Overcoming loneliness and attaining happiness: 4 relationships to foster – Haleh Banani | M.A. Clinical Psychology

Overcoming loneliness and attaining happiness: 4 relationships to foster

by | Nov 20, 2020 | Islamic Psychology and Spirituality | 44 comments

Overcoming loneliness and attaining happiness: 4 relationships to foster


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  1. Fathima Zahan

    couldn’t agree more! The prophet has said the longer hand is better than the shorter, alhamdulillah

  2. Eshrat Meshkat

    May Allah reward you being there for her

  3. Hamid Hussain

    Please sister put attached me to so we can share it to WhatsApp and messages thank you for your videos you helping a lot

  4. Munira Khan

    Subhana Allah ameen

  5. Wafa Haidar

    Your advice is received and appreciated

  6. Ayesha Cornelius

    Wow..I needed to hear this..shukran for sharing

  7. Alisha Rahman


    What about how to be happy in a relationship that you know will never be successful? I have been married for over 20 years and am with my husband for a variety of reasons (eg kids, parents+societal pressure). Whilst I am financially secure, I am mentally not strong enough to leave as I can’t deal with my kids’ and parents sadness. My husband and I are very different people. We are both good people but very different. We are at a point where we are housemates only. We don’t fight or argue as we know we are past that.

    How do you learn accept this situation and to be happy?

  8. Umme Zayna

    JazakAllah khaira sis

  9. Amira Hafez

    Jazak Allah khairan my dear

  10. Lulu Omar

    Because now days families are just for themselves. Alhamdulilah I’m not lonely . I used to feel it but not anymore. Not after I started my journey in personal development. Alhamdulilah I do my prayers.. I’ve been divorced twice. Got a special needs son. I have been reading and journalling thinking positive changing my mindset. Thnkyou for sharing sis

    • Abida Awan

      Ru Omar Salam sis how did you do this I mean personal Development??

      • Haleh Banani

        Abida Awan if you’re interested in personal development join The Mindful Hearts Academy: http://www.themindfulhearts.com. It’s an intensive program that will transform you inshaAllah.

  11. Tooba Ahmed

    Sid Moobeen

  12. Fatima Zb

    Interesting about Emotional intelligence and your observations, it’s been my experience as well…most do struggle with this

  13. Fatima Zb

    Alhamdulilah and many blessings for you and your family

  14. Fatima Zb

    Fantastic analogy with cell phone charging

  15. Umm Raiyaan

    JazaakALLAH khair sister

  16. Marie Saied

    Asalaam alaykom.

  17. Priscila Di Galvanini

    Sister please talk about food addiction/ overeating. Thanks

  18. Kaukab Akbar

    Jzkk wonderful explanation

  19. Romana Akhtar

    Assalam u a laikum dear Haleh.

  20. Lolo Ouraieth

    Bless you for being there for her

  21. Lolo Ouraieth

    I agree with the disconnection part, but also family members would often have expectations and would react to mental issues confessions with judgment and disappointment or in case they were sympathetic they wouldn’t offer the right type of support
    Just my opinion

  22. Janice Maria

    So well said. I am always trying to reach out to others bringing hope and encouraging them and I run several groups and I’m constantly trying to uplift other people but to get them to participate or to even acknowledge any goodness it’s like pulling teeth. I live completely alone I am in a facility where we are always stage one or two because of the Covid granted I’m very functional and independent but because of some very rare and unusual diseases I am stuck in the situation right now I live alone I eat alone we basically are locked up in our apartments. But I find ways around that I’m very contemplative I can pray for hours and I will spend hours uplifting and bringing hope to others may be a few people do it in return but not too much. Our hope is in the Lord our creator

  23. دليلة لعشب

    She is like Yasmin
    Follow her…. Amazing

    Farouk Tarek
    Имаиё Зеффан
    Larry Andradi
    Amina Hope

    • Farouk Tarek

      دليلة لعشب

      نعم اتابعها

      • Farouk Tarek

        شكرا على اشارتك

        • Имаиё Зеффан

          دليلة لعشب thanks for the Tag sister…. I will since you’re the one recommending her

          • دليلة لعشب

            Имаиё Зеффан
            إيمان كي تقوليلي هكذا اقسم بالله نطير بالفرحة …لأن انتي هي اللي نستفاد منها و انتي هي الكوتش و انتي هي اللي نشاورها في كل كبيرة و صغيرة و كل شى هههههههههه …

            أنا لست سوى قطرات من العلم مقارنة بك

            لوووووف يوووووووو عراااااااامات …و مثل تواضعك لم أرى اطلاقا

          • Имаиё Зеффан

            دليلة لعشب Thanks my beloved sister … I love you even mooo..re … May you always shine brighter to enlighten the world with your warm-heartedness, cheerfulness and success spirit ….. Ameen You’re Great my dear Inspiring Life Coach

          • Amina Hope

            دليلة لعشب

  24. Hasna Boukhlija

    Salam u alaykum, you are a beautiful person, I love you for the sake of Allah

  25. Janice Maria

    You’re beautiful and lovely MashaAllah

  26. Fatim Kaba

    Salam alaikum sister

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