Sisters, this is for you! Watch until the end. – Haleh Banani | M.A. Clinical Psychology

Sisters, this is for you! Watch until the end.

by | Mar 29, 2021 | Holistic Health and Wellbeing | 45 comments

Sisters, this is for you! Watch until the end.


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  1. Nasreen Ali

    In a minute

  2. Faria Abduallah

    Beautiful handwritting, simple…

  3. Ria Manjoor


  4. Sahar Ammar Alawi

    When is going to be the second course because ramadan coming

  5. Anna Pettersson

    Marchallah . Anchallah bless you.

  6. Jenaba Jalloh

    I need more information how to join

  7. Jenaba Jalloh

    Assalamou alaikoum my sister I’m interested

  8. لمياء ام يحيي

    مع احترامي الشديد للاستادة. بس قراءة سورة البقرة يوميا فيها راحة نفسية و قناعة بالذات و هاي عن تجربة شخصية و الحمدلله عل نعمة الاسلام و معجزتنا القران الكريم

  9. Munira Khan

    Wow masha Allah ameen

  10. Ma Ria

    Ubax Xassan

  11. Reham Darwish

    شكلك اوي يا طنط
    Maysa Eweda

  12. Waliya Javed

    Pls tell how to join and how can we pay we are from pakistan if i want to join is their any age limit

  13. Nadia Hawa

    Please contact me if you need some help or have any questions!

    • Nadia Hawa

      Khadija Khan Azmi Do you need some help?

      • Khadija Khan Azmi

        Nadia Hawa ..yes..whenever I am doing payment,it is coming card declined

  14. Linda Buzo

    You are the best love you

  15. Sajida Kazi

    Can’t wait!!

    • Haleh Banani

      Sajida Kazi I’m glad you’re excited!

  16. Reem Adel

    Assalamu Alikum from Egypt can o join the course !!

  17. Amal Zreika

    Snownaj Bella

  18. Zahira Stellenboom

    Assalam u alaikum. @ Haleh Banani. Always watching ur videos. U r so sweet masha Allah. Very inspirational Alhamdulilah.

    • Haleh Banani

      Zahira Stellenboom Wa alaikomos salam, thank you so much!

  19. Sara Yousuf

    Sister is there a similar program for enrolling my teenage son 14 .5 yr

    • Haleh Banani

      Sara Yousuf This is all women’s program. You could join to learn and share the information with him.

  20. Naushaba Akhter

    Assalam u alaikum sisters. Those who are not yet member of Mindful heart academy, and have confusion whether it is worthy of your time, money and effort at this point in life, believe me it is much more beneficial than you could ever imagine.

    In mindful heart academy, each topic is precisely diagnosed and brainstormed in live classes through the mentorship of sister Haleh. It is more engaging, more current issues in our relationship and in life are discussed.

    We all have daily challenges in one way or another, and through the well organized lessons in each phase, you would better able to handle the situations and shape your life in a better way.

    Every lesson incorporate psychological tips linking relevant Quran quotes , so that as a Muslim you never fall into despair. And so many life changing experiences shared by sister Haleh that she she learned in a hard way and with due diligence in her field of expertise, psychology.

    If you consider 11 $ a month as a charity or gift for your own self care , you would get the positive result , positive changes in life too.

    Finally, all lessons are recorded and to support you there are notes for each lesson by volunteer sisters.

    And, there is a Facebook close group for mindful heart academy registered sisters to give more support in a daily basis so that all sisters overcome their daily challenges.

    So please sisters join mindful heart academy , where scope of growing is unlimited. Jazakallah khair

    • Haleh Banani

      Naushaba Akhter MashaAllah I appreciate your beautiful encouragement! Alhamdulillah that you have improved and you see it as a valuable investment! So proud of your progress mashaAllah!

  21. Weam Al Sabbagh

    For how long is this course ?

    • Nadia Hawa

      Weam Al Sabbagh it is ongoing, the learning doesn’t stop! Come and join the partaaay!

      • Haleh Banani

        Weam Al Sabbagh It’s a monthly membership with on going support.

  22. Tanu Abdullah

    Its a life changing opportunity Alhamdulillah i feel greatful that i have been able to join this group from very begining

    • Haleh Banani

      Tanu Abdullah Alhamdulillah that you’ve benefitted and you’ve changed your life.

      This is why I started the program. I want more sisters to be empowered inshaAllah.

  23. Nadia Hawa

    My Google Review from 2019 (I still feel the same!):

    The Mindful Heart, is the most amazing personal development journey you will ever go on! Sister Haleh is extremely professional, thorough and sensitive, she appeals to women from all walks of life as she is relatable and approachable and marries together Psychology and Islam in the most unique way.

    I am learning how to apply Islamic knowledge in the most practical way. I never would have thought I could have gotten so much out of an online course, especially considering the nature of the topics, but it has been designed in such a way to suit anyone, no matter what your responsibilities are, or where you are in the world.

    I am a full time stay at home Mum, and would never have had the opportunity to attend a course like this outside the house while I have young children at home. It is extremely convenient, I can watch live Webinars, or watch recordings at my leisure when I am unable to attend.

    Sister Haleh is very responsive to any live questions that may appear during the sessions, and she patiently takes the time to go through and respond to as many as possible. Each Webinar I attend, I feel blown away by the content and the great lengths Sister Haleh and her team go to, to deliver a very well thought out presentation that makes difficult concepts so much easier to grasp, with very practical and realistic advice.

    Each week, I am left thinking ‘this was the best session’, because it just keeps getting better and better! Thursday is officially my new favourite day of the week!

    But it doesn’t end there. There is ongoing support throughout the week (from Sister Haleh as well as other members) via the private Facebook group (The Mindful Hearts FB group), and the membership website. Those who are usually afraid to speak openly about struggles or challenges, finally feel that there is a safe space and are not afraid to be vulnerable. It is a very supportive community, and there is no space for negativity within the group.

    I have only attended 4 live Webinars, and I already feel that my life is changing for the better. My family are seeing changes in me already, this feels like a real sense of empowerment, and I feel inner strength that I have never felt in my entire life! I feel better prepared to deal with the challenges life throws at me, I want to improve myself and be a better Muslim, a better wife, a better mother and just generally a better person.

    I am gaining a tremendous amount of confidence in myself – I don’t want this journey to ever end!

    • Haleh Banani

      Nadia Hawa Love your sincere testimony! Thank you! Alhamdulillah you believe in The Mindful Hearts Academy with such intensity!

      MashaAllah you’ve impressed me with your progress!

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