

  41. Reshma Khan

    You are so right gratitude is our food for soul.

  42. Janice Maria

    Yes! Nourish ourselves

  43. Janice Maria

    Such gratitude for you! Alhumdililah

    • Haleh Banani

      Janice Maria That’s sweet! Thank you!

  44. Amna Jamil

    R u doctor???

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