Is Your Marriage Over When Your Spouse Says they Don’t Love You? – Haleh Banani | M.A. Clinical Psychology

Is Your Marriage Over When Your Spouse Says they Don’t Love You?

by | Jan 3, 2022 | Love and Intimacy, Relationship & Marriage Advice | 16 comments

Is Your Marriage Over When Your Spouse Says they Don’t Love You? —- Free Class – Register Now <>> 5 Proven Ways To Save Marriages Learn 5 Simple Steps To Transform Your Relationship Even If You Are The Only One Working On It <>>

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  1. Aa'ishah HuZayn

    Wats the dua sister told can done write it in English plzz

  2. Rakhshan Shamim

    Why if we are not doing wrong and some body always think I am perfect and find always some thing wrong just like behave mother in law and sister in law relation ship not as a wife or as a husband

  3. Roshan Jappie

    What happens if the man chooses not to communicate..regards everything as a confrontation..filing for divorce after 29yrs

  4. Dana Winsey Mohamed

    Learning is work and many won’t do the needed work

  5. Shabina Shaw Bacchus

    Some just stay in the marriage because of their kids.

  6. Aseel El Arabe

    Wht if the husband move out and didnt want to talk to you his wife becuz of he cheating

    • Haleh Banani

      Aseel El Arabe That’s a different scenario. He needs to recognize what he’s doing is wrong and make amends. The woman can either see that as a deal breaker or make amends.

    • Aseel El Arabe

      Haleh Banani what u say men in islam has more say that woman im u reverted muslim married to u arb men

  7. Mariam Maryamti

    I had no idea it could still be mendable when they say that. You and Laura Doyle have really changed my perspective on marriage barakallahu feeky

    • Haleh Banani

      Mariam Maryamti Alhamdulillah I’m so glad!

  8. Fatima Zahraah Abduraouf

    Assalámu Alaikum Warahmatullaahi Wabarakaatuhu – Subhaan Allah! Is this even a thing? What about companionship and commitment?

    • Haleh Banani

      Fatima Zahraah Abduraouf Sadly it happens all the time.

  9. Hina Aslam

    Absolutely agree

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