
Marriage. That word alone triggers lots of emotions. Some feel excitement others may feel dread. Why are there such mixed emotions about marriage? Maybe it’s because of a lack of role models, lack o…

by | Nov 22, 2022 | Holistic Health and Wellbeing | 1 comment

Marriage. That word alone triggers lots of emotions. Some feel excitement others may feel dread. Why are there such mixed emotions about marriage?

Maybe it’s because of a lack of role models, lack of marriage skills or a lack of education.

The key is to have a positive outlook on marriage and learn from experts and people who have actually had successful, happy marriages.

I’m so excited to come to Cape Town, South Africa inshaAllah December 4th for the Marriage Conference!

These conferences are AMAZING mashaAllah. It will be my 5th time attending and it’s always done with such ihsan and diligence mashaAllah.

There will be 17 speakers from around the globe, counseling, nikkah service and matchmaking. Whether you’re single, married or divorced…you’ll benefit inshaAllah.

Make sure you get your tickets:

By Haleh Banani, M.A.

Haleh Banani holds a Master's degree in Clinical Psychology. A faith-based counselor, life coach, and mental health professional who has served the community since 1998 by saving hundreds of marriages and helping thousands of people around the world overcome their challenges and become the most amazing version of themselves.

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1 Comment

  1. Sadeeq Sadeeq Musa

    Indeed marriage is a great achievement. You can only proof that when you do it with pure heart and absolute knowledge of it it. People tend to face the negative part of it, caused by the procedure they followed in seeking for it, although to some is a test. But indeed there is need of wide orientation before one should engage in it. May Allah ease our affairs.

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