How To Cope With Anxiety | Interview With Dr. Tahir Khwaja – Haleh Banani | M.A. Clinical Psychology

How To Cope With Anxiety | Interview With Dr. Tahir Khwaja

by | Nov 4, 2020 | Islamic Psychology and Spirituality | 55 comments

How To Cope With Anxiety
With Integrative Psychiatrist Dr. Tahir Khwaja, MD!

Dr. Khwaja @tahirnk is a triple-board certified psychiatrist with 17 years of experience in the diagnosis and treatment of mental disorders in adults and children of all ages.
His board certifications include integrative psychiatry, focusing on ayurvedic medicine, giving him a unique approach that combines modern medicine with proven holistic methods.
His treatment focuses on the underlying causes to help maintain long-term mental health with as few meds as possible.


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  1. Nadia Elabed

    Do you treat kids with Autism

  2. Nadia Elabed

    What city is he in ?

  3. Mohd Salim


  4. Shazia Hamid

    Good to listen ,very good topic .

  5. Karen Katoot

    JAK for this webinar!

  6. Havva Ergene

    My sister in islam is suffering big time please answer

  7. Havva Ergene

    How do you cope with husband that doesn’t appreciate you and always makes you feel guilty even when your kids catch cold?

  8. Fathima Sheik Mohideen

    Beautiful fresh feeling…with tea,aroma,sunshine,..beautiful senses Alhamdulillah..

  9. Fathima Sheik Mohideen

    Memorising or reading Quran has helped ma a lot in releasing negativity and earning lot of positivity

  10. Fathima Sheik Mohideen

    SubhanAllah biggest gift Allah gives us after imaan salah..Alhamdulillah

  11. Fathima Sheik Mohideen

    Mindful in our salah and conversing with Allah inside or outside salah has helped me a lot

  12. Fathima Sheik Mohideen

    Exercise,food and behaviour check up.are very important..with conscious behaviour

  13. Zeinab Qulatein

    JazakAllah khari for very beneficial advice given. I really enjoyed it.

  14. Samar Siddiqui

    JazakAllahkhair, loved this most beneficial discussion .

  15. Amy Sahar Shishefar

    what city is he in im in fort worth tx i need autism diagnosis

  16. Nadia Jacobs

    Why my eyes tear up all the time …
    I feel like crying

  17. Tanjina Nasrin

    What are your thoughts about sertraline or SSRIs?

  18. Judi Loz

    Alhamdulillah I live with that, everything its temporal. And that all test are to make us better and Allah knows best. To always say Alhamdulillah has helped me.

  19. Anita Alvarez

    Jazakallahukhair for the blessing of all your information, May Allah (swt) Reward you Immensely.Ameen

  20. Seema Samie

    Absolutely I agree so thankful for all that information

  21. Nancy Mt

    is that a good idea to do to try to know why am i being depressed

  22. Huda Kazi Gunchee

    Assalamu alaikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuh.

    Any advice for a wife who is over possessive about her husband and kids and always has negative thoughts/ doubts and negative reactions when her husband talks to females, even if it’s work related.

    JazakAllah khair.

  23. Nancy Mt

    A question so you think if i or any individual want to see if depression is caused because of lack of Eman maybe to know i’d to see am i displeasing Allah in any of his commands so if the answer is No then i might have a imbalance mental disorders

  24. Saima Zakir

    I’m quietly trying to deal with my sister in law going through the last stages of cancer. It’s so difficult to deal with the anxiety. Its been abit sudden as we thought she was getting better. Just the thought of her going through so much pain is really hard. I’m still trying to stay positive and pray for her shifa but at the same time asking Allah to give her ease as the reality of what may happen is also important too.

  25. Tahira Asaf Ali

    Loved it – advices+Quran+ Hadeeth. Ma sha Allah.

  26. Mima Baker

    Jazakum Allahu khair just got a new job and been anxious , Alhamdulillah for this discussion I feel much better will definitely practice these remedies oftenly

  27. Seema Samie

    Jzk … so much

  28. Zekije Amicelli

    Natural Remedies for anxiety: Exercise.
    Relaxation exercises (progressive muscle relaxation, 4-7-8 breathing exercise…).
    Writing and Art.
    Time Management.
    Aroma Therapy (e.g. lavender, mint).
    Herbal Tea.
    Supplements (talk to your physician about it).
    Acts of Selflessness: Volunteering, Time with animals (therapeutic animals).

  29. Saima Zakir

    SubhanAllah that’s really good sister that you can get on at home and leave the thoughts of all the stories of peoples problems at work. That’s got to be real hard and take lots of effort.

  30. Mariam Maryamti

    Wear sunglasses when on ur phone or watching tv before bed, wind down one our before and also dont eat close to bedtime-3 hours no food before bed is good

  31. Tahira Asaf Ali

    What about primrose oil sort of things

  32. Zuha Ehsan

    1) Daily walking of 10,000 steps 2) Meditation & mindfulness 3) Deep breathing exercise preferably 4,7,8 rule( breath for 4 sec. , hold breath for 7 sec., exhale in 8 sec) 4) Muscle relaxation exercise 5) Painting freely/ expressing through art 6) Writing a forgiveness letter (just write, don’t send) 7) Aroma therapy 8) Herbal tea (if suitable) 9) Spending time in nature 10) Listening tilawat e Quran preferably ayat e sakina & Surah Ar Rahman 11) Time management 12) Taking care of humans, animals, birds, e.t.c. 13) Volunteer work 14) Praying 5 times a day, making dua’s especially subah shaam azkaar 15) Positive self talk Jazaki Allah kher.

  33. Fatima Zb

    May Allah grant Ajhar and Blessings for you and your family

  34. Zuha Ehsan

    Assalam u alaikum wrwb ! sis @Haleh banani

  35. Fatima Zb

    Excersise spiritually and physically

    • Astrid Tamim

      What you mean to exercise spirituallly?

  36. Fatima Zb

    Release !

  37. Mariam Maryamti

    Restorative yoga is also good for anxiety

  38. Mariam Maryamti

    Cured my depression by healing my gut and probiotics fermented and raw food, im in my 30s and had depression since i was a teen

    • Fathima Shezneen

      How did you do this? Love to hear more.

  39. Seema Ahmed

    As muslims, we often say just pray and make duaa or you are not praying enough and being a good muslim. Shaitaan attacking you or your iman is weak. What would you recommend we address these thinking? What does Islam say about mental health issues?

  40. Fatima Zb

    Extremely “scheduled”

  41. Yilmaz Dursun

    Salamun Alaıkum*

  42. Fatima Zb

    Jazakhula for our own Muslim psychiatrist encouraging holistic approaches

  43. Yilmaz Dursun

    Salamun Alaıkım

  44. Mima Baker

    Asalam alaikom warahmatullahi wabarakatuh

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